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Posts posted by CAT5

  1. Rude.

    hey, I was just making an observation :P

    Besides, I'm possibly your #1 fan :wub:

    ...and regardless of what you listen to, you could probably talk more intelligently about music than most of the people on this forum ^^;;

  2. Hello Dai. I think I've rarely addressed you directly, and at this point, you may not care to hear what I have to say. But...

    I can't make any major decisions, since I'm just a mod, and I can only speak on MY OWN behalf. Personally, I think we should be able to come up with some kind of compromise that will benefit both parties. Don't you think so? What would you propose?

    Because, honestly, having two Tainted Worlds is just silly imo. Regardless of what happens, kai, manda and the rest of the staff aren't what makes TW. And frankly, neither are you. I believe what makes TW is the loyal userbase we've acquired over the years. The people that have continuously visited TW, throughout all of the ups and downs. Those that were willing to start over, time and time again. Those are the very people that have followed us to this current forum. I think we should be mature about this and come together to act in their best interest - not try to divide the community.

    I know that you, kai, and manda all take pride in what you've accomplished...and I wouldn't know what exactly to propose, but there MUST be some way that you all could work together and turn this situation into something positive and productive. Maybe I'm just being blindly optimistic, but you 3 are obviously talented, creative individuals - and if you all would think outside the box for just a second, I'm sure you 3 could help take TW to new heights. Kai and manda can handle the database, you can handle the main site....and I'm sure there are many other things that could be done to enhance TW, right? I dunno...I'm just rambling now, really. =/

    I know this post is pretty hopeless, but hey, it's how I feel about the situation. We should all try to set our personal feelings aside for a second and look at the bigger picture....take it as you will (this goes for not only dai, but the rest of the TW staff too).

  3. i've heard it from grapevines that the mod inauguration will involving buttsecks from all staffs to the new mod.

    whoa, whoa, WHOA. you've most definitely heard wrong, sir. =/

    new mods are inaugurated via bukkake orgies >_>

  4. Maiku and will are a bit too.....bromantic in here. Time for me to depart this thread and leave you two to do the things that you "manly" men do.....^^;;

    p.s. - SUBLIMINAL for mod +1

  5. Why would you? This is a suggestion. I would like to be a mod, that's a suggestion. And it appears a few other members didn't mind the idea because it's actually a pretty damn good idea. It's about time we got a nice young gentleman onboard.

    Ok, you suggested something. The staff considered it. And it's obviously a "NO"

    At any rate, this is kinda getting ridiculous now. twas entertaining, though!

    Besides, we have plenty of nice young gentlemen on board already. :P

  6. I know something!

    Beautiful, deep female vocals are rare as HELL in Japan. Like for Rock that is.

    I guess I'll go with Satoko from me-al art here too...her voice is deeper than your average JP female, though it's still not the deepest around. Her voice does have an amazing amount of power and heft to it, though - attributes you don't often find in Japanese female rock vocalists.

    I think you'll find deeper female voices outside of rock, though. A few that come to mind are UA, Mika Nakashima, Tomoko Nagashima (Orange Pekoe), Yoshie Nakano (Ego-Wrappin'), Kazuho Oogiya, Uri Nakayama....coincidentally, all of these women make or have at least dabbled in jazz music. xD

  7. I haven't tried these girls yet. I've only watched their PV for "loop", which wasn't bad. Not that it matters, but besides the vocalist, these girls are a homely bunch. ^^;;

    Whenever I check out the mini, I'll let you know what I think...

  8. it's gonna happen. it needs to

    in all seriousness, it could happen...eventually. Anytime soon is doubtful, though.

    I'm only saying this because when I registered @TW back in 08, I had absolutely no intentions of being a "real" member...let's just say I came here with some rather malevolent intentions. To put it simply, I was considered "the enemy". ^^;

    so yeah, who knows...

  9. Right. I feel you, but that comment wasn't really necessary. All comments like that do is serve to hinder or derail the discussion at hand (like what we're doing right now). Besides, you were pretty much stating the obvious. I mean....what else would you expect to see in a thread about "bad" vocalists? "Bad" is a subjective term so of course people are gonna complain/talk about vocalists they don't like.

    All I'm saying is - Instead of taking the time to post some negative sentiment in a thread, why not go post a thread that you feel won't have a "predictable" outcome? (rhetorical question btw)

  10. I like how all of these bad threads are pretty much "Complain about groups you don't like" threads. I think it would save a bunch of time to just make a communal bitch thread.

    I have a better one for you:

    I like how people complain about the content of these discussion threads, yet they never (or rarely) bother posting any discussion threads of their own. If you have a problem with it, don't simply post a negative anti-thread comment, go post some discussion threads of your own. And this goes FOR EVERYONE.

  11. A bit surprised at all the disdain for Asagi. I thought his vocals were pretty tolerable on "The Name of the Rose" and on songs prior to and subsequent to that release, though I admit that his vocals (or his delivery rather) has digressed to the point that I can't listen to any of D's new stuff. Asagi does have some "WTF moments", but I don't think his voice is all that bad, it's moreso his delivery (the way he uses his voice) that ruins it for me. With that said, I still wouldn't place him in the bad/worst VK vocalists category.

  12. @saishuu - I felt the same actually. Making this list reminded me of how much material I enjoy from these guys. They're actually fairly high on my last.fm too (which I found a bit surprising). When you browse my library "by plays", they're on the 3rd page...out of 189 pages in total! xD

    I was expecting everyone's selection to be pretty straightforward, but they're quite interesting! I think my selection is the most straightforward, as you can clearly see my preference for coll:set, but you guys are all over the place! ;D

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