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Posts posted by maki.filth

  1. She even killed God ._.


    Her abuse of white eyeliner makes me very very sad. I also didn't think I could dislike Lady Gaga anymore than I already do. I was proven wrong.

    And her voice makes me want to catch my ears on fire.

    I'm going to have nightmares.

    that is all.

  2. Wait a minute...you say you're not a girl...and that pic is you? Omg...you're beautiful. Excuse me while I begin to obsess over you for a little while.

    Lol I am a girl, just generally not so feminine looking.

    and thank you! Such a nice compliment :3

  3. I hate to admit it, but I'm that kind of owner, but I only put coats on my dog when it's cold since she's so little. She really loves putting on her coat or hoodie though because she knows that means she's going somewhere.



    Once she wore a pirate costume for halloween.


    She's my little retard though and I love her.

  4. My entire day was spent at the hospital. Now I have to work all night and I have to clean my entire house by myself once I get home. Oh and my mom is going back to physical therapy andI have the slightest feeling she might be dying. :(

  5. Late for work, then some dumb ass kid arguing with me about a band I've been listening to since I was like 7. Today being the first time he heard them. You cannot compare the Cramps with Elvis. Then he proceeded to argue with me about all kinds of shit. Kid, your like 14 stfu, you don't know anything. Theres a reason I took several different music education course, music business, and am now a recording tech kthnx.

  6. Giga puddins was probably the best/worst thing I have ever eaten in my life. The caramel shit got stuck to the bucket and I had to like scrape it out with a spoon. IT COMES WITH A GIGA SPOON TOO!

    It had a kind of gross texture but yummy flavor and I totally played the song whilst a couple friends and myself devoured it. The caramel top stuff was the best part. I would like to have choco giga puddins next.


    Oh how I miss my pink hairs


  7. True facts.

    So, it would explain, why my girlfriend disappears, when she says, that she is going to brush her teeth. *lol*

    This just made my day bright, because I just watched Teeth the other day. :D

    But I do have a question. I'm a girl, I understand most the crazy things women do, most of the time. I'm generally very straightforward and if I'm mad at someone I'll let them know why. My best friend, she gets mad at me for really no reason at all and if I ask what's wrong she ignores me or says nothing. She's not the type that's afraid to hurt other peoples feelings either and always acts like I'm hiding something from her or something. I don't understand why women have to be so vague or say nothing at all. Why is this?

  8. lol thanks! I was told that before awhile ago before I even knew what Nana was, so I watched the anime and I was kind of shocked by the similarities. I usua;;y just dress like that when I have tattoos to give because it's easy to move in and my hairs not in the way :staru:

  9. Anyone else notice the first couple notes in Inferiority Complex are exactly the same as the first couple in Sadie's Ice Romancer? Same speed, same tuning. Couldn't give that song a chance after that. I still need to take time to give the album a full listen though.

  10. I mostly was verbally abused throughout 5th through 7th or 9th grade. I moved to a new school in 5th grade, and I always had short hair, then in 6th grade I shaved about all of it off and had a chelsea cut. I had let it grown out a bit and then shaved it into a mohawk. All that time I was always called dyke, carpet muncher, all those wonderful derogatory things.

    I think at the beginning of my tenth grade year some girl attacked me in the bathroom of all places, for what reason I have no idea. I don't remember ever doing her any wrong, we used to be friends and just grew apart I guess. Anyways, she was suspended for a week and I got 2 weeks because I "attacked her", which is total bullshit. The assistant principle at my school really hated me. Bitch lied, and he believed her because I broke her nose from slamming her face into the wall after she broke the mirror with my head.

    That's really the worst of the bullying I got for not looking like a normal girl, which is illogical. I think after that attack, people left me alone because they were afraid of me or something. After that the only thing was, I got expelled from public school and then someone started a rumor that I dropped out because I was pregnant. I thought that was hilarious though so it doesn't really count.

  11. I've never heard of artists doing that before. It's kind of a good idea though, a lot of people do get tattoos on impulse and end up regretting them. But you seem to have some ideas in mind so you've obviously been thinking about it for some time now. I've never thought of mental preparation for getting a tattoo before. I always have to be physically ready, mentally I can get them at anytime.

    Along with having professional equipment I can give myself tattoos whenever I want.

    I think short quotes are always good. I don't have any tattooed on myself but I've got a jacket I always wear that I embroidered "Stay Gold" and another onto.

    I think the most important thing is to be absolutely positive of what you want and not be something you grow bored of. They can always be covered up but that costs more and its a bit more painful.

  12. i'd love some too,

    if only i didn't caught up in a conservative environment at work.

    It's something i had in minds.

    Once i retired around 38-45 yo, i'll surely like to get some ink done. Or maybe faster.

    I was thinking black light tattoo too,

    anyone here had it? Is it good?

    So i can have tats at work without being to obvious :P

    i'd love to pay homage to Kyo DeG,

    and copy one of his finger tattoo.

    You could always start with something hidden by your clothes. All but 3 of mine are concealed all the time. I've heard of the black light tattoos and I almost bought some of the ink to try out on a client but I'd be a little afraid to work that kind of ink.

    Ah I have 2 DeG tattoos now. Just lyrics from mushi down my leg and then some Dead Tree lyrics with a red lotus on my other leg I did myself.

    I've seen a nice photo of a spider tattoo on dA once, but I forgot the user :(

    Actually, I'd like to ask someone to design a tattoo for me, but I don't know who and I'm not sure what I want...

    Well if you figure out what you want you can even ask your local artist. They always love doing original pieces. Or try looking through the books they have in the shop. I always go through those for inspiration when doing my own designs.

  13. I really would like to have one, but I don't have any ideas, I've been thinking about a star, butterfly, flower or spider, on my right forearm, hand or cleavage... but I'm still not sure about it :/

    Butterflies are always nice as cliche as they are, but I've got 3 so far and plan on 4 more. I might go get one today similar to the one Rega of Toon Factory has. I've never listened to them, but I came across a picture of his and fell in love with it.

    I really think spiders look cool on arms. My friend has a giant one on his arm.

  14. what girls does like to talk about best when the cliques gathered?

    a. Social Issues (Global Warming, Earthquakes and stuffs)

    b. Gossips (Brangelina, K-Pop-ers, etc)

    c. Leisure (New boutiques and restaurants in town, fashion, etc)

    d. Boys (that boy next door or senior/hot teacher in school/college/wherever)

    e. Bitching the bitches (another girls in school/college/wherever that rubs you the wrong way)

    I rarely hang out with other girls, because they kinda irritate me. What I've noticed, girls love to gossip. They love talking about boys and of course shit talking about other bitches. This is why I don't hang out with other girls, I don't care about that this bitch stepped to your kool aid or she said your shoes were ugly w/e. I also know boys who do this too so it's just not girls.

    I'd just like to say I love the black girls in Akron. It sounds stereotypical of me, but I LOVE hearing their stories. They crack me up.

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