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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    ^ I think you're referring to "the fatal believer", a lot of that stuff was first surfacing as EU tour bootlegs/Japanese first preview concerts w. band notes or smth else tagged instead of proper album titles. I'm also on a deg nostalgic loop atm, most of the stuff 2000>> including that remix album, lol.
  2. nekkichi

    this is 2 perfect for words, but their 3 previous albums always had a highlight standout track, wonderful promo, great videos and a shit ton of filler. hopefully, they got inspired re-listening to their own 2005 sound and arche.
  3. nekkichi

    what does growing up with retweets have to do with the way this thread's been derailing into /r/angry-str8-direngray-atans i like uroboros for sure. it's like my top-7 fav. dir en grey album.
  4. nekkichi

    ^ ugh, the kings of electroclash in VK are probably done with composing 3 new albums already and are waiting for their current shitty management contract to expire so they can keep slaying vk scene starting this december and into next year
  5. nekkichi

    reptilian chanteuse Inzargi approves this
  6. nekkichi

    where can we take this shit off, because you are only looking @ product "value" completely ignoring research and development. Dir en grey is PS3 (toshiba-someone else v. expensive state of art research), gazette is rebranded gaming laptop. all sony ent. venues are >not profitable. (inb4 "awww but my expensive media, but muh royalties, but but but but WE WON XBONE FIGHT - look up numbers and compare insurance costs in construction, for example.)
  7. nekkichi

    you are not taking into account a simple fact that entire sony entertainment venue is not even profitable, with includes sony music (SMEJ -> firewall div.), sony movies, playstation, and all that, and you operate on assumption anyone gives a f. about dir en grey touring profits, while the entire sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-contract chain goes all the way up to whoever is funding sony in the government, and whoever makes bank for the whole corporation for sony, it's japanese insurance selling service. it doesn't matter what dir en grey looks like/tours where when it's a japanese cultural export product, nothing less/nothing more. if they were this >valuable, you won't even be able to get much shit seen outside of official youtube, because copyright laws are passed on govmnt level as well. right now, does Arche even have a north-american local physical distribution? I'm a little behind on local music labels etc, shit vancouver music scene kind of killed my interest in up and coming north american acts in general.
  8. nekkichi

    there's a shit ton of money they have to shelve out just to get into north american market. iirc, russia covered all their touring expenses bc. better Japan-Russian cultural connections (we got VK while Japan had Origa and cheburashka trademark and shit), and I missed north american seattle gig by some reason (bought tickets and saw some ppl from this board, but gig got delayed and I had to go back). I can't explain my intuitive feelings about certain bands, but Dir en grey is currently back to getting big, they just never made enough >money touring north america with toned-down looks, it was kind of an art scene showcase tour, not bringing shit for local stoners to watch at. case in point - miyavi. half-korean half japanese chanteuse is not relevant anymore in japan, but he has kids, movie career, and gospel muzak. pick one, or alternative suggestion I think you should take a closer look at Dir en grey 2005 -> 2015 videos, and take a look at list of notable bands of same scale (X Japan, Buck Tick, Dir en grey, The Gazette, L'Arc en Ciel, GLAY) doing SLEEEEEIGHING north american tours. Amurica got despairs ray (flopped upon arrival), and miyavi (yiiiis king show them!11 better than kpop, can't complain). The US doesn't have market for almost all good european and asian shit, but it has interesting money relationships with exporters. I think you should take a history class on Japanese and German and northern american ss-connections during and past ww-2 and go digging deeper from there. at some point your over-analytical SKILL will shine. btw, I typically ignore your posts, but this one just needed some explanation, I like gazetto. btw, I'm not starting a stan war relapse, if I cared about any of those bands I'm pulling, I'll refer to a separate thread lol.
  9. nekkichi

    do you mean "music scene" or do you mean "scene" in general, they might halt all north-american export plans and focus on Europe and Asia already now. Dir en grey with uroko visuals or sukekiyo are perfect for Europe and Asia, and I'm not even sure if North American touring gave them anything aside from a couple new connection, mmm....money? I haven't seen the receipts, they-re almost for sure part-subsidized by Sony Music atm which gets money elsewhere. they aren't an export product for North America atm, and Gazette, for example, aren't touring the US on principle.
  10. nekkichi

    miss the days kyo had slaying hair and their looks were unique in the scene tbh. there's more cultural references in that single picture than entire vk industry produced 2006-2015 tbh
  11. nekkichi

    well rest of the band looking FRESH, i hope they'll keep slaying, this project always felt half-sessional idk. this is awesome news tbh.
  12. nekkichi

    I agreed, this is also socially ethically inconsiderate and culturally insensitive
  13. oh shit, new pv. get it europe [2] idk i miss rentrer en soi too much rn
  14. nekkichi

    same sony marketing teasing, we got it, 3 artful PVs, dir en grey urgently buying weaves for next album in advance, but where's the album sound average sorrow probably drowning their commercial failures in like idk some rlly expensive champagne over new year
  15. nekkichi

    ^ same tbh. except with messy layers of drama.
  16. nekkichi

    define?.... it's an age thing, shit is easy at like 17 or 20, and progressively gets worse/better every next ten years.
  17. nekkichi

    excuse me, how old are you, if you are in toronto and this is a problem??? rotten gays LOATHE divas, this is the single biggest give-away tbh anyway, otherwise, it's typically eye-contact and class borders that repel people, apparently. idk.
  18. nekkichi

    career promotion after dynamite tommy checks out, doe
  19. nekkichi

    umm excuse me? that uroko PV, compared to the entire average wtf trash they were filming starting with grief and all the way up to sustain the untruth also friendly reminder </3
  20. ohhhh the "insane manager" phase, this also feels v. relevant at the moment, however too minor. just local starbucks drama over matcha scoops.
  21. scorpio accuracy tbh - alternative aquarius ~flirting~ includes good pizza how was ur month, I'm alternating between tragic and tragic
  22. nekkichi

    they took a lot of lengthy touring breaks between WTD and DSS eras, and considering arche made them a relevant band again, I don't think there would be a big north american tour until next proper full album. they will likely tour Asia now, now that their looks and everything are classy again, and asian fangirl interest is on the rise. #please_add_merry_on_weibo, and who is merry tbh who gives a shit about north american market with touring/entering expenses and their Obscure Artsy Era being a success atm and kyo has sukekiyo local success as well I'd probably prefer to see rentrer en soi recording smth else instead of Deg going full burn-out again.
  23. nekkichi

    https://youtu.be/Rdo-XHhQinc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rdo-XHhQinc half-deaf queen of lipsynch, trance, and everything good thread revival, btw <33
  24. this sounds like they dug up a demo from 2005-06 recording sessions as a farewell, idk I won't miss them. baby dir en grey never made any effort past a certain point.
  25. opened 4chan and realized I feel 10 years old for all of this, send help D: I literally feel this and twitter cover my internet p. much entirely atm

    1. beni


      omg 4chan. XD Finding out a friend of mine is a mod on the board of 4chan was one the scariest things I've heard, lol.

    2. nekkichi


      i know this feeling, lol!!!!!!!!!!

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