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Posts posted by nekkichi

  1. @ madygrain

    I honestly hope you're right; I'm totally clueless about their live attendance and stuff, though.

    yay I hope new album and maybe a world tour . now that would be great.

    World tour? ugh brb lolling hardly

    they won't do a tour, that's for sure, since they are neither broke fanwhores like miyavi nor wannabe metalheads like diru, and their japanese cashflow is solid enough.

  2. It's the current release gap, totally unlistenable last album and cash-grabbing best-ofs/re-releases lead to my assumption.

    I did like them before and hoping for more nicer releses, but their releases, but can't help my gut feeling here.

    I'm not sure about their current popularity, but oricon gives me a right of doubt here -

    http://www.oricon.co.jp/prof/artist/309 ... cd_single/

    http://www.oricon.co.jp/prof/artist/309 ... /cd_album/

    their top-5 singles are all pre-2008, and their album sales are dropping too (even though boredom parade made it to # 3)

  3. for a band who's only holding their 2nd oneman and don't have a deal with label already, they're pretty much going nowhere.

    they should have expanded this condition to both album release, disbanding and members killing themselves, so this aids doesn't spread anymore

    (inb4 gazette refusing to release a new album before 200,000 copies of their best-of get sold)

  4. Jui, dear, but Gackt put more effort into his solo carreer and was even making good music for some, very short period.

    For a person who didn't have Mana's penis of fame stuck in his little hole, you're doing too little effort.

    You are neither second Gackt, nor third Miyavi, not even fourth Satsuki (kinda close to later, except even shittier)

  5. -10.987654321 / 10

    I can't really stand his style of music dudy

    I really hate him rapping, and he's attempts at leaving vk scene are pathetic

    (FFS, his best-selling album is miyavizm from fucking 2005, and that was his last listenable attempt for long five years)

    does he really expect to sell well with his current japanese wigger (jigger?) attitude?

  6. First 15 seconds sound like a casette tape being chewed (actually, it sounds almost exactly like loltrack from my link, except worse),

    and looks like lighting director for PV was trying to annihilate any epileptics among sug fans.

    I felt dizzy during that preview, my both eyes and ears need some rest now.

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