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Posts posted by Rosebetz

  1. Plenty of people who used to dig the GazettE or are just curious what this big band puts out now will try the album, thus a higher chance of negative reviews. I'll explain this in the next paragraph. If I think an album isn't good, I will write a negative review but there's a difference between a detailed review on what you didn't like and the "lol this sucks I lost all faith in them gazerock is dead"-review.


    GazettE has done quite a lot of different things and for each theme that they did they have a specific group of fans. You have the group that prefers their first few singles/minis from when they just started, the NIL group, the STACKED RUBBISH group, then there's the DIM group (including myself) and the ones that like a little bit of everything. Each album is different in a sense and the least amount of variety in between albums of the GazettE were TOXIC and DIVISION. This is the risk if you change for every album. You'll keep all fans and most of them will be disappointed it doesn't sound like NIL/STACKED RUBBISH/DIM, etc.



    I couldnt agree more i think a belong to the group that like bit of everything , but youl wrote in excelent way .

  2. Being a fan of the band, you hope that they will release material that you enjoy, and I totally empathize with that. I'm sure everyone does.



    Well yeah, but i still think a lot of people will be dissapointed, but that what comes when you have a band there are ups and downs..

  3. before I decay was their last release on kind records iirc, so I v. much doubt the coming album will sound anything like this.


    their producers are obviously very different on nil - dim and toxic - deformity.


    Very true but i dont know why but i still believe something good will come out of this album.

  4. They might be several reasons for theyr continuos releases one could be label, other could be that they actually seen dissapointmend from fans , and maybe just maybe they felt like its time for new releases , if i think more about it Gazette cant afford to release things late, there are to many fans and the band has been to influental , just my thoughts..

  5. True, even if the song PV came out, I wouldn't check it out anyway. I'm tired of getting the previews or the PV before the release, spamming the crap out of the song waiting for the release, and then being done with the song or skipping it when the release comes around. This goes for all the bands

     True true , and we dont want to spoil the surprise of what the Gazette will bring us with this album, im pumped but dont want to be dissapointed , so if previews and PV comes out maybe i will skip it to till the release and then i give it a shot  :reddit:

  6. Well the reason most things have been quiet for sometime was because of the World Tour. Now that it's over, we've been getting the rush of information like the release date, tracklist, song lengths, cover art, album spot. We have at least gotten previews a week or so before the release date for the album PVs so if we are going to get a preview, it'll be in the next 7 days


    Well it's not a big of deal anyway if we dont get the previews, then next week comes the album out, and some people get the copies sooner like always so im gonna wait and see what will happen. And maybe i will get the European copy of it its something special ^^

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