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Everything posted by CAT5

  1. CAT5

    Never listened to an album by this band, but those samples sound pretty nice. Something to look forward to!
  2. MH POLL OF THE WEEK #31: What would you like the ORZ (Official Reviewers) focus on more in the next year? Multiple choice poll! For the uninitiated, Our Official Review Team aka 'ORZ' is: @beni @CAT5 @doombox @fitear1590 @Jigsaw9 @Peace Heavy mk II @ShanethVarosa @Zeus To submit a poll for the MH POLL OF THE WEEK, P.M. either @CAT5 or @beni with your poll question, choices, and state whether it's multiple choice or not.
  3. I tried the lynch single, but I enjoyed EVOKE better. @beni - The plastic tree song sounds good, but I can't with Ryutaro's vocals. I don't get the appeal either. That Sawano song sounds ok, and I agree with how you felt about the rest of them overall. Yun*chi and Kana Noshino aren't for me. @doombox - I think this has been the best DADAROMA song of this style, so far. I do prefer their other sounds, though. The Pentagon song isn't bad either, although i'm generally not fond of choruses with key changes for some reason. The Age Factory song is surprising and right up my alley, but something about the vocals rubs me the wrong way. The T.C.L and karasu songs are both legit too, @fitear1590 - The kafka song is pleasant. though nothing really attention-grabbing for me.
  4. CAT5

    Happy birthday, @eiheartx!
  5. I vaguely keep up with these guys, but I can dig this. Sounds like they successfully incorporated EDM into their music!
  6. Best New Tracks: September 2015 Another month has passed and the ORZ team has more new tracks to recommend! Be sure to check them out and let us know with you think. Feel free to comment and recommend your own picks as well! In addition, a special thanks to our guest contributor @Lestat for writing our very first BNT guest submission! From now on, we will be accepting guest submissions for the Best New Tracks Series. To find out how to contribute, please contact @CAT5 via PM! Visual Kei "最終電車 (saishuu densha)" by DADAROMA "落花 (Rakka)" by Plastic Tree "思春期と伝染病 (Shishunki to Densenbyou)" by SCAPEGOAT "Jesus Phobia" by ペンタゴン (Pentagon) "Dedicate to Graveyard" by 凛 (lin) -THE END OF CORRUPTION WORLD- "Perfect Blue" by 和楽器バンド (Wagakki Band) "STARLIGHT SNOW" by 少年記 (Shounenki) Rock / Metal / Punk / Indie / Alt. "Nohara" by Age Factory "iny" by eito "CELINE" by möscow çlub (moscow club) "Marv Merchants" by sajjanu "LOST A COLOR" by T.C.L "sea side motel" by Tempalay "ディスワールド (this world)" by the north end "She's like Sofia Coppola" by カフカ (KAFUKA) "スカートリフティング (skirt lifting)" by バズマザーズ (buzzmothers) Pop / Idol / R&B / Hip-Hop "heavenly blue" by Kalafina "oⅠ" by SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:mizuki "FUTURE FUTURE" by Yun*chi "ヒズムリアリズム (hizumu realism)" by カラスは真っ白 (karasu wa masshiro) "A型のうた (A-Gata no Uta)" by 西野カナ (Nishino Kana) See you next month!
  7. CAT5

    Some people with dyslexia also show signs of dysgraphia, which affects handwriting and recognizing forms in letters, etc. That's good for your brother, but it's not the case for everyone.
  8. CAT5

