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Posts posted by maki.filth

  1. Here is my tattoo.

    It's my memory of Kazuki-kun from Raphael.


    I really like this! The simplicity is really nice to me. I personally usually like complex tattoos so its always nice to see a nice small one that has meaning behind it and isn't just a stupid little heart outline or something silly.

    This is my pride and joy. It's the start of my sleeve and tribute to my best friend who died at the end of August.


    And of course my lovely Harley Quinn, because I'm a nerd.


    These are my two favorites. :staru:

  2. It doesn't hurt on your arm at all. It get's annoying near the wrist and closer to the armpit. My last one on my upper arm was probably the most comforting 4 hours of my life.

    In my opinion I think the lining is the worst part. It all also depends on your artist, if they have a heavy hand its going to just hurt, if your artist has a light hand it won't be as bad at all.

    As of right now I have 10 tattoos and working on the design for my sleeve and a chest piece.

  3. Emiru - shidoro modoro :staru:


    Not quite finished. Don't care. Hair didn't bleach properly.

    Originally was going to do toumei ningen but my hair isn't quite long enough so that's going to wait until Ohayocon.

    This made me hate false lashes. Two pairs on the top lid is not comfortable.

  4. Sometimes I can't handle 10 listens. I think i have it stashed away on my computer somewhere. So I'll find it and try again.

    and no no it wasn't an accident on his part. The kid did it on purpose because I pushed him out of my way after asking him to move several times while I was carrying a heavy ass head for my boyfriend who was busy with an amp. Technically in the end it was in self defense.

  5. Hmm, maybe I should give it a listen again. I occasionally don't give things a chance. I generally don't like change.

    LOL fucking ninjas. Sorry that was amusing to me. Nothing pisses me off more than those kids since I got kicked in the back of the head by one, but it's ok, whooped his ass and then he got kicked out of the venue because I knew the owner.

  6. I really thought they could have done so much better on the last one, but it is a matter of opinion.

    Personally I like moshing since I've been into the punk scene around here since I was like 13, and grew up listening to it. I really really hate that hardcore dancing shit though, I don't mind getting pushed around but getting kicked in the back of the head because some little douchey kids think they look cool pisses me right off. Punk kids like to mosh, and about 98% of the people at that show were punks. So it was just weird to be told "don't do this". Again a matter of opinion or preference I guess.

    But same thing goes for my boyfriends band, if people start hardcore dancing they will stop playing and just walk away because that shits not cool.

  7. l_61bc4be0a92640bd2bada78dff46ebfd.jpg

    FALL OF EFRAFA (2005 - 2009) was an atmospheric post hardcore band influenced by the mythological and political overtones in the book "Watership Down" by Richard Adams. A concept project, a trilogy of records known collectively as "The Warren Of Snares" - Owsla, Elil and Inlé. The narrative follows an iron age society oppressed by a theocratic rule, dying at the hands of ignorant ideology, their struggle to overcome both physical and mental hardship and to strike out against the ultimate enemy, the encroachment of man.

    The band made their final live performance on Saturday 5th December 2009.




    I saw them in a basement in Columbus once. I really really love this band, but when they were like "oh respect each others personal space please and by that we mean no moshing BLAH BLAH BLAH", they pissed everyone off. We all know mindless headbanging is not satisfying whilst at a crust show in a basement.

    Anywho, Owsla and Elil lp make my ears tingle with delight but their last release Inlé sucked hard. Disappointed me.

    Anyone else like them? Or even heard of them?

  8. This is actually pretty awesome.

    Ah thanks so much! It took me like 3-4 months to make the entire costume. I'm pretty sure my blood is on it from studding and stabbing myself while hand sewing some parts. I just recently realized I never the retarded detail on the back of the jacket so it's not on mine at all. I got really mad when I realized it but I'm not going to take the time to put it on unless I decide to wear it again. :P

  9. I suppose I'll share my Ruki cosplay again.

    Here's the first time I did it for Halloween last year.


    And this is just for a picture of the pants. I couldn't have really heavy make up or hat because I was at work. (please forgive the ugliness.) >.<


    And this was from AnimePunch in the summer. I lost my black tie, I was pissed.


    I didn't really fret over my hair being perfect for this cosplay either time, because I really didn't care so much. I'm not a perfectionist with my hair.

    I'm also not cool and don't do fancy photoshoots. :P

    Pretty soon I'll post some pictures from the Emiru cosplay I'm working on for Halloween. :staru:

  10. It's starting to get cold, I hate winter. It's just now dawned on me that I have 9 days to finish my Emiru cosplay and I've yet to bleach my hair and I don't have false eyelashes yet.

    Finally, I just got home from work to find I only have one Asahi left. Where'd they all go?

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