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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Status Updates posted by cruel-crucible

  1. "Bodil" is such a stupid name for a storm/hurricane. Storms/hurricanes are stupid as well.

    1. bonsaijodelfisch


      well, ours is called "Xaver"... sounds either like a classy sci-fi-supervillain or a nazi inbred bastard-child

    2. cruel-crucible


      HAHAHA. Sweden beat us all, "Sven" is a cool name :<

  2. Been gone for a while, but I'm back with some goodies for everyone... if they haven't been shared yet, that is.

    1. nick


      Welcome back! <3

    2. cruel-crucible


      Thank you~! I'll get to ripping ASAP~

  3. Finally might've found someone who'd go to Copenhell with me yey

  4. FOCUS in FLAC is 362MB so it's gonna take a while :/

    1. nick


      /me is waiting excitedly.

    2. cruel-crucible


      I'm doing 失翼????域 first, so you'll have something to entertain yourself with while you wait for FOCUS, haha.

  5. Have you ever been so baffled by a person's behavior/words that you truly had no idea whether they were joking or being 100% serious? And if the latter was the case, there was probably something seriously wrong with the person? Like, seriously. Seriously. Wrong.

    1. Tetora


      Everyone is broken, I just got used to it.

    2. Thedane


      Not too unfamiliar with that feeling.

  6. I passed the terrible Japanese oral exam. Now I can get hyped for tomorrow's TURISAS gig~

  7. I'm gonna see Amon Amarth tomorrow asdfghjkl is this a dream

    1. Champ213


      w00t! Have fun!

    2. cruel-crucible


      I will I know I will this is gonna be perfect

  8. I'm slowly starting to enjoy the latest TURISAS album WHAT IS HAPPENING OMG

  9. I'm so hyped up by the Amon Amarth concert I just came from that I don't even feel like listening to DIAURA's FOCUS now D:

  10. So my order with DIAURA's Focus has been shipped YAY

    1. nick
    2. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      it's really fast, my Lustknot's cd didn't shipped yet T_T

  11. So, TESO beta test this weekend. And Sochi ice hockey the next. Busy weekends ;A;

  12. Thanks for pointing out the sampling rate, I forgot to change it after ripping DVDs. I'm working on 44.1 kHz rips, so you guys be patient. A RevleZ PV has to finish uploading first.

    1. nick


      No problem! I like your uploads and will look forward to them. :3

  13. There, you won't see me upload anything for a long while.

  14. What is this rumor that Paul Walker is actually NOT dead? I want it to be true, but it feels like BS

  15. Why am I playing Tomb Raider II instead of revising Japanese vocab

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Tokage


      which part of the original ps1 series was the one with dinosaurs again? i used to play that together with my mom when i was like 9 or something

    3. CaRaN


      I think it was the first one maybe?

    4. cruel-crucible


      Yup, that's the very first one, though there were two dinosaurs in TR II as well

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