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Everything posted by Bunny

  1. BIOSPHIA「FIERCE??track 3 覚醒 at 2:10 ...FUXKING EPIC !!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Tetora


      Cool stuff, thanks for sharing.

  2. Bunny

    妃阿甦 BRAINWASH TRIBUTE ALBUM Vol.1【MONSTER✡PIASS】 01 アヲイ 「奇生虫」 02 DIAURA 「DISCRIMINATION.」 03 CELL-セル- 「性的ウイルス~StoM1079~」 04 Lycaon 「LIGHTNING BREEZE-盲唖聾影-」 05 Black Gene For the Next Scene 「BLACK≒RIGHT」 06 LIV'ERT 「「DUST」・BOX」 07 新興宗教楽団NoGoD 「革・命・前・夜~Revolution eve~」 08 MEJIBRAY 「「舌切り」スズメ」 09 Xepher 「with you~いつまでも此のままで…~」 10 BugLug 「NEVER SAY DIE.」 11 グリーヴァ 「FAREWELL~孤独の中の悲哀~」 12 己龍 「腐体華~ふたいばな~」 妃阿甦 BRAINWASH TRIBUTE ALBUM Vol.2【PSYCHO✡PIASS】 01 AvelCain 「if…「reset」」 02 BIOSPHIA 「FAT fatishism」 03 SCREW 「xx奴隷」 04 ア​ルルカン 「「切断」…「快楽」」 05 D.I.D. 「腐体華~ふたいばな~」 06 WING WORKS 「「舌切り」スズメ」 07 カメレオ 「「あの時のように・・・」」 08 Jupiter 「Live to Love」 09 DEZERT 「二十四刻の「無き」…」 10 Crimson Shiva 「奇生虫」 11 DEATHGAZE 「BLACK≒RIGHT」 12 凛 -the end of corruption world-「~秋流砂~」
  3. ^ Me too , Jewel was epic , and JIN's voice is amazing , also VANESSA's stuffs was great too , they might become a formal band though , all of them (except 鴇) have vanished for a long time , it's time for a come back (Hopefully) !!!
  4. Bunny

    団長 (NoGoD) 清人 (伝染歌謡一座バラッド、DOLLARS) 揺紗 (Left) and ユウダイ(Right) from THE KIDDIE RAME (Black Gene For the Next Scene)
  5. Bunny

    JunJun from DOGinThePWO
  6. I think Vanish should disband instead of looking for new members after this hiatus, it's more likely their last news .
  7. Bunny

    I don't like them at the beginning , not because of their songs , their name is just not right , then they were actually good , I like their metal side , [The place in which I am now.] and [蝶々] were amazing , their single [THE ANSWER] was an epic piece !!!!! Anyway , hopefully they will have session Crazy★ShowerGel !!
  8. Bunny

    I CAN NOT believe I just used 1 and a half hour to finish this ...
  9. Bunny

    I do hope BFN become official B.P RECORDS band , all 3 bands they have now are pretty good .
  10. Bunny

    I thought they were just joined recently ,... Their techniques are actually beyond heaven , as in 2 or 3 steps different in every songs they compose , and live performance must be hell lot of work to remember every single songs changing tempos !
  11. Bunny

    I have notice that B.P RECORDS youtube channel recent update , there are Black Gene For the Next Scene (BFN)'s PV , I guess they have joined B.P RECORDS along side 己龍 , Royz and コドモドラゴン !! by the way , it is not announced yet , but I think it is more likely the news from B.P RECORDS . PV 『シニカル ワー悪~This is monster world~』 * the song is epic , their skills are marvelous .
  12. Unbelievable lying bastard , thought he left because of his family and his own health problems , and he joined the band Z's straight after his last GOTCHAROCKA live .. brilliant !
  13. Bunny

    Looking forward to it , I absolutely love 京平's voice !!!!!!!
  14. My BACTERIA HEAT IsLAND Bassist is イガグリ千葉 support りょう !!
  15. Tomorrow is ganna be a very sad day for me , I have no choice but to rehome my beloved husky baby dog , I rather have myself sorrow for a few months than have him upset all his life <3

    1. Tetora


      That is sad, but you can live with pride knowing you did the right thing for him.

    2. Bunny


      Me and my partner just couldn't spend a lot of time wit him due to our working hours are long , he is absolutely adorable and he will have a much better life with the family who's going to have him .

  16. Bunny

    I have listened to ナイトメア since 2003 , and I used to like them a lot , maybe it is Yomi's voice been in my head for so long , and I am kind of bored of his voice . This album is not bad , but for sure not their best , still better than SCUMS IMO , Gallows is okay , I liked the way they still produce solos that are not crap (have a listen at the Gazette ... what have they done to themselves !?) TO BE OR NOT TO BE is a great track , but it kind doing my head-in when he sings : TO BEeeeeeeee , NOT TO BEEEeeeeeeeee , really I think the problem is his voice . Melt into the sky. reminds me of their early music . TERMINAL is kind of difficult to judge ...as I think this track can do both ナイトメア or 仙台貨物's way , the only thing needed to change is Yomi's voice , but again , this song's solo is great ! The most remarkable song for me is 極上脳震煉獄・弌式 , I think this is the only song that as heavy as their ジャイアニズム series . Other then these few songs , there is nothing excited , I will give this album
  17. Bunny

    This 5+ years , ダウナー always have been 1 of my greatest top 10 bands , I can't get over their disbandment , probably the saddest in these few years .. *sigh* why ??? Their music are always amazing !!!!! If their record can't sell , I can understand , but IMO ... they isn't bad at all !! I just wanna SCREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM NO !!
  18. Bunny

    I'm having trouble listen to his English , I have to turn on the official translation on youtube , it come up with this ,,..... Thanks ...
  19. the Raid.'s ??the Whool】 is an EPIC great song from them !! How did I missed this !?

    1. Minami


      hahah... totally yes)) i have this CD)

  20. I totally forgot this one ... I liked the sea , moon and the second one !! Looking forward to 凛's new music !!
  21. Bunny

    So ...where is the original creativity from SCREW ???
  22. Seriously , all these VK bands continue releasing a single for 2/3/4958264157649 types , who's gonna buy them all just for 1or2 different bonus songs ? Bullocks x_x

    1. Tetora


      Guilty. I buy all edition for my favorite bands...

    2. Zeus


      everything peace has said is facts

    3. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven

      i only buy regular/version with most songs #baristasalarylife

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  23. 妖幻鏡-WEST-The Conquet of NANIWA O..O the continuation of the early 2000s series !??? Please be an epic omnibus !!!!!
  24. Bunny

    WoW , They are going to re-record 180 , how random is that ! Still ... it will be a great album !
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