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Everything posted by 237Q

  1. 237Q

    I want to walk the world!
  2. 237Q

    incredibly awesome, especially since I had a bit trouble accessing forum yesterday (I'm away from home and my laptop battery ran out so I had to use my phone while we're still in the wi-fi range). Awesome, awesome, AWESOME! I use android (but I'd have to mention that my screen is kinda small for an android so I had a lot of apps not working because the buttons would be off screen so if you know how to make it resize automatically or something like that, I'd be grateful to grave )
  3. 237Q

    triple photobomb lol (the way your glasses cut off half of someone's face is just epic) great pic lol and thank you guys^^^^^^^^
  4. I'd say no... Clearly because I do wait for some vkei releases, but I wouldn't discover a lot of good non-vk bands if they weren't there mixed with other downloads simply because I'm not interested in giving them attention before I hear them (idk why I'm such an anti when it comes to youtube XD)..
  5. 237Q

    so sad guys get one almost every time :/
  6. 237Q

    marvelous, you wanted to say
  7. 237Q

    hm I got mine recently... on 25th may, actually xD My left eye muscles are a lot weaker than the right ones, so when I'm tired or not concentrated, my left eye was running away freely to wherever it wanted to go xD I wasn't very concerned about it before my head started badly aching on a daily basis (which never happened to me-actually before that, I only felt bad headache 2 or 3 times in my life) so I finally went to see the eyedoctor (what's the name???) and he said I could stay cross-eyed forever if I don't wear them now (also doc mentioned smth about bad "adaption" which is in my age normal to be 14 and mine is hardly 7) :/ I found a design I like though, and got myself some comfort in looking at jrockers with glasses pics xD
  8. 237Q

    ^ohoho maiku got it straightly&directly right away xD can't blame him though... precious kitty is srsly precious @maki.filth: SHOW UR FACE! I remember you being really really beautiful o.o great shade of blue btw, mine got a bit washed out so I covered it with a bit of purple color-shampoo xD anyway I did a little ciel phantomhive cosplay on our last day of school (kind of tradition in our school-a lot of us come in random costumes on the last school day before summer) http://i52.tinypic.com/3310ms9.jpg yess that freakin church behind me is my school actually xD I'm pretty proud of the eye patch (sewn it myself a day before xD) so I'll have to picspam you with a picture where you can see it clearly (I look much older than before, I know, been through some stressful times :/) http://i51.tinypic.com/2141pps.jpg (warning-both pics are pretty big, but I'm way to lazy to open photoshop to resize them-don't know why the heck don't I have MS pant so yahhhh)
  9. 237Q

    yah I guess I can say I'm still a bit of a weeaboo I never actually liked anime (the only one I watched was Kuroshitsuji back in 2008, but man that shit was awesome) but I'm still into vkei stuff, but I guess that's okay coz I'm younger than pretty much most of you (17 yrs) so weird hair colors are still okay PLUS I'm a girl so makeup is just a regular thing but I've never been into vkeish clothes too much, I just add a v-stylish detail here and there at least I'm done with fangirling (well... toned it down pretty much) and I'm studying japanese for 3 years already so I'm not limited to kawaii, sugoi and romaji and yes. I have ameba account and actively write in my blog. thank god at least now I write in japanese and it pretty much pisses me off to see vkeifanz write english on a japanese blog portal.
  10. 237Q

    thank god for this thread, I feel so good right now after I spent last few months looking at my fav vk guys in a "guiz please don't die >.<" way so~ it's safe to plan my university studies in japan WOOHOOO
  11. 237Q

    haha mine too after a year+ I'm no longer blonde or bright pink and also I have to wear glasses since may T_T at least I found some that look okay on me
  12. 237Q

    obviously came out of Lolita23Q (even though I was never a superbig fan of them, I just thought their name was so awesomely genius and liked but never loved their songs (and ban)).. so I added 7 just because I felt like it, and it's still my fav number. it went through variations like: full: Lolita237Q a bit shortened when I was making a last.fm acc: Loli237Q then went to Butterfly237Q just for the sake of it and then I just got pretty much pissed off because I couldn't remember which of those I've used for which account so I just made it extremely simple 237Q now I have no more feelings of it being made from the band Lolita23q, it's more like my personal thing coz it was made in 2007 I think
  13. 237Q

    all this shit makes me wonder if my teachers have even a little tiny bit of a normal fuckin human brain -.- I hope I won't screw everything up now 6 days of school left and I don't have a single final grade yet?!
  14. heeeey I actually like Black Pig or I remember I liked them and now I hear this again oh well....
  15. 237Q

    straight, I was dating a girl once for some really short time, but didn't like it but I really go for guys with kinda girlish look and personality, do not likey macho not so far that I'd want him to wear a skirt and high heels, but I really like guys who take care of their skin and overall appearance
  16. 237Q

