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Everything posted by Champ213

  1. Champ213

    We discussed this among the staff when it was brought up a few days ago. In short: yes we would host another karaoke contest, if there is enough interest. I would say that we should at least have 10 participants for a decent contest. (A poll isn't really indicative, because from experience half of the people that vote "yes" now won't show up for the actual contest.)
  2. I feel sorry for everyone who shoveled over like 5x the regular price for the original release on auctions sites....
  3. Champ213

    I never bought a ticket from outside Japan, so if anyone wants to correct me, feel free to do so. Japanese sites are notoriously bad at serving overseas costumers. Most of these sites don't even seem to acknowledge the existance of possible customers from outside Japan, ie. they often don't ship overseas, they don't accept payment methods common to the rest of the world (like Paypal), and some even only accept japanese credit cards. So you may end up having to use a shopping service. I'm pretty sure that FromJapan helps with tickets too. Of course there will be an additional handling fee, but it might be your safest bet.
  4. Champ213

    Nope, a scrollbar is not a feature that can be enabled for the sideboxes, sorry. I tweaked the settings a bit so that the calender shows less days in advance. If it still bothers you, you can always collapse the box (or any of the other boxes for that matter). For example, I always have the "popular tags" box collapsed, as I don't need to see it every time I'm on the index page. I only open it when I actually want to search for a tag.
  5. Champ213

    Apparently there is the option to switch the date format, but oddly enough it only seems to affect how the date is displayed in the input mask. Once you entered it, it switches back to the mm/dd/yyyy format and it displays like that in the sidebar too. I might have to look closer at the code to see why this happens...
  6. Champ213

    I made a short guide how to add events to the calender (it's really easy, but maybe some people were unsure), and made an announcement about it! Maybe that will get things rolling.
  7. [CD track list] 01.君ノ存在理論(kimi no sonzai riron) 02.生ト死(sei to shi)(SE) 03.僕ノ自殺理論(boku no jisatsu riron)
  8. Champ213

    The old thread was maintained by kodomia, but I don't think they are around anymore. Ideally, people would use the calendar. As fas as I know, everyone can add events to the release calendar (and if not, we can certainly make it that way.) The advantage of the calender are that it doesn't depend on one person to keep it updated. But people just seem to forget the calender exists. XD If someone wants to volunteer to make a new thread, and keep it updated, that would of course be great. The way the old thread worked was that everyone could post it in, but one person (the topic starter) had to maintain the first post, by adding the information from that thread and other news threads. The staff can also have an eye on the thread and help to keep it updated, but ideally one person is primarily responsible for it. If they are feeling very eager, they could even add them to the calender as well. So if someone wants to pick up the excellent work by kodomia again, I'm sure a lot of people would appreciate it. If not, we may have to find a way to make more people aware of the calender function and how to use it.
  9. We have the same taste in awful + no1curr bands [2] In particular: 800+ plays for 弥叉, that's some dedication! You probably have listened to them more than any member of the band themselves. Bonus points for Madeth gray'll in Top 10. http://www.last.fm/user/Champ213
  10. 1. You have that "last.fm level" bar that doesn't really mean anything, it doesn't even tell us what algorithm it uses, so it may as well be a random number that supposedly only serves the purpose of massive e-peen enlargement. 2. You are actually listening to the hype band of the season, a.k.a. sukekiyo. They may as well have called the band sukii-kyo, because Mr. "I can't sing falsettos but I will do it anyway" is pretty much the only reason why they get so much attention at all. 3. Newsflash: listening to Boris doesn't give you underground creds anymore. Everyone and their grandmother listens to Boris these days. XD http://www.last.fm/user/Champ213
  11. BUCK-TICK as Top artist? I approve! I also spot LUNA SEA there. I approve x2. http://www.last.fm/user/Champ213
  12. FAR TOO EASY. Anyone with the abs of horror (A.k.a Black Gene for the Next Scene) in their weekly charts deserves to be sentenced to 1000 push-ups in a row. Kthxbai. Gimme your worst shot: http://www.last.fm/user/Champ213
  13. Champ213

