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Posts posted by seikun

  1. Metis Gretel.

    I found the band in March of 2007 and I just loved them. The first song I listened to by them was Metamorphose.


    It was sad when they announced they would be disbanding. Although I kind of didn't like the last release that came out before they disbanded. There were some good songs in there, but they felt different... Hard to explain why I kind of don't like that release much...

  2. Hmm, maybe EREMIA.


    I still remember when they published the announcement on their disbandment on their official website. The background of the announcement was filled with roses. I think I saved it on my PC...


    I am not a die hard fan of the band, but I used to like them very much in those days when they were around.

  3. I forgot another band I came across about 2 weeks ago. It's called シビレバシル (Shibilebashir).


    I recommend their PV called ストレスハカイ-吉祥寺ニテ破壊編-. The PV is hilarious, specially at the end and the song is really good.

  4. Maybe not many for me this year.


    GRIEVA - Even though they clearly make most of their music from old school Visual Kei Dir en grey I just love that they brought back the old sound of Visual Kei.


    GAUZES - Another band that has revived the 90's sound of Visual Kei. Their album called Yurikago is definitely worth buying it.


    Misa 弥叉 - I kind of knew about them before, but never had the chance to listen to them. It's not that I like every song of theirs, but there are a few ones I like, specially Kogareta ai wa gin no sora.

  5. Agree! Kikasa's costumes are always perfect (that and he is very handsome.) It's actually a bit sad that not many people copied him instead. ww

    Not only that. He was very graceful with his facial expressions and the way he moved.

  6. Hi.

    I have been searching for the lyrics to Cyanosis (チアノーゼ) by SectMateria, but I fail to find them anywhere on the net. u.u


    If somebody has them or can find them could you share them, please?


    Thanks in advance!

  7. Not too convinced by this band here. At first when I saw their aesthetics I thought GRIEVA and Versailles, haha.


    I kind of don't like those flat guitar lines through a whole song. I miss the hypnotic guitar and bass lines that were more common in old school VK.

  8. I have an internal conflict with this, but...


    Kuroki hana no sennenki~saishuushou~ by Noir fleurir is maybe my least favourite by the band. I mean they changed their style in this release to a more poppish style.


    I would have liked that they had evolved (and improved) in the direction of songs like STYLE.

    Maybe they lost inspiration or a goal as a band by that time...


    Although Let's Embrace With All and Shout of the Soul... :headbang:

  9. Eh not to be a dick but the purpose of this thread is "several releases/songs or a single release spread throughout their discography". Saying "Alice Nine ever since Yami ni chiru sakura", "Kagrra ever since 2005" etc. is better fit for the "bands that went downhill"-thread or the "bands you used to like but don't anymore"-thread we have here.


    So yeah "everything released since..." doesn't count here, sorry.


    /also this is just personal but if a band hasn't released something worthwhile since 2005 I don't consider them among my favourites lol

    I just needed to get it out of my system.


    I'm relieved now^^

  10. Almost everything released after Yami ni chiru sakura by Alice Nine.


    Almost everything released since 2005 by Kagrra,


    Almost everything released since 2004 by Nightmare (I don't even understand why they haven't changed their name yet. It just doesn't suit them anymore O.o)


    Almost everything released after 2007 by Ayabie.


    I didn't like PIERROT's release called Hello. It was so uninspired. I tend to think they could barely look one other in the eye in those days before the sudden breakup...

  11. Hmm, we might be judging current Vsual Kei wrongly based on the more visible bands/trends and we might not be seeing a lot of bands that stick to the old school Visual Kei atmosphere or with a clear sense of artistry and less interested in a commercial side...


    I don't know, I don't live in Japan but apart from GRIEVA and Gauzes there must be more bands inspired by old school Visual Kei there in fascinating Japan we don't have access to...

  12. Hmm, I kind of used to like Duel Jewel until... 2008. Not a fan of the band, but there were some songs I liked. Well, lately I have searched for some of their newest music and all I can think of is that it's AWFUL. I mean for a band that can now be considered old and experienced their recent releases seem a step back in terms of projecting their experience through their music.


    It's just love. The very title makes me... :wan-07:  (hope I chose the right emoticon...)

  13. EllDorado - DAYDREAM.


    Dué le quartz - Re:plica


    As for Alice Nine, in my opinion their THE SONG would be Yami ni chiru sakura. Specially because the song is very catchy and one of their first songs to be uploaded on Youtube when Youtube just started to spread across the world. So it was a MUST when searching for Alice Nine PVs on Youtube in 2005/6

  14. How do you explain Neo VK bands touring more frequently in the West today?  You didn't get that much old-school visual kei touring at all. Though most bands still don't tour or do lives in the West, you get a fair amount and that's already "successful" enough for bands from another country and culture/language. You don't need to have U2 level of success to be considered successful. Visual kei is still a niche after all.

    Simply because old schoold Visual Kei got a massive ammount of fans from abroad when the internet spread across the world. Before then not everybody had access to even know there was something called Visual Kei.

  15. I don't like what MIYAVI has done to his career. I mean he is very talented, no doubt about it, but someone who is so skilled and ends up becoming so commercial thus average and boring is like throwing your talent to the rubbish basket. I never liked his solo career much, I prefer his job in Due le quartz by faaaaar, but there were quite a few interesting songs and sounds when he started his solo career.


    He has all the right to do whatever he feels he needs to do, even if it is just to gain experience (which I think is not), but I needed to spit this out. :lol:

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