    ofc not!
  17. 237Q

    man this really seriously sucks... after all this time... but okay, I guess I'll have 2 TWs from now on, and that's not even a bad thing ^.^
  18. 237Q

    it depends on both persons, really. I once talked to a guy who compared me being in love with a guy 5 years older than me (I am 16 and he is 21) to him (17) being with a 12 year old. Well since most of us are still teens (I guess?), it's really important to think realistically... I mean 10 years of difference are nothing if persons are 30 and 40 years old, but if you're like 15 and he's 25, it's kinda.... you know. Personally, I can't think of an definite number, since I come from the family where my mom and dad started dating when she was 17 and he was 34, but for me, it was really an exception since they really loved eachother, and plus, she had her parents' consent. and it was 30 years ago, so yeah, I guess those were different times. But I once made a deal with myself, I wouldn't be with a guy who's older than my brother, who is 9 years older than me, at least until I turn 25.
  19. 237Q

    nah I'm not from USA but I know what my little european country Serbia does the best! Plagiarizing is our speciality! xD (http://www.allkpop.com/2011/01/shinees- ... ian-singer)
  20. 237Q

  21. 237Q

    like half an hour ago I had a dream like this (and I'm not 100% but pretty sure I already dreamt this, with some minor changes like my cellphone and some people from school I didn't know back then) so one evening me and other random students from my school were waiting for a bus to home. when the bus came, we all got in and since it was full, I stood next to a driver. the driver was my aunt (who I see no reason for being such) (and she dyed her hair bright red in my dream xD). Everybody complained about it, and she was driving very fast, spinning the bus on the roads (the non-existant ones lol), and it was like she asked every student where they live to drive them there. she also drove through a wood, on an unstable wooden bridge very fast. Then we got to a little town which is in reality between the town my school and my city is. but the town was just a crossroad and a little motel. we all spent some time in a motel, and minor things happened in there-someone has beaten up a girl that's a manager for our school magazine, and she assigned me to do her job about some pics (I have just recently got into a journalist teams of that magazine actually). Anyway, we were all sitting around small tables drinking coffee, and suddenly an older girl I don't really like came to me, gave me my phones (my old one and the new one I bought just a few weeks ago), and they were totally ruined. she said they just set on fire by themselves. I was extremely worried about how can I say that to my dad, and what should I do. It was time to go, and I was walking through rooms and tables, looking for my things. Then I saw a few forgotten things (including 3 someone's cellphones) and I was thinking about stealing one, but I asked if those were someone's and got all of it to their owners. Then I even lost my jacket, but found it quickly, but it was all burned with a cigarette (had those circle holes a cig makes on cloth). Then I woke up. I don't know why, but this dream had a huge effect on me, and my thoughts were actually the same as my everyday thoughts-like in my dream I thought about going to a shop where I bought my phone to ask if they can do anything, and in reality I really need to go there to fix some internet issues
  22. 237Q

    I'm listening right now and omg I'm so enjoying this xD and I don't know why, but I decided to listen to it all. And yes, I kinda want Maria to come as quickly as possible just to hear some pleasant sounds. xD thank you for this
  23. 237Q

    hahahah nothing can win the economic importance of tourism in Kerala, not even sound mastering, sorry. ah I miss TW's subtitle thingies, they were always hilariously epic
  24. 237Q

    AHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA OH MY GOD XDD THAT WAS SUPER HILARIOUS xDD ahahahhahahah lol plz forgive me teh caps xD
  25. 237Q

    hm... I don't really care about the race, but yes, my love for asian men would probably affect the decision (my dad already dealt with the fact he'll most probably take walks with a bunch of cute little yellow slant eyed grandchildren ^^) taller than me (not rly hard to be though xD well I'm not extremely short, but I'm not really tall for a white girl either) Since I don't like skinny guys, muscles would be great, but some chubbiness here and there is okay too ^^ you know, not too much, but I want to fall asleep hugging a softieeeee person x) (maybe it's my complex that make me want that? I'm kinda too skinny, I lack around 8 kg to be normal for my height>165cm and 45 kg currently) hmmm pretty face? doesn't have to be anything special, but nice shaped face and lovely lips are *-* Someone special. it's what I demand. I don't want a person that would say things exactly the same like random 60 persons around. Someone with attitude, and a person who is, like me, absolutely devoted to their interests. Also, an ambitious person, like I am. I want a guy who I can silently control. I know that sounds mean, but I'm like that, a leader (double Aries lol) also, it's not like I want to suffer a lot lol, but I kinda need someone who wouldn't be totally mine, like who would sometimes ignore my calls and wouldn't be able to see me every single day in a month lol
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