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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    I hope they will come back with at least a mini, or a full album as 8 different type singles tbh.
  2. spill the lin glay sigure export tea wataru sis, everything right with this shit, strangle babies while young and too ambitious. this will slay summer hipster gigs in russia tbh. btw does anyone remember what happened to that 12012 bitch who took ex-siva bassist and some random no1curr jpop vocals gal into a band. did he flop already?
  3. exposure + real life correlation of tumblr. some things I find pretty cute in real life (idk, defined male bellies for example) actually have pretty disturbing feeding process that goes directly onto amateur fetish blogs #google #gross-north-american-shit think suburbian moms force-feeding their boyfriends. tumblr is the same sjw insanity fest, and this literally comes from someone who's been tumblrkid-bullied recently, it was cute. and Lyndsay is reaching for ISIS drug/terrorist connections, yeeeeeeey, and Paris does shit ton of money selling drugs through her parties "positive" has interesting implications, how many layers of "positive" do you see in urgently slimming Sam Smith #justice-for-lina-morgana
  4. speaking of sjw, I stumbled upon forced-feeding fetish tumblr earlier this week and despite being randomly most disturbing thing ever I saw on tumblr in general, this is exactly what meghan is promoting with her muzak that's barely digestible otherwise tbh. Adele clutching her sundae meanwhile.
  5. sam smith is meth-slimming and this garbage still alive? interesting times.
  6. nekkichi

    this is looking wonderful so far
  7. nekkichi

    lmao they all def. look giving all the fucks and excited about visiting Taipei no shit. good record deal anyway. all babyqueens looking good. I wonder what kind of disaster is shipping inside of dogma boxes in august, probably same awful album filler, BUT.™
  8. nekkichi

    my fav nightmare is around ribido era tbh. almost ALL of their singles are horrific these days, but this album was a surprisingly good relapse. it is sweet, and cohesive, and got some naughty cute stuff to #humming-for-bae kind of. looking good since 2001 is his full-time occupation, I think he's completely valid for that, nope? vocal wise he is a mess tbh, but I have no clue what's going on with his vocals tbh. blur and onwards recent singles all sound like one unending tuberculosis/worst flu ever recording sessions hell tbh probably fucked up his chords during touring or smth. still solid sound overall, their sound engineering always slays.
  9. nekkichi

    slay, kings of VK
  10. nekkichi

    nightmare stopped being special long time ago, but their recent album was v. sweet tbh.
  11. OH, quality @piisu flashback, btw

    back when gackt was relevant w/o upselling bodypillows
    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      How many video game things did he do? iirc "Redemption" was used for Advent Children

    2. nekkichi


      actually quite a lot - Genesis in Final Fantasy VII spin-offs characters (crisis core and Dirge of Cerberus), + Metal Giiiir Soridu 2 japanese CM + random voice acting if i recall correctly. it's mostly sony published collabs during his crown records area.

  12. nekkichi

    I think one possible idea of doing this is further interaction in snapchat (snapcash?) or kik/dating apps? kinda "i'll tell u what u want what u rilly rilly want" #judging tbh, but I followed/follow a couple ppl with occasional nude tmi on their tumblr pages. they're cute.
  13. nekkichi

    this is so funny, because I prefer nil over any other gazette album, even DIM had more awful filler in comparison tbh, and that one was an ~artful~ gazette peak with not enough promo-budget for PVs and stuff.
  14. I won't lie, the video is beautiful. sound and looks are..... an interesting match.
  15. nekkichi

    luckily, angelic chanteuse and prominent vocal talent Kaya gives no fucks #got-money to revive all of art-kei judging by this spot alone tbh
  16. mentioning single key person from this spring's chain of shitty events brings formalin taste to the back of my mouth, and my hairdresser girl is leaving for japan. but yiiiisssss Leita growls vocals!!!!!!!

    1. nekkichi


      having legit. worst predictions about dogma atm, btw.

    2. CAT5


      How come? Idk, I'm feeling pretty good about it atm, although...I can't really explain why either.

  17. nekkichi

    awwww satanic chanteuse that was only good for 30 seconds miseinen bass intro and hiding his nose for 13 years back w. more growls yiiiiiiiiisss!!!!!!!!!!
  18. nekkichi

    their concept shifted from anti-war/pacifism on disorder to nameless liberty on NIL, so dogma will probably mean coming back with more power or smth like that, check illuminati references since signing with sony. august release and sony marketing just getting stronger this time. it will be the BEST joke ever if dogma will be their worst album to date with a NIL re-release during same year and one good track that leaked in full already as a live recording.
  19. nekkichi

    ^ good point!!!! never trust a confessed mdna stan, mylene and lana del rey fans are clear, cher is neutral gray zone bc. 5 generations of stans and 2 more to come tbh.
  20. nekkichi

    this has a weird and terrifying correlation with a couple gay galz (not necessarily biological) of similar dyke complexion being violent killing machines irl, liiiiike even reddit-angry grade gays don't come anywhere close to that tbh. smth in hormones messing up with general empathy, I guess. I'm not a scientist, but this shit is interesting/scary in local social context. #animals
  21. I think deathgaze ripping off everyone else is not news, and w/e kept songing for that after hazuki's departure was aiming for same vocal range. I just don't like seeing lynch going in the same sounding direction, I literally can't remember a recent track of their that i've enjoyed tbh.
  22. nekkichi

    I'll be p. happy if it has a good couple of bops (think suicide circus/derangement) and some chizuru/guren grade drama pieces, and maybe some ok filler, think RED or smth like that. I miss catchy gazette a lot tbh, this preview track is nice so far.
  23. nekkichi

    can we just hope that this album is a step-up from garbage recycle pit that was beautiful deformity, m'gentlemen. tipping ur fedoras for u atm.
  24. shitty band shot, and late light deathgaze copyband realness song titles tbh, but I was done w. lynch for too many years already. get the label money and european tours yeeeey they kinda look self-embarrassed and constipated a lilbit™, but indeed mature metal band ready to sleigh those EU open airs, if they luck out next year.
  25. nekkichi

    things I learned over past half-year: getting stressed cross-eyed a lilbit™ is a thing regardless of age √ this is an interesting subject tbh, because does one actually need brain if they have a good shell.
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