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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    slay king, well deserved 75th-something indie oricon sales charts position after <3femme fatale<3started a quality visual kei bands trend last year
  2. nekkichi

    it's only valid if @an_cafe Bou does that on subway
  3. nekkichi

    interesting, I tried this with katy perry sample, and 320 kbps sounded >>better for me (imac @ safari, plus some pretty worn out panasonic headphones); wav sample sounded BETTER, but it didn't have the same kick for my ear. interesting things. I can spot difference between itunes and vlc playing same music differently w/o extra equalizer tuning on same set-up, 320 kbps safari is closer to vlc.
  4. http://www.youdubber.com/index.php?video=SocygNLOwMI&video_start=33&audio=z8nCIpHzQoc&audio_start=0 please forgive me for being biased blackdoll, but 2015 is femme fatale year
    1. fitear1590


      Is Voyage better than the album, because I think I like this single.

    2. nekkichi


      ummm I'm biased, but femme fatale is my most favorite vk band in a long time, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I like the single too, mostly last track for now, but other two aren't bad either. full album was also good, two minis before that were okay-ish/a bit bland at times.

  5. nekkichi

    ^ D: sorry to hear that an cafe helps me get through this awful phase rn a lot.
    1. blackdoll


      sure that a real good way to express your saddess

    2. nekkichi


      umm what? I think you need to be a bit more open-minded when it comes to my jokes, but nvm, I'll cum back with a dedicated kaya diss apology a bit ltr!! I don't get what "saddess" means, sorry :(

    3. nekkichi


      http://www.youdubber.com/index.php?video=t5kVCCbLxwc&video_start=0&audio=TUHtMHO2ch8&audio_start=40 ummm, please accept this as an early apology, I just need 2 find a fitting song for a kaya mix!!!!
    4. Show next comments  438 more
  6. slay reptilian-kei chanteuse #oop_what_do_they_sound_like_again
  7. nekkichi

    #please disband baroque #please_reform_boogieman_again
  8. slay queen Tomomi praying for HMV international distribution deal as we speak
  9. speed disk would be a good start as well, yep. we'll see (this name literally screams one year long session project tbh, kisaki project feat. 勇企-Yuuki)
  10. nekkichi

    anytime. have a fun summer, girl.
  11. name a better label than #team_tomomi #team_firewall_div #team_king_records who is duel jewel signed with btw, sword records? they don't even have related bands listed, it's same ex undercode garbage towards psc/dynamite tommy-> smej contracts atm it's this problematic cute implication that getting a Japanese fast and furious or terminator PV promotion deal is better than slaving away for tomomi for ramen and rice tbh
  12. I won't believe my eyes if Yuuki ever gets a PS COMPANY deal, but Tomomi needs quality heavy talent ASAP. baby l'arc en ciel SCREW is GOOD tbh, dadaroma and TBS are garbage, though. August, niiiiice. those Eriza demo songs with proper studio sound roduction would sound like a dream tbh
  13. the week is not complete until a sleepy estonian hag in sbux calls me a jewish fascist under her breath <3 bless u for this food!!!!

    1. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven

      hhahahah its always sundays that bring out the crazies.

    2. nekkichi


      monday is when all of them wake up tho, my FAAAAAAAVORITE time of week, no shit

  14. nekkichi

    awwww this is so adorable!!!!!! <3 merry are THE BEST!!!!!! :3
  15. nekkichi

    @tim_tronckoe please retire thx, incredibly ugly talent devoid shit Kyo looks atmospherically tragic, tho Die, Toshiya and Shiniya clearly aren't even there for this bullshit thx for having a SSecond of relevance in Belgium tho hint: sometimes bands look better without any photoshop at all, just literally invest into some portable extra lighting , "finest Belgium rock photographer".
  16. nekkichi

    I think talking to walls and to my smartphone is a superior alternative to hanging out with real people!! it gives me headaches if too much, tho.
  17. nekkichi

    I'm not digging the entire wave of hipster-ish looks in VK, this looks exactly like that 12012 produced band that just popped out, but always excited for new merry!! inb4 deathmetal single and dir en grey covers realness sound, August release lol this could potentially sell in north america, though, so idk. they can always come back with more VK-ish looks for next singles, and concert attire as well. slay, eroguro kings.
  18. this is so cute, I'm happy they're coming back.
  19. unsraw had 2 PVs!!!111 in this day and age of D.I.D. glorious HD vidya, no indie band is allowed to be that cheap apparently, fml (bopping to eriza terekos all this month tbh) I'm super pissed off that flawless unsraw drummer disappeared after featuring on amarylis/nihilism btw
  20. umm guys you're all pretending they can afford nightmare or dir en grey level studio recording tbh, it's an indiefag band with 500 yen per song sound mixing budget tbh
  21. nekkichi

    your use of word "dragon" confuses and terrifies me, I hope it's not the one that's bigger than the coke can!! korean makeup is goooood.
  22. nekkichi

    dear lordT, please put an end to korean pop music plague, korean make up did not deserve this disgrace, x
  23. nekkichi

    that is the cutest "danke" ever, aww
  24. nekkichi

    https://www.facebook.com/venomousc/photos/a.564832613574334.1073741825.560513134006282/911784575545801/?type=1 the beautiful hardworking emperors of visual kei pulling another allnighter, slay
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