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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. mmm dim leftovers clever monkey sounds like patched up early demo of 13 stairs. chijou is like dim scene mashed with chizuru with distortion on top of that, remember the miseinen speaks for itself. surprised they haven't released this straight after before I decay before rolling out a complete shit singles triade. less disgusting than previous releases, still no sings of creative effort tho. "When they put "Gazerock is Not Dead" on a shirt, they sincerely meant it." mmmm utube comments
  2. nekkichi

    idk, to me bluray pretty much equals ps3. I see no point in buying a standalone device for watching blurays only, and my mbpro doesn't have bluray support like at all.
  3. nekkichi

    they aren't disastrously bad like lmc, but not pierrot-grade awesome either. but I didn't even like pierrot's last album that much, it's the 99-2003 glory left for me mostly.
  4. nekkichi

    by some VK/jpop fan recently hipsterized, just look at that shit - Björk – Debut Suede – Suede Tool – Undertow (OLOLOLOL) Wu-Tang Clan – Enter The Wu-Tang (OLOLOLOLOLOL) Oasis – Definitely Maybe (OLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL) TLC – CrazySexyCool (OLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL) tom waits followed by utada, madonna's music right next to kid a, marrow of the bone in the same year as in rainbows? and anyone taking this list seriously? not to mention everything pre-1980 looks like random picks from "albums relesed this year" from wikipedia and everything else is either last.fm suggestions, plain bad taste (or a complete lack of one). you don't listen to wutang if you're so britpop and genuinely enjoy radiohead. you don't listen to gazette in that case either, since the fine line between informal music taste and mauvais ton is quite easily developed.
  5. nekkichi

    omg what I wonder if Karyu's gonna contribute to their music somehow never got into angelo, they're like stripped down pierrot without aiji's presence I guess vidor guy is there to drag some fangirls, and he'll be kicked out quite soon if he's that bad.
  6. nekkichi

    ^ I actually have a feeling they'll go on a hiatus or disband next, but really hope I'm wrong. if they announce a new album soon it would be so much better, lol!
  7. nekkichi

    ^ it's only two panic ch members, they may recruit some new ones as well if they ever plan to resume activities.
  8. nekkichi

    he did, but IT'S A FASHION CHOICE.
  9. nekkichi

    fukai all of vulgar and kisou songs are close to perfection, but this one tops.
  10. nekkichi

    I love both of them
  11. nekkichi

    ewwwww 2nd guy from the left sort of looks like , ugh-ugh, hope he doesn't sing tho
  12. nekkichi

    life only starts at 30 xoxo
  13. nekkichi

    "I'm not complaining, but this blog can be very offensive. Different people have different opinions and yours don't always match others, sometimes they can be really.. mean." OLOLOL + 500, except for the parts that are lie
  14. nekkichi

    can't see the video : \
  15. nekkichi

    except Herpes has more merit than 90 % of people here xoxo but if it's ?
  16. nekkichi

    Taizo looks like aoi from ayabie ugh
  17. nekkichi

    I think Herpes complimented her fashion sense comparing her to Takeru (or vice versa, whatever) can't see anything else common between mother mothra and VK.
  18. nekkichi

    I'd prefer her singing "The Lady is a Tranny" with Dana International (or at least Chris Crocker)
  19. nekkichi

  20. nekkichi

    looks like he's improvising with lyrics + added shitty growls. kinda like "new" obscure that was played in Japan a few years ago before it got re-recorded - it was the same track except Kyo seemed to make up lyrics as he was singing and replaced chorus with opera-like singing. hope karasu doesn't get more butchered if they make an official studio re-recording, don't want to hear one of my faves fucked up again.
  21. nekkichi

    I don't get it either. It's somewhat nicely shot, but the track is crap and video is pointless where's your praised haus of gaga creativity now and wtf is going on, Gags? quite insulting towards Cher tbh, Haga comparison is extremely offensive.
  22. nekkichi

    rude I lost interest in them after that recent PV came out, and won't bother with checking neither boogieman's moosique nor sales. bansaku and yuana are wasting their time (or can't do better at all, I dunno).
  23. one of the best russian bands imo, don't really see how they're similar to placebo - they indeed have the distinct British influence, but it's not Molko and dudes, it's bands before them. Their recent stuff is too experimental and boring for my taste, but they are still good nonetheless, and there's nothing as remotely good as them here :\
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