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Everything posted by ricchubunny

  1. ricchubunny

    hope thats good like MISSING!
  2. ricchubunny

    Happy Easter (,,•́ω ก̀,,)
  3. ricchubunny

    How i said it wasnt direct XD read Mio tweets on March 31. Also, on their Ustream he said "終わらないバンドだけど終わっちゃうよ" (Its an endless band but it will have an end) if they cant do well on Shibuya Kokaido. Then after this he wrote "Ustreamで言った事冗談なようで冗談じゃないからね" (The thing i said on Ustream sounds like a joke but its not). Yesterday, their manager tweeted "3/29の未緒さんの最後の「終わらせねぇ!」という言葉の重みが身に沁みる夜。去年の言葉は目標。今年の言葉には決意みたいなのを感じました。" (The weight of the words that Mio said on 03/29 'Don't let us end!!' is piercing our bodies tonight. It was the goal on last year. This year is like a determination) It may be just a way to milk the fans but now with these circumstances and all...Also, Mio is usually really serious on his tweets
  4. ricchubunny

    Its not like they`re stipulating a number of tickets to be sold. lol They're just saying if it fails they cant do too many things as a band anymore
  5. I can't believe on whats going on...UNiTE is my everything :(

  6. ricchubunny

    Ikr!! im even thinking on buy a ticket
  7. ricchubunny

    Not that direct but Mio said like if they fail on this concert the 'endless band' gonna have an end. Im so fuckn scared. They manager also tweeted about this today
  8. ricchubunny

    Also, they said UNiTE. gonna disband if the tickets of Shibuya Koukaido concert dont sell well
  9. ユナイト(UNiTE.) Dr.ゆきみ(yukimi) will depart after their one-man live at Shibuya WWW at 2014/04/19 due to his health issues I just can't believe
  11. I cant edit my post on phone so im writing again. Hes a visual kei artist so yeah he knows how to act. Probably youre not his Tsunagari or anything like this so if hes trying to convince everyone hes sad hes not going to act okay with you even on demachi, hes not stupid. Im 100% sure its not real, he may really leave the band but he absolutely agreed about it lol
  12. LOL Do you know something called キャラ? Welcome to Visual Kei XD
  13. not the biggest fan in the world, but i prefer a 'not good' vocalist as JIN than a """good""" one with such an annoying voice like M.O's Sono. Thats just too personal, why you guys still discussing this? LOL Btw, the previews are ok
  14. Happy birthday do UNiTE.!!

    1. hiroki


      somehow it feels like they've been around a lot longer than 3 years XD

    2. Tetora


      Here's to many more years of UNiTE.

  15. If any of you guys like UNiTE. here, you should join! http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1s12tc5 Last time i made one for Mio and he was reeeeeally happy so this time UNiTE world is making it for the whole band! Would be cool if a lot of people join us :) Ah! Dont forget telling your country, and also, try to say "Yunaishiteru" in the end! hahaha thank you guys!

  16. ricchubunny

    Lin is the first artist on this label
  17. yup, thats insane, they buy like 15 cds D:
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