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About seikun

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    Kyo's Mattress

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  1. I wonder if Kisaki has money to re-open Under-Code... Of course, in case he wanted to.

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      tbh I doubt he'll ever open another label. Late UCP wasn't anywhere as glamorous or popular as it was in 03~07 (three of their largest acts had the option to go major, two of them actually did and those same two released a shit ton of material) and I vaguely remember seeing people on twitter mention that his blog posts seemed kind of crestfallen that Rin never got to be Phantasmagoria 2 even though they lasted twice as long.


      After the whole rarez scam, cranegate, and then the whole debacle with sharing pictures of Sui sleeping in his own vomit, he's probably going to just lay low with rehashed omnibuses until his 30 year anniversary session

    2. seikun


      I had no idea about some things you mentioned. But just letting imagination fly a little bit I would like an Under-Code these days. Especially one bringing bands in the line of Phantasmagoria or early Vidoll...

    3. Himeaimichu


      I don't personally think he'll do it. I think he'll try to open a new label with a new band. Kisaki has a.. less than savoury past, we all know that, but I don't think that really ever would stop him. I mean, he was arrested of all things and yet still came back.

      The only problem is, all the former undercode bands have moved on. Vidoll became Gotcharocka, Riku has his solo project, etc. And personally, I don't think the fanbase would be open to Kisaki opening a new label, and open to a bunch of new bands. 

      The Vkei scene has changed a ton since 2011. Some for the better, some for the worse. The way it's changed wouldn't allow Kisaki to open a new label. VisualKei is in it's lower years, and has been stagnant. We haven't had a Vkei boom like the one in 1986-1993, or the 1996-2003, there isn't as much hype for new bands,  and the whole scene has moved on from the "big exciting indie super-label". There was that kind of hype for Rockstar Records, but we all know how that turned out... I personally do think a modern equivalent to Undercode or something would really benefit the scene, but it doesn't feel like it's going to happen. 

      Basically, the odds are stacked against there being another Extasy, Free Will, Soleil, Matina, or Undercode. They just don't really make them like they used to..

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