    I'll sign up and try this out some time.
  9. CAT5

    I think it really depends on the situation. True, people drift in and out of your life naturally, but I view cutting people off as a very conscious decision. It's a choice that usually results in some pretty tough feelings on both sides. (Mind you, when I say cutting people off, I mean just dropping all communication completely with no attempt to explain.) You're right in that whether you drift apart naturally or decide to cut someone off, the end result will be the same: you'll no longer talk to or associate with the person in question. I think most people can and and do operate like this...the notion that "if this person or situation no longer servers me, then I have the right to remove myself from it". There is nothing wrong with thinking like that. I agree with it - there are undoubtedly times when you have to remove yourself from unhealthy people and situations. But I'd beware of practicing that idea to the point that you use it as an excuse to avoid potentially meaningful confrontation. I feel like in some instances (those that are harmless), consciously deciding to cut people off isn't necessarily the most efficient method of handling things. It can result in a bunch of nasty feelings and incite needless drama over something that probably could have been handled by talking things through. Some people in your life simply need to be put in their place, and you do that by asserting yourself and attempting to reach an understanding. It could be something as simple as "hey, this isn't working for me, so blah blah etc etc". At least if you reach an understanding, you can then drift apart smoothly without any hard feelings or bad vibes. Although even if you do try to be more diplomatic about it, there's no guarantee that the other person will be open to understanding your perspective. And if that falls through, then at least you will have said your piece and can leave that person knowing you tried. Personally, I've come to view cutting ppl off as a last resort and unless it's absolutely necessary. But as for your situation, only you can judge how you want to handle it. Whatever you decide, I don't think your decision will be "wrong", so just go with your gut.
  10. CAT5

    Pick Your Artist/Band: 凛として時雨 Are you a male or female: Who What Who What Describe yourself: i not crazy am you are How do you feel: Enigmatic Feeling Describe where you currently live: this is is this? If you could go anywhere, where would you go?: knife vacation Your favourite form of transportation: DISCO FLIGHT Your best friend is: COOL J You and your best friends are: abnormalize What’s the weather like: Sadistic Summer Favourite time of day: am3:45 If your life was a TV show, what would the title be?: Hysteric phase show What is life to you: moment A rhythm Your Relationship: Beautiful Circus Your fear: Undercover Suicide
  11. CAT5

    Yes. Cigarettes are legal and they're lethal. Do you enjoy rainy days?
  12. CAT5

    This is none of my business, but I'm going to butt in anyways. Have you tried honestly talking to this person and telling them how you feel? Unless you're dealing with some kind of abusive relationship (physical, psychological, or emotional), then I would say talk to them. From personal experience, I've come to believe that cutting people off is rarely necessary, and just inspires more animosity and negative feelings. It's better to just talk to people so you get an idea of where you stand with each other (or just to put them in their place, ha). I've cut very few people off in life, but I do regret some of them because I feel as if I could've handled it better than just severing ties completely. also, don't feel inclined to answer this. I just feel like waffling atm.
  13. CAT5

  14. DIR EN GREY has been around for 18 years now, but when you divide their career in two, which half have you been enjoying more? Dir en grey (1997 - 2005) Gauze (1999) Macabre (2000) Kisou (2002) Vulgar (2003) Withering to Death. (2005) vs DIR EN GREY (2006 - 2015) The Marrow of a Bone (2007) Uroboros (2008) Dum Spiro Spero (2011) Arche (2014)
  15. CAT5

    Caught up to the latest chapter in the manga. Oda's genius never fails. I haven't bothered watching the anime (i'm probably close to 30 eps behind by now). In general, I feel like the post time-skip episodes have been lacking somehow, but it might just be due to me reading the manga and knowing how things play out already.
  16. I'm glad they're back. I wonder why they're changing their name, though.
  17. Tried the new Disclosure album today, and it was mostly forgettable. I did enjoy the track with Lorde, though. That'll probably get some repeats from me. Aussie singer Ainslie Wills dropped a new EP recently which was pretty nice too. Super solid singer-songwriter/pop stuff
  18. robkun, congrats on becoming gold! Very well deserved! ; )

    1. robkun


      Wow, I just saw this. Thank you very much, totally surprised! ^__^

  19. CAT5

    Welcome to the forum!
  20. "Neck of the Woods" was really my first time trying them, but I enjoyed that album a lot. I didn't even know they had a new one out, so thanks for that, I'll have to give it a try. The vocal melodies in that video remind me of winnie for some reason.
  21. http://www.peanutizeme.com/ yay for the lack of afrocentric hairstyles! You may want to resize your image as the downloads are quite big.
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