    That opens up so many pun-ny possibilities. Where is punmaster Jigsaw when you need him? Oh wait.
  14. Champ213

    I follow mostly a bunch of Minecraft LPs, although they usually play some other games as well. For me Minecraft is the perfect game for LPs, as it has no storyline that can be spoiled. Instead each LetsPlayer can give them their own narrative. But if one of my favourite Lpers plays any other game I'll check it out too. I mostly skip LPs of AAA titles though, esepcially if they are heavily storybased, because I don't want to be spoiled in case I ever want to play the game myself. (And I rarely play a game until it's 1 or 2 years old.) My favourite LetsPlayers definetely are Vintage Beef (one of the best Minecraft LPs - he's funny, not screamy, very creative and always positive without being hyper) and Kurt J. Mac (not so much Minecraft anymore, but a very interesting mix of weird indie games, older games, racing sims, space-related games and other stuff - plus the guy is just hilarious.)
  15. Champ213

    Weeell, I'm usually not one to gloat, but if you listen to them you may come to the conclusion that this wasn't the worst decision....
  16. Champ213

    Very good news!
  17. Champ213

    I will go with Sel'm as well. I don't remember that particular track, bit Sel'm had some pretty neat songs in general. 1. 『正義』崇拝教團JUSTICE KING - 赤い雪 2. Empyrium - Fossegrim 3. Lamiel - 破戒の人形 4. Alkonost - Молодость 5. Versailles - God Palace -Method of Inheritance- 6. VASALLA - Insanity 7. Jeremy Soule - Frostfall 8. Inkubus Sukkubus - Away with the Fairies 9. Abney Park - The Death Of The Hero 10. Die Ärzte - Quark This has actually several good songs, but I have to go with Die Ärzte because that songs makes me grin every time.
  18. He did speak some english at the Versailles live in Cologne a few years ago. It didn't sound rehearsed, but it was almost impossible to understand him. XD Not that it matters for the few overseas lives he may or may not have in the future. I come to concerts for the music, not to chit-chat with the artists. And his main fanbase ist still in Japan and he's able to communicate with them just fine.
  19. Champ213

    Lool, I don't know any of those bands. But I *have* heard the name STRAIGHTENER before, I guess that counts for something....? 1. SEX-ANDROID - 姫ゴト(アコースティック) 2. Faint in Pain - 桜の刻 3. Thayer Cabin - Fog in the Mountains 4. Negură Bunget - De Piatr 5. Santiano - Es gibt nur Wasser 6. Two Steps From Hell - Life Of A Legend 7. Sleep My Dear - φphi~幾千の記憶~ 8. rice - since 9. Alice Cooper - Love Should Never Feel Like This 10. BUCK-TICK - Phantom Voltaire Very random shuffle, and a huge LOL @ Santiano - I totally forgot I downloaded that album once. Some songs on the list don't really ring a bell atm, so I'll go with Sleep my Dear, because that's just a nice nice song.
  20. Champ213

    O RLY?
  21. Champ213

    Well, I guess I just have bad luck then. XD The only time I didn't have to pay any taxes when ordering something from Japan in recent months was an order from Adumaya, and I assumed that was because I used SAL instead of EMS. When using EMS I never did NOT have to pay. I already consider myself lucky when I get it delivered to my door and can pay there, instead of having to collect it from the ass of the city, lol. I'm actually considering to stop using EMS, since the packages get stuck in costums for 4-5 days it's barely faster anyway. But some places like Closetchild only offer EMS.
  22. Champ213

    I use FromJapan too, and I still had to pay 19% import taxes every single time. o.O
  23. Champ213

    Okay, you had your triumph, back to 0 now.
  24. Moulin Rouge is such a Lareine-throwback (Fuyu Tokyo anyone?), I love it. Also gives me a chance to be all hipster and laugh at all the Versailles fan younglings that are crying now "Oh no, Kamijosama needs to be all metulz and dark and aristocraticy again!" (Don't get me wrong, I really liked Versailles, but the symphonic metal thing has gotten pretty stale at the end, so I like he's doing some different styles again.)
  25. Champ213

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