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Everything posted by Erin

  1. Erin

    Well, it is true. Their sound is almost exactly the same.
  2. Erin

    for being so new, they sound really cool... and gay ♥
  3. Erin

  4. Erin

    ^ not so sure. I have good memories of last indie releases from bands before going major.
  5. Erin

    i haven't seen the photos... anyone? And that vivid thing sure sounds LOL. It might just rumours though.
  6. Erin

    This. Well, and this forum too
  7. Erin

    WTF LC5?! they suck! and best pv... I voted for 7th rose anyway, so lol
  8. Erin

    And new look is cool! Really normal. Just what I wanted. Now I just hope songs are good. the only weird thing... what's with the babies?
  9. Erin

    At first, I thought they were screaming 'Die!Die!Die!" 2nD <333
  10. Erin

    What an awfull way to finish a band. As someone already said, they're still very much alive, with only one original member left. In fact, they've gone through numerous complete line-up changes since then. Not only did 3 members die, one of their vocalists just stopped showing up for shows and quit out of no where . Takayuki just isn't very lucky, but he's definitely a fighter. Well, I knew they were still active, but still, it is an awful way to lose the original line up, and probably to takayuki, your friends.
  11. Jumping off a cliff would be a better idea than joining Kamijo and becoming Lareine1056 Though joining Kiwi, no good D:
  12. Erin

    aww~ he's sleepy. No, I have a feeling he's thinking. Deeply. Another chance: there might be a toilet under that dress that we are not able to see. And Gawd, NO, Kiwi + chairs = mexican bruises
  13. Erin

    This. And... musical differences? If I hear those words again, I shall murder Kiwamu.
  14. Erin

    What an awfull way to finish a band.
  15. Erin

    It makes everyone happy. I mean, wouldn't you be happy by staring at this face?
  16. Erin

    One of the first vk bands I ever listened to. It's just... heart breaking
  17. Erin

    I wouldn't call someone a fag if I were you, because there's obviously this huge stick stocked in your ass. And your sweet song can't deal with red room nor 888.
  18. Erin

    Herou, and werucom! (silver accorn bullet is fucking with my mind again) It is actually nice to hear a proper introduction. Hope you become more active~
  19. Erin

    Herou and werucum~
  20. Erin

    Previews for the new album can be heard here In some points, I felt like I was in some gloomy pop disco
  21. Erin

    ^ and previews for Kleza in Red Clay can be heard at OHP
  22. Erin

    2nd Even Queen Kamijo is better than Kiwi. He just won't accept it.
  23. Erin

    aww, it's a caguaí fan. cutie. I can't believe this thread is already 9 pages long 8D
  24. Erin

    All of these have made me laugh for half an hour 8D! So chianti, did he banned you from myspace or not?
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