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Everything posted by Takadanobabaalien

  1. Takadanobabaalien

    Correct me if i am wrong, but isnt that just an old pic of deadly sanctuary?
  2. Takadanobabaalien

    once again he proves himself to be a total dick. not surprised. : p he acts like a 13 year old teenager lol cant believe he thinks that kiwamu contributes anything to the scene besides laughter. all his signed bands are total shit as well
  3. Takadanobabaalien

    Lately I have been trying to translate lyrics, as I am studying Japanese and find it fun and also (i assume) makes my japanes get better. anyway, i decided to translate manekin sekai from my latest obsession, sibilebashir lol. i couldnt find the lyrics on the net, so had to transcribe it from the cd booklet which was kind of a pain because there were kanjis i cant read. anyway, if anyone see any mistakes or how to improve the translation: feel free to help me. neither english or japanese is my native tongue. 「生きる意味」なんてわかりません。 僕がいなくても世界は回る こんにちは僕は生きてます 孤独に震えて生きてます I don’t understand the reason for living Even if I am dead, the world will still be spinning Hello, I am alive I am trembling in solitude 僕に値段をつけて Put a price on me 夢 希望 自由 愛情 Dreams, hope, freedom, love 僕には何一つ掴むことが出来ません Not one of those things will I be able to grab いつかは灰になる 全てが過去となる 想いは色褪せて 燃やされてく Some day I will turn into ashes and everything will become history Memories fading away And I will be burned 僕に存在価値あるのでしょうか きっと僕はこのまま何も残さずに消えています I guess my existence does not have value? Probably, I will disappear like this and leave nothing behind 僕に値段をつけて Put a price on me いつかは灰になる 全てが過去となる 想いは色褪せて 燃やされてく Some day I will turn into ashes and everything will become history Memories fading away And I will be burned 僕らは灰になる この手もこの声も 涙も思い出も 消えてくから We will disappear completely because, These hands, these voices,these tears and these memories Will all become ashes 悲しみの痛みは感じない 輝いてた日々に泣きました I can’t feel the pain of being sad I cried every day when it was shining 愛して愛して 愛してくれますか? 笑って笑って 笑えますか? Love me, love me Can you give me love? Laugh, laugh Can you laugh?
  4. Takadanobabaalien

    Which is what makes it fun
  5. Takadanobabaalien

    Took halloween purikura at Shibuya. Shibuya was so packed, but it was way awesome ps. im the guy in the dress lol
  6. Takadanobabaalien

    Yeah, I am happy while at the same time disappointed. I like Deadly Sanctuary, but it's my least favorite band of his. I would actually rather see a jewelry revival than DS, haha. The best would ofc be Vice risk/La'miss fairy (cus i've already seen angel dust)
  7. Takadanobabaalien

    Thanks for confirmation. Having problem buying tickets, as it doesnt say how to buy them
  8. Takadanobabaalien

    I think the new single is the most boring out of the 3 :c liked the first one the most, and then the second ^^
  9. Takadanobabaalien

    Thanks for the fast answer. The first live at November 21 is called "Deadly Circus Vol.1" which makes me think even more of Deadly Sanctuary. If they don't perform old songs I will get kinda sad :c I am definitely going tho, the line-up is pretty ace. 11/21(金)『Deadly Circus VOL.1』∀NTI FEMINISM/GELLONIMO/妃阿甦 (THE PIASS)/Deadly/大セッション有り (Big session)
  10. Takadanobabaalien

    I spoke to Yayoi personally, and here is more info: It's a limited project called "Deadly", which he is doing with Yuuga (GOKIBURI). So I am assuming that it is just Deadly Sanctuary lol. He send me his "tour schedule": 11月21日Birth 11月29日FNV 12月06日Birth 12月27日FNV 12月28日FNV 12月31日鹿鳴館 (Rockmaykan) "Birth" is Birth Shinjuku, but does anyone know what livehouse FNV is?
  11. Takadanobabaalien

    thought it was his real twitter when i followed him. good to know that it is lol kinda funny that his display name is Deadly Yayoi. Makes me wonder if he is going to perform Deadly Sanctuary songs... lol
  12. Why couldn't they just release them on the same site -.- oh well...
  13. Takadanobabaalien

    he needs to show who's the boss
  14. what was the name of that dir en grey "copyband" that was active some years ago? not talking about grieva (lulz), think their bandname started on V, but i may be wrong.

  15. Takadanobabaalien

    Sounds really good.
  16. Love it Can't wait for the album omg
  17. Takadanobabaalien

    Super smash bros 3DS Luigi's Mansion Dark moon Yoshi's Island DS League of legends
  18. Takadanobabaalien

    After seeing Arlequin and Grieva together, id' like to see them do a collab. Their collab as Grieva + Aki was way too awesome for them to not do it. :v
  19. yay, tickets for grievas last live with rui as drummer. :3

  20. As far as I know (I have friends who work as english teachers here), you don't need a university degree to teach english. Maybe it's different at a university here though, but language schools are fine, and there are loads of the. However, you have to be english native speaker or have taken the TOEIC test (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TOEIC).
  21. eating edamame at 3am. wth am i doing with my life lol. also school starts in 6 hours.

  22. I think for a native english speaker, you don't even need an education to teach english here. Which makes it pretty easy for native english speaking people to get over and work here. ^^
  23. It may differ because I am in Japan but, I started from scratch and we had 2 days to learn Hiragana and Katakana. After that we have 6 kanjis/day, 2 test/week and a big test every third month which has both grammar, listening, writing, reading and speaking parts. I've heard about people (and know) who does a ridiculous amount of kanji drilling though... As a matter a fact, a friend of mine did about 100 kanjis this week lol. I don't get how he can do it but... Also, I assume one simply learns more here since well... People generally don't speak english edit: drilling kanji can be pretty fun tho, but I have to be in the mood to find it fun.. lol
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