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Everything posted by CAT5

  1. Someone needs to compile all of the jazzy/jazz-inspired VK songs they can find. That would be funny/interesting/cool/and many other adjectives. In fact, someone needs to do that now.

    1. saishuu


      most songs would probably just blend in together though, unless they were released by Sugar, Moran and earlier SID.

    2. CAT5


      I know, when I say "jazzy/jazz-inspired" I mean it very lightly, but I'd still like to hear a compilation tho.

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      This song's intro always sounded like the menu music of Grand Turismo to me.

    4. Show next comments  351 more
  2. CAT5

  3. CAT5

  4. I thought this was pretty cool to look at. Best of 2013 lists from artists that are on and associated with the subenoana label (which is a fantastic record label I might add) http://subenoana.net/best2013/ I'm somehow not surprised to see Eminem on DOTAMA's list, ha.
  5. CAT5

  6. CAT5

    "Back then" many people weren't concerned with bitrates, but times have changed and people are more educated about audio quality in general. Our forum is just a microcosm of the internet's filesharing culture. HQ rips are preferred all around.
  7. CAT5

  8. CAT5

    There's nothing wrong with 128k and 192k - I have TONS of music at these bitrates. And no shit, sherlock - pirating is illegal! That's not going to stop people from sharing music and it never has. If you're going to do something illegal, you might as well do it well. You may personally be satisfied with 128k and 192k, but in this day and age, many people prefer higher rips - so WHY NOT just rip music at the widely preferred bitrates? That way, people like yourself as well as people who are sticklers for audio quality will be pleased. Firstly, I never said that files should be at least 320k. There are a variety of different formats that people find more satisfactory than 128k and 192k (personally I prefer v0 and 320k). If you're even vaguely educated about bitrates and you deliberately choose to rip your CD at a bitrate that YOU KNOW people generally dislike, then YES - YES I WOULD CONSIDER YOU AN ASSHOLE! Ripping music at high lossy bitrates DOES NOT require any extra effort. Sure, people are free to rip their music at whatever bitrate they choose, but I'm also free to think you're an asshole if you rip your music in low quality when you could easily rip at more preferable bitrates with the click of a mouse.
  9. CAT5

  10. CAT5

    Tara Jane O'Neil - Glow now
  11. CAT5

    You might note that I bolded and capitalized the word "INTENTIONALLY", you know, to put emphasis on the fact that I was referring to uploaders who know exactly what they're doing. ; )
  12. CAT5

    Context is key here, so I need to clarify my "share to the fullest" mantra. If you're going to upload something, don't intentionally downgrade the quality because you feel that people should go buy the album or something silly like that. People are gonna be people - and if someone really wants to buy an album, they'll buy it regardless of the bitrate that it was shared in. I agree that people shouldn't complain about bitrates (sometimes it's impossible to find an HQ rip), but if you actually own a CD and you INTENTIONALLY rip it at a bitrate that is generally unacceptable, then you're an asshole. That's what I mean by sharing to the fullest. Now "fullest" is highly subjective, but in general most people have no problems with V0, 320, or lossless. It's like you said, Champ - I also look at uploading as a community service - so why half-ass it? Ripping something at a bitrate that most people prefer (aka the ppl you're servicing), is hardly a daunting task (click of a mouse, really). But with that said, if you're uploading files that you didn't rip yourself and you have no control over the bitrate, then that's fine - people shouldn't bitch over stuff like that. I've got tons of old and obscure stuff in inferior bitrates, but I'm damn grateful to have them.
  13. CAT5

  14. CAT5

  15. ; )

    1. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven

      are u trying to creep back to me

    2. CAT5



  16. CAT5

    I personally don't agree with sharing low quality out of spite. If people complain that much about what you share, you're probably sharing with the wrong group of people. - Also, to answer my own question. What do I find most satisfying about uploading? Well, I have no shame in admitting that back in the day, most of it had to do with egoism (aka the e-peen). I was EXTREMELY passionate about finding new and obscure music, and I simply wanted to be revered for my efforts. But ego aside, I also genuinely enjoyed sharing and exposing people to new music. I wanted people to experience the depths of Japanese music as I'd experienced it (there's always so much to discover). These days (as i've gotten older/matured), I'm much less concerned about appeasing my ego, and more interested in getting good music to people that will enjoy it. Simple as that.
  17. CAT5

  18. CAT5

    Your name seems very vaguely familiar. Anyhow, welcome to MH/welcome back? ; )
  19. CAT5

  20. CAT5

    There is no need to bump your own thread. If people are interested, they will post. Just be patient
  21. ^____________________^

    1. CAT5


      lmao. I had no idea that was a meme. But no, I don't mean it like that lol. I'm not an atheist lmao

    2. Wonrei


      *tips fedora*

    3. CAT5
    4. Show next comments  351 more
  22. CAT5

    ^ You should specify the time at which the breakdown occurs on all of the videos. Anyhow, UPLIFT SPICE are known to have some pretty rad breakdowns at times. Most recently in their song "U & I" - from 2:00 to 2:33
  23. UNLIMITS are always fun. Hopefully they stick to their trademark melodic, minor-chord-heavy pop-punk.
  24. Supporting the music you like/love is wonderful, but as many have noted already, buying all of the merch/CDs in the world does not mean you get to control the will or fate of the band. If the band is going to change styles, disband, or use their money snort cocaine from the dirty asses of prostitutes - that's simply beyond your control. It's a bit egotisitcal to think that you own a band because you own their CD, or to think that a band has to conform to your whims because you spent money on them. You see, there's this wonderful thing called "free will" - so if you like it, feel free to support it - if you don't like it, you don't have to support it.
  25. CAT5

    I stopped paying attention to the DL count of my uploads a long time ago. A QUESTION TO MY FELLOW UPLOADERS: What is the most satisfying aspect of uploading for you?
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