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Everything posted by Yukami

  1. Yukami

    orgasmic voice!! good preview!
  2. Yukami

    Title Album: 「MYTH 第二章 遥かなる旅路」 Release: 2013.03.26
  3. o_OMG, my ears! go sh*t... with all good bands there... I don't like...
  4. Yukami

    Good! Long ago they did not know... I heard there is a new component "Amara (Jennifer)"?
  5. Yukami

    A few days ago the website stopped working. And the year is ending and we do not know anything about the first album "Malleus Maleficarum" (scheduled for 2012 released)?
  6. Yukami

    WTF? O_o
  7. Yukami

    Awake 黒飴玉×Suicide SPOT CM
  8. OMG! Emiru Return!! I will not call Satoshi ¬.¬ I liked "ie". I would have liked something more "at the beginning of Aicle." but I'll settle return Emiru *-*
  9. Yukami

    Good! >.
  10. Yukami

    I will take it as a name change XD
  11. Yukami

    open blog Shunka Q43uldNEAiM
  12. Good! Good pack. Do not know how to get out of the remaining items xD
  13. Yukami

    their release live-limited one-coin single "Shining Rain" at 2012/10/26 himxT9mU2zI
  14. Yukami

    good ^^
  15. Yukami

    great set-list! º_º I hope a dvd of it
  16. Yukami

    7aoVQ41QzRk KtnaMLc0HfE
  17. Yukami

    Preview: wZZTspBfvcE
  18. Yukami

    The first single will be released on December 1. It will be available live on the same day. TrackList: DOWNER DANCER 花蝶風月 (Kachou Fuugetsu) トウソウホンノウ (Tousou Honnou) You can hear his cd distributed here: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=18302
  19. Yukami

    Great News! Yesterday I sent a message, and it appears today this, I'm surprised.
  20. Yukami

    only know [MU] xD
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