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Everything posted by Manic

  1. Manic

    transformed to a woman xd
  2. Manic

    Lucky one xd Finally manage to get my dress shoes (by BOREDOM) from Rakuten
  3. Manic

    Can't believe you can get these items, and i can't even find anything (Shellmy's 1st single for example). T_T Nice catch~ !
  4. Manic

    Sounds awesome !
  5. Manic

    I don't prefer to watch online, since i don't have too much time. But in meantime, i've got a link, so thannks ! I just need to finish the first session, 'cuz i'm at the 8th episode D: But we started to watch Hoozuku no Reitetsu together with my girlfriend. My experience is same as yours, i can't wait to see the full series. But i hate to wait week-by-week for a new ep, i prefer to complete an anime at the same time~
  6. Manic

    I'm currently watching Silver Spoon (or Gin no Saji, whatever). Can somebody give me a link, where can i follow the 2nd season please? I'm not a huge otaku anyway, but i can agree w/ OS, it's definitelly in a must see category.
  7. Manic

    Oh, cool ! BTW, Re-ta formerly known as Reirei in kiss×dum, since Yuuki was Chanyu (as session guitarist)~ Looking forward to hear them
  8. Manic

    He was a session bassist before supporting 'em. You can find his ameblo here: http://ameblo.jp/luuuuuuuna/
  9. Manic

    Girl wannabe pic D:
  10. Manic

    Gonna buy TYPE B for sure, i'm really glad that he joined instead of Hello
  11. Manic

    Seems perfect, can't wait !
  12. Manic

    Ugh, want them *-*
  13. Manic

    ^Bet you are one of them
  14. Manic

    I don't know the scene (and the genre) at all, but my #1 is actually グラタンカーニバル (Gratin Carnival), wich is Mitsunaga Koreyuki's formation. The whole concept are smooth, minimalist, sometimes jazzy sometimes with really shy vocals. He have realesed 3 album: 2 demo mini, and a live album. Everything is one the download section, highly recommend ! And when i wanted to search something similiar on last fm, found these ones oono yuki This one is so addictive, the lyrics are sticky as hell, want to hear more, but it's impossible to find anything. Oh, and forgot to mention Izumiya Shigeru. I think he was my first crush within folk scene. Love his lyrics, but only there are only two on youtube ._. Oh, and does Shugo Tokumaru count? xD
  15. Buuh, interested in the Metis one as well T__T Didn't knew they've realesed a DVD, though ._.
  16. Manic

    Hope he won't cancel at this time, and return to the scene as well (but not as Setsuna did D: )...
  17. Manic

    O____O ! !
  18. Manic

    Sad it's only live limited, i'm really curious how they sound (hope they as cool as they new look)
  19. Manic

    Really nice, glad to see Akirap again! His look reminds me a bit to DECIDE vocalist, Toshiki, though
  20. Manic

    Oldies with Docomo's decomail, or what d: also miss my long hair D:
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