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Posts posted by maki.filth

  1. I would just like to first say that my mannequin is made of duct tape because I can not afford to buy a real one. It is also mounted on a microphone stand so the height can be adjusted, because I'm very crafty like that.

    Also the cosplays I've made that I'm going to post are nothing near perfect. Why? Because when I cosplay I don't want to look EXACTLY like the person, I like to incorporate my own personality into them so they are original pieces pieces and I want to have fun wearing them and not worry about how perfect they are.

    I'm posting icons so there's not 20 giant images here. Just click for the larger image. All of these also look so much better on a person rather than a mannequin.

    Obviously a sleeveless hoodie, with a hand painted 妃阿甦 patch. I made it two or three years ago.

    1046064.th.jpg 1046065.th.jpg

    Ruki cosplay, made with crushed velvet because real velvet is just too damn expensive.

    1046061.th.jpg 1046063.th.jpg

    This is a beginning of a Masato cosplay. Not finished yet and the train is removable.

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    Yumehito cosplay I made for Ohayocon. This is extremely important to me because I was complimented by IBI when he had asked if I made it myself.

    1046057.th.jpg 1046058rwi.th.jpg

    Emiru cosplay. This was a bitch. I officially hate feathers, the tulle part is removable.

    1046066.th.jpg 1046067.th.jpg (leg and arm warmers)

    My favorite vest. It's a replica, I can't remember what brand though, but one I can't afford. So I made it. Also on the back the longer tails are removable.

    1046051.th.jpg 1046052.th.jpg 20110514210646.th.jpg Looks much better worn.

    A pair of knickers I'm in the process of making. They need hemmed and detail added.


    Purse I made for Tori, I forgot to take a picture after I added the lace to the handles and around the top. I embroidered her name on it.

    img20110506140002.th.jpg img20110506124452.th.jpg

    My very first commission for a Minnie Mouse type lolita. The bow is awkwardly place but meant to be worn in the hair.


    And I made this in two hours.


    I'll post more as I make more. Thought I'd share and shamelessly self promote myself

    If anyone has anything shitty to say please keep it to yourself because you'll be ignored. I accept constructive criticism.

    I hope everyone enjoyed looking at my crap. :staru:

  2. I like the "descendant" part a lot, it looks really nice !

    The rose is nice too but it will need some more ink to be finished, isn't it ?


    And yeah I'm going to be adding more to it, probably make it one big piece on my calf. Probably more roses, maybe some violet ones too and vines. I would have done more at the time but I get bored easily when tattooing myself. I need to get a darker green ink for the vines.

  3. My oldest friends family is visiting from Missouri for the first time since they moved there about a year and a half ago. I heard so many times within the past week how excited they are to see me. Well they got in last night and no one said anything and then today I get a call about how they all want tattoos from me on whatever day is convenient for me. Ok only today was, they all know I have thing called a job so I have a house to live in.

    I would of had no problem with spending the day with them, but apparently I'm all of a sudden less important than the bar. As usual. Now I just feel like the only reason they want to see me is for free tattoos considering thats the only reason she called.

  4. I can't write an obituary for my mom. There are no words for how amazing she was. I don't know who all to include or how long to make it or anything. I don't understand why every little thing is my responsibility alone.


  5. shit just keeps getting worse. I know some say it always gets worse before it can get better, but I don't think that's whats happening at all. I haven't gotten one bit of good news within the past 2 weeks and it's making my anxiety even worse. :cry:

  6. Thank you sai <3

    I found a bedbug. Now I have to check my whole room for them.

    This just happened to me as well, but on my couch. I have no idea where they came from and I had to get rid of the couch. On top of that I can't afford a new couch or an exterminator, so I'm going to spray rubbing alcohol all over the place in that room and steam clean the carpets hoping that will solve the problem.

  7. Honestly didn't things could get worse with my mom after yesterday. She was extremely delusional yesterday, the doctors had to take away her phone because she tried calling the police from the hospital thinking they were trying to kill her. Then they had to restrain her because she kept trying to pull off her oxygen tube and refusing to take the medications. The doctor said it may be from withdrawal from alcohol plus the medications they have her on.

    They had to move her back to ICU and they may have to put her on a ventilator to control her breathing. Plus she has pneumonia and a respiratory infection. And on top of that they found some kind of cancer on her lung but they can't do anything about it now because she's not stable. I don't know what to do. :cry:

  8. My brother just called me at work to tell me he had to call 911 because my mommy can't breathe well and she's coughing up blood. I can't leave work because it's 4 am and no ones awake right now. All I know is the paramedic got to my house as I got off the phone with my brother and I saw an ambulance going toward my house. I'm on the verge of tears, I never cry. I'm just so worried about my mommy. :cry:

  9. Asakusa, yous a cutie.

    And thank you Ito :3 it's really rare for people to actually compliment me without make up, I always get "Where's your make up? You look weird without it." :/

    Chianti, you look really good with that hair color! I like it! :mrgreen:

  10. I can't recall too many bad experiences, considering any harm done to me at 98% is my own fault for being in or near a circle pit so I deserved it.

    The AFI show in Cleveland many years ago was just a bad experience altogether. I now believe they have the worst fans ever, aside from one girl I met. She and I had gotten into a fight with a couple grown ass men that were hardcore dancing, intentionally trying to hit us with their stupid spin kicks and whatever the hell else they do.

    Another time would probably be seeing Danzig. Again with the hardcore dancers. A friend and I were making fun of their "picking up change" dance. They don't like when you make fun of them.

    And lastly, recently at the Adicts show I was almost raped. Like literally almost raped by some random kid. He kept touching me and I blew it off, because physical contact tends to happen a lot at punk shows. Then he grabbed me to dance to Tango, so I thought "hey why not?" And before I know what's happening I'm being pulled away by him. I was trying to pull away from him, and then my Yami rescued me. Something else really sucked that night too, but I don't remember.

  11. Stupid cable company changed shit all around and now I can't watch Travel Channel unless I get a digital cable box for my bedroom. Seriously, Travel Channel is one of the 4 channels I actually watch and enjoy. Now all I have is History, Discovery and Comedy Central and rarely Animal Planet.

    I have to pay $8 extra month now for a second box plus go pick it up 30 minutes away on a day that I have to work, the business is only open hours I'm sleeping and I don't drive. For them to deliver that's another $10. It doesn't seem like much but I'm kind of broke all the time.

    Now how am I supposed to enjoy marathons of Ghost Adventures on my lonely Fridays?

  12. aww allisapp you're gorgeous and I'm still in love with your eyes :hug2:

    Maki... without make-up you look like a sexy guy. 8D

    LMAO! I love you now and I can honestly say I've never been told that before, so thank you very much :D

    I always thought I was weird looking without make up. xD

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