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Everything posted by Rosebetz

  1. Rosebetz

    Well that is kinda sad, but thank you ^^
  2. Rosebetz

    Anyone knows if the new single PROVIDENCE comes with a PV? I've read on Hiros twitter that they are shooting one but they didnt mention about it in the release and they always seem put PV sooner out, and its 7 days till release so im wondering if we will se one or not ^^
  3. Born's Tomo posted this picture on his twitter after the recording of the tracks ^^
  4. Rosebetz

    RESURFACING HUH? Still one of my Favourtie Albums of all time. Credits : JPU RECORDS
  5. Rosebetz

    Love the way Ruki aprriciate everything.
  6. Rosebetz

    Ruki on INSTAGRAM #Midnight #theGazettE #MUSICVIDEO #Shoooot So maybe a darknight music video ? Pumped!
  7. Rosebetz

    Yeah, Probably
  8. Rosebetz

    On the progression of the album : Ruki wrote on twitter that tomorrow they begin shooting a PV. I wonder if it will be dark like the teasers.
  9. Rosebetz

    https://www.facebook.com/venomousc/videos/vb.560513134006282/908841819173410/?type=2&theater They played again the new song so maybe we can say it will be the title song of the album? CREDITS: VENOMOUS CELL
  10. Rosebetz

    I've read that too i wonder if they start shooting the PV this or next month
  11. Rosebetz

    Hmm What Could that mean a RE-RELEASE? Credits: JPU RECORDS, Gazette Fans
  12. Rosebetz

    Looks awsome!
  13. Rosebetz

    The new Album DOGMA will be released in EUROPEAN EDITION trough JPU RECORDS!
  14. Rosebetz

    This song..oh my word this is gonna be epic...i've got high hopes for this
  15. Rosebetz

    3 more months ugh the wait is killing me :/
  16. Rosebetz

    That would be cool if it wouldn't cost another Grand x), like heresy dvd's
  17. Rosebetz

    Well the only new thing in this TEASER is the footage from theyr anniversary live..i think??...
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