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Posts posted by Rosebetz

  1. I love it, I love Ruki's voice! Sure some of the riffs have their typical GazettE style to them but there is variation to the guitar and the melodies and I love the sound that comes from it. I can tell that I'm going to love DISC 1 a lot.

    Ruki said in SHOXX Vol.234 that Disc 1 is more of a style going towards DIM + Stacked Rubbish while Disc 2 is more of a perfected TOXIC.

    Couldnt Agree More ^^

  2. Personally i dont think DIPLOSOMIA will be title couse its now includeed in both REGULAR or LIMITED edition,maybe im wrong but mostly title song are on both cds,and it looks like DIPLOSOMIA is a SE couse it has only a 00:01:43 of running time well whicch song will be a title song im now asking ^^

  3. I would like to give my oponion on the growing up band And Eccentric Agent and their new single Liberate.

    First of all i think this band improved alot from where they started they are getting better and better with every single/album.

    Lets get to review.

    1.LIBERATE-This song got to me by listening to it few times and i actually got to it!Love the guitars and it and the drums?Awsome i would give this song 9/10.

    2.VOICES-Well there are just few songs where i like Ikuma screaming and this one is actually good its pretty energetic,but not the best they made they got from me for this song 7/10

    3.SILLY CLOWN IN THE SHOWN CASE-My word!I wouldnt mind if this song had a PV or would be the MAIN SONG!This song is freakin perfect from the beginning to the end they did o good job!Love the way the song starts slowly and then it gets to freaking headbanging!!10/10

    This is just my oponion would love to see yours .Cheers.

    Over all i would give 9/10 they did amazing job if they keep up who knows maybe one day we will se them in TOKYO DOME!

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