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Everything posted by Rosebetz

  1. Rosebetz

    PROVIDENCE huh? Cant wait!
  2. Kinda sad ://, we all know what most of Hiatus statements ment in the end ...
  3. Rosebetz

    Glad they Continue ^^
  4. Rosebetz

    Not bad! Not bad at all!
  5. Rosebetz

    Another Preview Of the new song played theyr latest live https://instagram.com/p/079111QuJj/ CREDITS: Gazette Fan's
  6. Rosebetz

    That Artwork tho!
  7. Rosebetz

    Sounds really good!
  8. Rosebetz

    I wouldn't be dissapointed if the new song souned like this!!
  9. Rosebetz

    If anyone wants to hear there are long previews of the live limited singles on theyr official site just scroll down a little bit!+ COVERS http://www.indie-psc.com/born/top.html
  10. Rosebetz

    Thanks for the Interview ^^
  11. Rosebetz

    I agree with you but this comes whith every release the BAND tries to change the music and go in to a different direction. Eiether it satisfies some people and some will hate it.
  12. Rosebetz

    This will be a hot Gazette Summer xD
  13. Rosebetz

    Nailed it ^^, with these prises i should probably start saving money for the NEW ALBUM xDD
  14. Rosebetz

    Seriously we are Fans not a Bank i dont know bud i don't see how charging us 400 box for dvs will help establish a fan base ://
  15. Rosebetz

    Bad Joke
  16. Rosebetz

    Walking Dead
  17. Rosebetz

    Those lives are just epic, it makes me remember the time i've had almost 5gigs of Concerts on my PC, couse it was always a long time before my official DVDs arrived.
  18. Rosebetz

    Just a little more Rec.Come in to this world. I haven't started on the lyrics yet. Ruki via Instagram. Credits:Gazette Fans Seems Ruki is working hard
  19. Rosebetz

    This is going to be another long break before the release but im used to it ,since i've been listening to them since begining they always tempt to have annoucments even half year before the release so nothing new. What is worse is that they dont even release any previews till like 3 weeks before the official release sadly.
  20. Rosebetz

    I would be happy if we got at least a Single 5 month is a long time, but hey more time to make the album perfect!
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