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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    that entire encore is a mess, I'm living for the set-list tho
  2. nekkichi

    #not_all_vk_listeners!!! this is the thing that grieva later got abundantly, joyously, massively shat on for undercode stans are been knewn as xrta interesting though.
  3. nekkichi

    it is nega had a good first mini-album and instead of disbanding, went onto ripping off everyone else in the scene I mostly remember them as Deg thieves because of that cute vanitas title, but I stopped checking out on them long ago and can't remember literally anything remotely original about that band
  4. nekkichi

    their main composer is right here: i can't care less who got credited in their releases
  5. nekkichi

    didn't their bassist and drummer (two most replaceable members, altho w. nega the debate is open on everyone xcept for vo.) retire completely at this point
  6. nekkichi

    this is not happening as long as ラッコ is still around, so I guess it's one major reason I'll be rooting for them, lmao. it doesn't make their good songs (approx. half of them) worse, and better sound production on rage and onwards doesn't really help their degrading compositions. they either ran out of good ideas completely after the first album, or one of suspect guitar heffas is already eyeing a better deal, slacking on their TBS contributions.
  7. nekkichi

    he worked with bataar, I think it's v unlikely he's gonna shit-talk weaboo-kei after that
  8. nekkichi

    so you had an opportunity to ask for his opinion on the developing north korea nuclear crisis and its relation to the everyday lives of japanese people, but went for validation of die/may existence from the mouth of VK godmother herself? may your patreon always prosper, x.
  9. truly defining the sound of fujioshi-kei… rising from its grave, like an undead bloodthirsty hound, sniffing the air for virgins, howling at the crossroads in the dark new moon nights… bassist is vgl, that acid-lolita should open a bdsm dungeon or something to fund their production tbh.
  10. nekkichi

    much budget, such effort wow
  11. nekkichi

    nnnnn this bish >it’s hard to draw the line between work and holiday. I love my work, so, basically, every day is a holiday I mean we all get iT, in an industry plagued with premature leakage (hon-hon-hon) it's better to avoid recording an overdue album til a few years past its scheduled release date; we can wait I'm p. sure she's aware of fanfiction and maybe has a couple retro doujins stacked somewhere (until the vogue cover replacedT them as a signifier of ha popularity), but it would be fresh if she went online and discoveredT di darkness that lives in ha fans' hearts
  12. they all should be jailed for ripping off the black swan sound & frontman's hair styling
  13. nekkichi

    weaves are cheap... :<
  14. nekkichi

    hashtag me-underscore-a-underscore-f:
  15. nekkichi

    disappointedT, but not surprised something tells me their new single b-sides won't be good too :// ensoku, I think. TBS only signed with them before releasing the full album, though, so they were either self-published or had an even smaller deal prior to that. tbh considering sadie were much more popular than an average vk band throughout their entire insipid career, nothing about the thirteen (except for bumped up PV production budgets) surprises me.
  16. I haven't checked on her over past year, and this video is one of the saddest, and also most candid things I've seen tbh :((( 



    the going to hospital and being uncertain if they even can provide help is....just wrong, idk

    I have lots of emotions after watching this vid, but I don't even know how to process it all r.n.

  17. nekkichi

    it's not even a new picture - it surfaced around the time he released that boring song about a month ago. late avelcain was not good, but jisatsukween has already shown he has lots of potential to do worse.
  18. idg what was the point of disbanding megamasso if none of ex-members' projects so far come even remotely close to it they all sound derivative, soulless and completely lacking any fun that mgmss had very very sparingly once in a while.
  19. expecting new fans by association?
  20. akasaka blitz 5 days concerts and code of vulgarism live dvds are iconic (altho I remember wtf-ing a lot at the bonus bootleg vulgarism footage, that shit already sounded suspect a.f.) he still sounds ok when performing old versions of their pre-WTD songs that aren't plagued with squeals lol @ first Japanese comment here saying they like old obscure more than remake I have no idea who this messy band really is catering for these days tbh
  21. nekkichi

    I highkey applaud 誠's dedication to rocking that hair fry #jealous I don't like approx. half of their music, but their looks slay me lots recently, who'd have thought I will be stanning ex-undercode darlings out of the entire current scene
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