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Everything posted by Takadanobabaalien

  1. lol apparently yohio is releasing a book (selfbiography of some sort) entitled "Drömmen som blev sann" (The dream that became truth). I don't even know lol

    1. Takadanobabaalien
    2. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat


    3. Number Girl
    4. Show next comments  270 more
  2. I thought I had lost their music, but I found it. Their name was +La'death;flower+. I think they're from France. I can upload it if you want?
  3. Last paperwork going to be sent in to the japanese embassy tommorow. 16 days till we're leaving. @o@

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      If they happen at the same time, Japan will implode and get consumed by the ocean.

    2. Takadanobabaalien


      As a matter of fact, I will try to check out GOKIBURI though. I hope the rumours aren't true because I don't want to get shit from him :v

    3. sai


      My biggest dream is to get a chair thrown at me by Kiwamu - you should ask if he could sign it for you before he throws it. A signed chair is the best

    4. Show next comments  270 more
  4. Do anybody remember the band that covered Sense of Shapes "With your lies" and one song by AINSI SOIT JE... ? I think I think they sounded decent D:
  5. Have anybody heard anything from ?逆的??制noize「ロゼロ??? They look pretty awesome but I can't find any music

    1. Takadanobabaalien


      except some live clips~~

    2. Gaz


      also waiting for first release

  6. Time to play League of legends :u

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II


      I've been wanting to play more ranked, but I never have time.

    2. Takadanobabaalien


      I don't play ranked :u not good enough yet.

    3. Takadanobabaalien


      Well, I do manage to get by in Bronze League. But I want to get better lol

  7. Takadanobabaalien

    lol it definitely doesnt look like they're from this decade sound good tho. too bad their ohp isnt working..
  8. Takadanobabaalien

    funny name. who are these guys?
  9. Takadanobabaalien

    Agree on Lost world. My favorite songs post-revival: 1. Lost world 2. Rouge & THE ONE -crash to create- 3. The end of the dream 5. Promise 6. Thoughts haha
  10. Takadanobabaalien

    I think it's hard for me to choose, according to my lastfm I have listened most to MIRAGE>Syndrome>Phantasmagoria>La:Sadie's>Lin. I was never a big fan of Asagi's era in Syndrome. But I do like both Akira and Tomo era's in MIRAGE (love tomo & Moon-light-dance is such a classic). So I think my choice would have to be MIRAGE, even if Magomago and Syndrome comes very close. I do love them all though (with exception for Stella Maria, don't think I heard anything that Kisaki was involved in with them). Also the reason to why I didn't include pre-La:sadie's bands was because most of those are too rare. I think GARDEN can be found on the internet though (I know I have it on my hdd anyway). But I think that just like Seraphim, I like all of them but in different ways. La:sadie's "憧憬破綻世界" is one of my favorite Kisaki songs (not sure if he wrote it but w/e).
  11. Takadanobabaalien

    So, was listening a bit to Phantasmagoria and this questions popped-up in my head. Kinda curious of what people think~~ Feel free to motivate your answer.
  12. Takadanobabaalien

    Any sources, and because of what? rip
  13. Takadanobabaalien

    A lot of Matina/Key Party bands. I used to love them but I realized how bad it actually are, of course I enjoy listen to it every now and then but mainly because of nostalgia.
  14. Takadanobabaalien

    ah, didn't read it carefully I guess. thanks for pointing it out
  15. Takadanobabaalien

    Do they have a OHP ?
  16. Takadanobabaalien

    They already had a tribute album a year a go or so? Hope these will contain more pre-feminism material then
  17. the live of NIGHTMARE at the Kurofuku gentei gig is basically the best thing ever

  18. Takadanobabaalien

    Nobody else? |: Here's a great song with lots of synth for you guys
  19. Takadanobabaalien

    How about: different opinions
  20. Takadanobabaalien

    I know that LUNA SEA are popular in Japan as well but in a certain crowd. They usually fill Tokyo dome (65,000 people) out of 126,000,000 in Japan. It's really not that much, of course they are BIG but then again look at glay or b'z for example. All I'm saying is that I honestly believe that Ryuichi makes more money (right now) on his solo career than by LUNA SEA, same goes for J. Also, it's not fair with a statement. Most people want to push their limits, try new things and grow as a person, same goes for a musician. If Ryuichi sang with the same hardrock vocals he did in his teens, he wouldn't have a chance to grow as a vocalist. How would you feel being stuck at the same job, doing the same things every day without any promotion or a chance to try new things from 1986-2013. I think it's basically the same thing. So yeah, I too, as you, actually prefer his old vocals (my main obsession of LUNA SEA is pre-MOTHER), but I still appreciate his new singing style; which btw isn't actually new since he's been singing like this since 1997~. EDIT: Also, what you may seem as uninspiring and overproduced crap is pure gold for someone else. Obviously a lot of people like his solo-era and I think most people who hates on him are stubborn fans who are stuck in the 90's.
  21. Takadanobabaalien

    Regarding MORRIE I really can't say much since I am not a huge fan of DEAD END, especially not past-revival. But this statement: " I expect someone to use their self control and common sense to know when their career should end.". I hope that you are aware of that atleast Ryuichi is more famous in Japan now than he ever was with LUNA SEA. The mainstream people who actually knows of him don't even know who LUNA SEA were because he is not connected to visual kei for most people. A good example is a friend of mine from Osaka who lived in Sweden for a year, she knew who both Ryuichi and Shinya were. Ryuichi from his popcareer and Shinya for being married to whatsherface in Morning Musume. Also both J and INORAN are doing farely well with their solo careers, so I don't see how you can say something like this. Not that this really contributes anything to this topic but i just wanted get things straight lol. Oh and yeah, I'm pretty sure LUNA SEA is not doing this for money but because they want to. Ryuichi gains absolutely nothing by getting attention to his past career as a rock/visual kei singer, in fact I think he loses more by participating in LUNA SEA nowadays since visual kei is nothing that people "look up to" in japan, so to say. Sorry for messy post, but its kinda late.
  22. Takadanobabaalien

    One must not forget that the people on this album are famous artists in Japan. There is no reason for them to actually try to sound like MORRIE (even if for example Ryuichi earlier obviously tried to copy him), they have obviously tried to make it a "song of their own" without changing too much in it. For example I think the SPIDER IN THE BRAIN cover was ok, but it felt like Tetsu was trying to sound like MORRIE too much, and well... Then I might as well listen to the original? Regarding Ryuichi's voice, I know how he changed so no need to show me. I am a huge luna sea fan so... However if my mind doesn't trick me he did actually not do this by his own-will, he wasn't able to sing like in the old days anymore and his vocal coach told him that he need to change style or he might lose his voice (this was 97/98 I think, so just before SHINE). However I still think he does a great job, but then again I appreciate his regular pop vocals as well, so... But do you really expect a guy to sound like he did in his 20's when he is now about 45 yrs old, and also a vocalist? He improves like everyone else. Same with MORRIE Regarding SUGIZO, everyone knows that his ego is bigger than this fuckin' planet so did anyone actually expect something else? haha. And yeah, the Serafine cover wasn't very good... Also regarding DEAD END, am I the only one disapointed to not see GOOD MORNING SATELITE on the album? /:
  23. Takadanobabaalien

    what is wrong with uomth, i can hear the rain was flawless.
  24. Well, then again Seremedy (which I think could be counted as the most popular non japanese vk band) also thought they would start a real movement. Look how it went for them :U
  25. Takadanobabaalien

    Where can I find a download for this btw
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