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Posts posted by Ten

  1. Personally. I think the catalogue is well selected. If it had ended up being just a recycling of the 2005 catalogue I would be disappointed. Only 6 songs can be found on both it seems... less I missed one.  But quite a few of their newer songs. (Its a best album though  so its a nice varying selection.) 


    But honestly, I got mine and was amazed at the packaging alone for the Type A. Also, the pre order calendar while small, is pretty friggin' cool.  Still, the packaging IS GORGEOUS.... (But then I am a graphic designer and I look at stupid stuff like that. -_-)


    The live selection cds are damn good.  They picked some great live versions. (Love the christmas lives from 2013 of Miu and Rhapsody)


    And I have yet to get to the blue ray because I suck. 



  2. Hmn. I am sort of sad about the more negative comments in this thread.


    Anyways, maybe I just really want this band to succeed.


    Though, I am curious as to what brought Aggy back to the scene. It's been a while since Garson, which he started up after saying he was leaving the band member side of the industry, which caused the end of DELUHI. But that was almost a year and a half after DELUHI stopped activities and it only lasted 6 months about. Things can certainly change in a year and a half... But at this point it's been about 4 years since his last band. So I can imagine that there could definitely be something that would bring him back to the band member side of the industry, just like it did with Garson.  I know he caused some drama with DELUHI... Though DELUHI's initial hiatus was more in concern for Juri's vocal condition, it was during that hiatus that Aggy made his decision and since the other members considered DELUHI only to be "Juri, Leda, Aggy, Sujk" and no one else, they put an end to it. 


    In any case, I am looking forward to this being a great band. I don't want another DELUHI. What made DELUHI what it was, was the combination of the members. I do not feel DELUHI will come back unless the members reunite.


    What I am most looking forward to is the way Juri sings whether it's harder or softer, John taking the lead in guitar with his usual assertiveness, and certainly the awesome rhythm section that has been ensembled. Aggy on the bass for me has always been a delight and Sakai was such a great addition to 12012 for the short time he was with them and then Kaji on the drums seems so promising after his time with both And and REIGN, both of which I liked musically.


    To sum it up I am seriously excited for this band. I am hoping it's a huge success. Or at least worth listening to. I have high hopes but they won't be dashed if they aren't mind-glowingly amazing. With this grouping they can't be bad. ((I say that, but ya never really know right?))

  3. When I first heard about it I had a hard time wrapping my head around the idea.

    I liked Angelo's first year or so. But it just felt like they were lacking something and I couldn't get into the music.

    Giru is a fantastic guitarist when working with others. WHen Shun and Giru joined Vidoll the band DID sound better. Whether that was the influx of funds or them actually joining, I don't know. But in listening to Vidoll he plays nicely in conjunction with another guitar.

    As for Karyu, he is a powerful composer, even if the ending experimental years of D'espa were poorer in compositional quality than years previous. (I guess post 2005 and early 2006...ish, everything after that required me to forcefully get into the songs....save PARADOX 5 for some odd reason.)

    So the addition of the two into Angelo, I hope it works out. I am really looking forward to hearing something that has a bit more "umph" to it like I felt when listening to pierrot years ago.

  4. I think with MANJ", he will find the band a good new vocalist. It is why they headhunted Tora, for the quality and sound of his voice. (granted tora was leaving his previous band when they found him so not really like they stole him.)

    And as mentioned before Sel'm is MANJ"s band really, so I doubt they will disband. Least I am hoping they keep things together and just get a new vocalist. They were excellent as a 4 piece unit, so finding a new singer wouldn't be to horrible. I always liked them musically and I have to agree with a previous statement, there was often too much focus on Tora's voice. And yeah, he gave the band a unique sound, but the other members also held their own within the band and produced some great music.

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