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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by lukrecia

  1. lukrecia

    Japanese IDM/classical/ambient duo Matryoshka shared five songs from their forthcoming new album here. I'm happy that they are releasing something new, and all of the five songs are great, so really looking forward to it!
  2. lukrecia

    Len Faki - Kraft Und Licht
  3. lukrecia

    ...the man living above us started drilling again. He is drilling since 9 a.m, and even though I said to him, that I wouldn't mind, if he would start it a bit later, so I can sleep well, he continues it. Napalm.
  4. lukrecia

    Floorball, again. Although it is getting colder and colder in here, the practice at Thursday was a good one. Hope that next week's traning will be simular.
  5. lukrecia

    Claude VonStroke - Who's Afraid Of Detroit? (Tanner Ross Remix) Listening to this for a serious time, but I never get bored of this track. One of the best things to start the day with.
  6. lukrecia

    batica - At Your Quebec&Call #353012 7 Stories is the ideal album for drawing/painting. <3
  7. lukrecia

    The Boondocks: season 2, episode 10.
  8. lukrecia

    Thanks for translating it. I understand them, they released VERY many albums this year, so it's logical, that they want to take a break - but it still sucks to hear this.
  9. lukrecia

    This message was recently posted on their homepage and on their facebook. Since I don't understand the japanese language, I used Google Translator, but the message is still unclear - anybody, who can make out the meaning, or knows a bit more, than me?
  10. lukrecia

    So, the new PLASTICZOOMS single. (2010.12.11) PLASTICZOOMS - BUG It looks like, that you can only order it from the band, on their facebook, Sho said, that it will cost 1000 JPY.
  11. lukrecia

    dry river string OHP CONTRAREDE bztQseKzaII (2010.12.08) dry river string - Quiet I'm looking forward hearing it, buried e.p. was a good release.
  12. lukrecia

  13. lukrecia

    another example of the american idiotism http://www.birthornot.com/ a married couple wants you to vote, whether they should give birth to their child or not
  14. lukrecia

    Agreed. On: Carnivale: season 2, episode 12. Well, burn in hell HBO, for ending this serie, after this, I would die for a season 3. And now: Boardwalk Empire: season 1, episode 9.
  15. lukrecia

    To me, they are only good live. Most likely because of the fact that the guitar piercing my ears made me forget about his annoying voice. They were epic live, but the studio recordings just don't do it for me. Well, I don't think so. I've seen them two times, once about three years ago, when they were touring with Black Holes And Revelations, and they were awesome at that time. Bellamy was energetic, communicated with the crowd, and you could tell, that he is enjoying the concert. I was a bit skeptical about their performance, because I couldn't really get into Black Holes And Revelations (imho Origin Of Symmetry was their best release), but at the concert, the songs from that album (If I remember correctly, they played Take A Bow, Map Of The Problematique, Supermassive Black Hole, Soldier's Poem and some more) and at the ending with Knights Of Cydonia, which evolved into a bombastic and psychidelic prog-rock jamming was nothing else but awesome. And that moment when Bellamy played 'Feeling Good', and only he, and his piano were on the stage, was a memorable moment of the concert. And their concert at Sziget fesztivál some months ago was...well, boring. I must admit, that I REALLY don't like The Resistance, but I thought, that maybe it will change after the concert. Well, not. It was, as I saw, a boring concert, they've played with routine, but without heart. They played their songs, jammed a bit, and went off the stage - maybe the problem was, that the setlist of the two concert were nearly the same (except the songs from the new album), and I remembered, that they can play the songs a lot better. A friend of mine said, that maybe the problem with the concert was, that it didn't had any real highlights, even the encore (Knights Of Cydonia and Plug-In Baby) was nothing catharctic. "It was sex without orgasm." - according to my friend. It was epic, in the sense of that there was a big stage, there was a great beamer behind them, with good and intresting with intresting short-films, and the whole thing was very grandiose, but that's all. I appreciated, that most of the times, they varied the songs, but at the end, it wasn't enough for me. (Or I caught a bad day to watch them.)
  16. lukrecia

    Benny Crespo's Gang - Night Time Can't wait to hear their next album!
  17. lukrecia

    01 Some months ago, after Xiu Xiu's (awesome) concert in Budapest, at one of my friends apartment. I borrowed her glasses, and she made this picture of me. There is a glorious 'I <3 Xiu Xiu And Cats' caption on my t-shirt. And yes, I'm looking terrible. 02 Me, reading a Neil Gaiman book, waiting for the subway. 03 With my mother and sister, having a tea. Well, thanks for the attention.
  18. lukrecia

    Good news.
  19. First rumors about Next Music From TOKYO! Volume 3. Damn, most of the bands sound great. Seems that I should pay a visit to my canadian relatives next year. Btw, you can watch some videos about the gigs at the organiser's Youtube channel.
  20. lukrecia

    Something like that - the last time I've seen them was about two (?) years ago, in München, where they shared the stage with BALZAC, and that was a great night. But now, I don't think, that they would make a show, which would worth me attending to their gig. Still, we'll see.
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