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Everything posted by PIZAZ

  1. PIZAZ

    Ideally we'll get some cool music and visuals out of this, but I'd be also be ok with some twitter drama and obvious infighting.
  2. Look is on point and the title of the first song is one word away from being a Peaches cover... They've got my attention.
  3. PIZAZ

    Damn, that IS a good look for both of them. Mao's giving me Drakengard 3.
  4. Music is inexcusable, but that look is pure cheap hooker. I endorse it and would tip.
  5. PIZAZ

    Roadkill on the singers head aside, the video was alright and the song was fun but nothing special. Previews sound like it will be more of the same. I can see the vocalist getting annoying already though.
  6. PIZAZ

    It sounds like they were trying to go for something closer to live? Echoing the above, not an improvement.
  7. PIZAZ

    Nice breakdown of this messy pv. I tried to watch along with your comments, bubble blowing vibrator on the hip aesthetic got me good
  8. PIZAZ

    These are some of my picks, a lot of/most vk songs are sad and depressing though lol
  9. PIZAZ

    I can deal with the pacifier, but the cheap looking fabric on that skirt can go
  10. Awesome video! I'm really hoping they drop an album soon, I'd buy it even if it was mostly singles. Everything so far has been so solid and consistent, I want them to kill an album.
  11. PIZAZ

    I've only really given a couple of music videos a try and they weren't clicking with me, but B-sides do tend to sell me on a band so I'm pumped to give these a try. EDIT- After listening to what was posted here, I'm sold lol. Going to track down their discography and start following them closely. So many bands I should have gone and seen while I was in Japan
  12. That would be awesome if you have the time to do so!
  13. This song has been on constant repeat for a couple of weeks. The live performance on yt is even better imo. I could piece together parts of the lyrics but your translation is super helpful and nicely written. Thank you!
  14. PIZAZ

    Thanks for putting these together, they're super helpful! I had lost interest in vkei for quite a while and checking these out every so often has helped me find new bands to follow.
  15. PIZAZ

    Late to this but I would be down, I've been watching a shit ton of anime lately. My faves are 70's-90's shojo but I like pretty much anything. Hope this ends up happening!
  16. Japanese economy is risk averse because they've been in recession since the beginning of the 90's. Plus it doesn't help that historically they are a very xenophobic country and from what I've noticed paying attention to anime/jpop culture over the years they also hate change.
  17. I was offered a promotion at my job, it was totally unexpected because I've only been working for them for like 4 months. I'm beyond nervous/excited, this is the best paying job I've ever had.
  18. PIZAZ

    Looks like fun! This is as close as I could get to looking like me, my glasses aren't that big.
  19. PIZAZ

    This was fun to read, The format was fine and flowed pretty nicely. The only thing I thought would have made it better/more interesting would be if everyone involved gave their opinion on all the releases, even if the opinion wasn't positive.
  20. I would love to visit Japan and I admire parts of their culture very much, but I'm very appreciative to have been born in the US. Well I grew up in a bilingual(spanish/english) household and yeah it helps with understanding the language, but you still have to put in the work lol. When I went to a bilingual school and took both english and spanish classes everyday my spanish was great, but I stopped in 8th grade and since then my spanish has deteriorated severely. I still understand it completely but I struggle with writing and speaking it fluently, and that's after living with my Dad(venezuelan) for 18 years and studying it every day for 10 years! As for growing up in Japan, I like being openly gay, I came out in middle school, I doubt it would be anywhere near as socially acceptable so that would really suck. Plus I was a really shitty student in high school and realistically I would probably have fallen through the cracks in that strict of a society. Sooo yeah, I'm sure there are a million other reasons why I don't seriously wish I was japanese but these reasons stand out to me the most.
  21. PIZAZ

    Hello! Just thought I'd put my stuff out there since I just got done with my first art class! Nothing amazing and all the pics were taken with a shit cell phone camera so forgive me lol. http://i1119.photobucket.com/albums/k626/sebastianpaffen/Art/finalbw_zps0f7da682.jpg http://i1119.photobucket.com/albums/k626/sebastianpaffen/Art/finalcolor_zpsf4520bf6.jpg http://i1119.photobucket.com/albums/k626/sebastianpaffen/Art/bwselfportrait_zps0de51fa7.jpg http://i1119.photobucket.com/albums/k626/sebastianpaffen/Art/midtermpastelselfportrait1_zpsc68d2560.jpg http://i1119.photobucket.com/albums/k626/sebastianpaffen/Art/portraitbw_zps7b353160.jpg http://i1119.photobucket.com/albums/k626/sebastianpaffen/Art/mastercopy1_zps0941b393-1_zpsb9296cf2.jpg http://i1119.photobucket.com/albums/k626/sebastianpaffen/Art/stilllifebw1_zps4536f4ac.jpg http://i1119.photobucket.com/albums/k626/sebastianpaffen/Art/stilllifecolor2_zpsd8440557.jpg http://i1119.photobucket.com/albums/k626/sebastianpaffen/Art/stilllifecolor1_zps1db473c7.jpg http://i1119.photobucket.com/albums/k626/sebastianpaffen/Art/random4_zps0dae2435.jpg http://i1119.photobucket.com/albums/k626/sebastianpaffen/Art/random5_zpse9593503.jpg Anyway, that's it for now! Critique is welcomed and appreciated!
  22. Nice! So excited to see Emiru back!
  23. PIZAZ

    Aw man, that's such shitty news. I hope he recovers and isn't in too much pain.
  24. PIZAZ

    OMG I need this.Time to start saving.
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