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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    ugh uncommence iT
  2. nekkichi

    he doesn't use concert vocal processing (unlike akane who actually does live layering and some pitch correcting thus sounding closer to what they do on CD) and his recent performances are a bit messy but I think it's just exhaustion and smoking idk anyway who cares her skinny wig is steaming on poinT YASSSSSSSSS
  3. nekkichi

    I'm not sure what you're basing this on, their marketing for that single (scream for t3h truth!111 tila tequila appearances on kaoru talk show with the evidence of flat earth 5D shift etc) was centered around fukushima afternath and japanese govnmt doing the least about it, see here http://www.direngrey.co.jp/en/?page_id=52
  4. anyone else consistently whispering "gaga....skinny...." in a very little voice every time her images pop up



  5. glamscure found dead in the ditch x
  6. nnnn the shitty normie-kei acts thoughT they were safe from this demon and his creative napalm
  7. nekkichi

    ugh this is such a sad reminder that dexcore technically outperform both but no one cares about them on the kizu levels of stanning OT i'm surprised that the new track almost sounds decent, if only they could get a better vocalist! oversanging falsetto queen sounds grating a.f.
  8. nekkichi

    𝓖rℷ⨍ic ∂3𝔃i𝔊ℕ i$ my 𝓟@𝔰𝔰𝚒⦶ℕ
  9. nekkichi

    I had a feeling that the overpriced live distro was going to be some edm remixes of their album rejects/demos and the offshoot bgm honestly sounded v. close to what I was thinking about, interesting
  10. nekkichi

    holy shit that bloaT someone been thriving off the t-shirt sales alone I c
  11. the more embarrassing derivative nonsense they release the more I wonder who actually ghost produced the first couple years worth of sadie singles; I'm really curious what that person is up to these days
  12. Jin: Brain worm larvae prevaricating intraneath 『THE ピープル SIN』






    Jin:  VOM FEC VOM FEC 酷̵̨̗͉̝̺̰͔͍̦͕̖̥̪̣̻̤̝̩̻い̶̞̣̼̣̞͚̗̻̯̭̲̜̲͈̬̣̠͠ NAUSEO POMPOSUM







    how is your art*clear pre-release anxiety manifesting?

  13. nekkichi

    they just upgrade accepting mitsu money for like actual cash embezzling so there's no learning curve???
  14. is Kaneko a hunTy?


  15. nekkichi

    ohmygod that look I hope they drop the PV a month ahead of release tbh
  16. nekkichi

    rated r for "relatable" 😍
  17. oh my god I'm so pissed that merry film their videos in the FWD warehouse throwing a blanket over unsold TIW copies just so next Deg video could include some shitty CG cherubs flapping around or something equally reductive


    I can only hope our austerely treated faves don't disband next at this point

    1. suji


      it's like fw gives all the yens to diru & then takes a huge steaming dump on merry ;w;

    2. nekkichi


      like fr all the shit we have to SUFFER through on the account of Kaoru scaring paying mitsu away from his awful band, rendering them unprofitable




  18. it's a yuge imrpovement over samples for sure the video tho.... the sheer "12012 2nd major single PV" vibe of it all... the 1/3 average melvel video budget.... this is noT how you promote scene veterans like them like tf
  19. nekkichi

    I remember a liquor store worker (?) commenting on this along the lines of "we know you're (probably) over 18, we just assume you're looking that busted at 16, therefore bring the ID." it's not flattery x
  20. so if it's their 0-th album.... shouldn't it have zero tracks???????
  21. nekkichi

    what a tragic wingworks knock-off
  22. nekkichi

    aren't literally all japanese TV "performances" lipsynched
  23. nekkichi

    if that is an indication of what they're morphing creatively into, their next ultrasonical collection CD will be titled DEMENTIUM.
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