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Posts posted by nekkichi

  1. Well regarding the anime openings: it seems like a growing trend for companies to approach new and upcoming major bands (if you want to consider Sadie up and coming. I guess you could) and see if they want to give them a song for an anime opening. Yes, a lot of shit goes on behind the scenes and usually bands are just spokesman for a hidden agenda (i.e. they lie for their management or record label) but Ruki is different. He is highly dedicated to the artistic integrity of the bands music, and everything about it. He is very vocal (lol pun) about every aspect of their music, and when people started to complain that they wrote this FOR the anime, he instantly spoke out. If there's anyone I trust, it's Ruki.

    I see what you mean here, I've had somewhat similar attitude towards them (I trust Rookie!11 They give a shit about artistic intergreety!11) - until they have started releasing crap under sony.

    Sadie? Indeed, their current label is spending a little bit more money to get their talentless shit exposed, but who cares about Sadie?

    They're really on the same boat as gaygamesh, ex-ayabie and a plenty of ex-hevy bands, now doing fanservice and recycling the same track for a dozen of releases.

    ]And if it is implied that the A side of a single is a contractual agreement with Sony, then it is implied that the B-sides are the band working out a new song for their next album (the filler). It seems like their songs are getting a heavier edge (breakdowns now), and it's a direction they're intent on going with. So I assume this is also the band telling the truth.

    It's hard to me to tell what kind of agreements they have done with sony, but

    their a-sides is the recycled genki-genki music they've done before, except really generic

    their b-sides is the recycled heeeevy moosic they've done begore, except less generic than a-sides

    their 4th album will be a bunch of recycled stuff they've done before, except it will be worse produced than DIM, and it will make it much less interesting to listen to.

    But I guess it's still too early to judge.

  2. Don't see anything "dirty" leaked by this tweet, he didn't say kaggra were fighting against label or something like that.

    Not even to mention miyavi never got as good as he was in the first years with psc on his own.

  3. Everyone that is judging a 30 second clip: stop being idiots, seriously


    I have no doubt Sony and the GazettE have an obligation to release radio friendly poppy songs to reach a wide audience, but their B sides show signs of originality and probably what's to come from the band in the future. Uruha DID say that they were going to slowly start evolving into a metal band...

    There was so much BS coming from the band (including Ruki denying any connection between Shiver and animoo openings when the rumors started), I don't believe anything they say now.

    Uruha is both interested in keeping sales high and not letting old fans go, that's why the promises-promises.

    Gazette reached the peak of their popularity without any effort from sony, and they can fall off that peak quite rapidly too.

  4. D'udes, it's DISBAND TIME in visual kei

    Did you had to stay up all night to think that? Because if it did it's not working, sorry.

    I'm not sure if it takes you an all-nighter to write a seemingly witty line, I typed mine as I've seen the news.

    They should totally disband, and I guess the album itself will literally scream that.

  5. now probably "the gazette" would be the next band:/

    I'm pretty sure they will release a maximum of two albums on sony records, and than disband.

    considering a lot of people don't leave VK scene after their most known band disbanded, those guys will be around for another five years or so.

    Isshi might go solo, and the other guys will at least do session bands.

    Kaggra had quite a few exceptional songs, but a lot of their major stuff was bland filling in material.

    Kinda pisses me off that a band this great has to disband due to low

    record sales while other crappy bands are selling like mad. :evil:

    And 90 % of time, the bands that come after great bands, suck so much.

    Pierrot > angelo, rentrer en soi >>> satsuki solo, soroban > zoro, schmelz cure >>>> mid deracine

    kagerou was followed by quite great the studs, but that's a really sad story

    I will miss these guys a lot :(

  6. they sound almost exactly like zoro now... D:

    That's exactly what I was thinking.

    i think they sound better than Zoro.

    idk, zoro are releasing one or two songs a year that I REALLY like, and the rest of their music is so shitty.

    Most of AYABIE's samples are quite boring, except for hi-fi, but they're certainly better than an average zoro track so far.

  7. If engrish bothered someone so much, I'd wonder what you'd be doing listening to visual kei, or japanese music in general. its full of it.

    writing songs compreteri in engrish is a fairy recent trend, I didn't mention it much until 2007 probably

    the funniest thing is that I can't even notice they sing in english until I see the actual lyrics

    (except for miyawee coz he cweerly sinks in engwish a lot yeah )

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