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Everything posted by Yukami

  1. Yukami

    But that is their new look? On their website does not appear and are 4 (?)
  2. Yukami

    preview is amazing!!
  3. Yukami

    I liked the song the first video! ^^
  4. Not bad the song. Although I liked his other PV more! ^^ regarding the change of name...wordless.
  5. Good (new song) and bad (live-limited one-coin ._.) news. Nobody knows anything about the mini-album "Kyouiku" scheduled for November 2012?
  6. Yukami

    ^ No, I mean I saw the news recently. Sorry, my English is not very good.
  7. I liked the preview ^^
  8. I'm surprised at this news. Good ^^
  9. Yukami

    Look is similar to La'veil MizeriA I want to hear something ^^
  10. Yukami

    Good news! I saw her recently. The I added to my website: クリシュナ(Crishuna) New look is amazing! +_+
  11. Yukami

    o_O interesting, although I'm not a big fan of Miku
  12. Yukami

    Good news! I hope an album soon...
  13. Yukami

    New Look: I guess this will be the last look of Raychel
  14. Yukami

  15. Yukami

  16. Yukami

    nice name. I hope to hear the cd!
  17. Yukami

    I'm happy for them! ^^
  18. Yukami

    interesting, I hope to hear something from this singer.
  19. voice opening/ending anime! interesting ^^
  20. Yukami

    スバル(Subaru) (ex-End;Re -band session-) would act in the following lives as support bassist.
  21. Yukami

    Each component opens up new blog. http://ameblo.jp/riku-zin/ http://ameblo.jp/luy-zin/ http://ameblo.jp/yoshi-zin/ http://ameblo.jp/orochi-zin/ http://ameblo.jp/saku-zin/ be preparing the return? would be great news ^^
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