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Everything posted by jon_jonz

  1. jon_jonz

    Oh, fuck. I hope this doesn't mean anything bad.
  2. jon_jonz

    This is actually way better than most of the stuff they've released before. I hope they keep making music like this.
  3. jon_jonz

    Sounds like Royz, looks like Royz and this PV has been filmed in the same place Royz filmed one of their PVs. Not that it didn't happen countless times before in the history of VK, but well, it's always always annoying. Not bad, though.
  4. jon_jonz

    I don't give a fuck about LUNA SEA, but did anyone else notice that the guitar SUGIZO is playing has a S.K.I.N. sticker in it ? Is it gonna happen or is he just teasing us all ?
  5. jon_jonz

    Sweet. TOKUMA has been hiring many cool artists lately.
  6. jon_jonz

    How come you don't like it ? This is, by far, one of their best songs ever.
  7. jon_jonz

    Beautiful ! I really love it's concept. Probably one of the best concepts I've ever seen in a VK band's PV.
  8. I didn't expect for something similar to Ap®il, but I hoped for it to be like his previous band. I'm not sure about what to think about it, but it's not bad at all. But Ap®il was way better. It will take me some time to get used to his new music.
  9. It's fun seeing how Intetsu & Teruki always play in many projects from varying VK artists.
  10. In my opinion, this is one of their best songs ever, and yes, I've listened to their whole disco. I don't really get why does everyone hate autotune so much, when most of you listen to stuff like PaRADEiS and Para:noir and you actually enjoy it. Eletronic vocals are a trend in the music scene as a whole so you need to get over it or ignore most of the still active bands. Principally the heavier acts. I loved the contrast between the vocal parts. It reminds me of Crossfaith and REALies.
  11. jon_jonz

  12. jon_jonz

    Come on u guys srsly RESPETA MINYA OPINIAUM RITZU, KLABOK !!1!
  13. jon_jonz

    Holy fuck, this is gorgeous !
  14. jon_jonz

    That's the problem. We can't let go. Feels like I'll never be over their end and I tend to hate everything es-Vidoll members are doing, because Vidoll was one of my favorite bands ever. BFN is way better than this, tough. Not that they're bad, but it's just meh. It breaks my heart to see Jui in a band with JUN. Unlike everybody else, I hate him.
  15. jon_jonz

    oh, so you think Kanata and Mizuki are good together, and better than Jun and Iori, or at least same quality. i wont argue with you about it, just i really don't think so. Moreover, i think the guitars are the one of reason why 凛 couldn't be so famous like Phantasmagoria. In fact, I think JUN and Iori are way better than these newbies. The reason 凛 isn't even half as good as Phantasmagoria is because Mago Mago shouldn't ever have disbanded and KISAKI is a douche. That's why.
  16. jon_jonz

    Ok, my bad. I didn't know if you really meant -> or > so I assumed you wrote something else. Anygay, they're talented, so it's nice to see them in new projects and stuff. I hope they don't pause their activities as their band will.
  17. jon_jonz

    What? Why u think Kanata or Mizuki will do same thing like Jun? There is no logic in this. I just said, if you listen the Phantasmagoria songs guitar part, and Lin song guitar part, like heaven and earth. Jun made really awesome solos and riffs. After Phantasmagoria, what he did, i dont really care. But in this case u can think Riku Kanata Mizuki and Reiya will continue the music together under new band name with a new bass player. Syndrome -> D La:Sadie's -> Dir en grey I didn't question anything you said. I was just wondering. And yeah, Syndrome is way better than D, but as for the fact that you think that La:Sadie's is better than DEG I don't even think you deserve an answer, but it's a matter of taste, so, never mind.
  18. jon_jonz

    Behold the only band in the history of Danger Crue records who actually got better after joining this shitty label.
  19. jon_jonz

    But Jun and Iori are talented and perfect guitar couple, not like Mizuki and Kanata. So what next ? One of them will start acting like hide as JUN did and then will fail miserably because nobody cares, then they'll both join forces in a band which will suck donkey balls like spiv states did and they'll fight because of that and finally the one who doesn't retire will form yet another band which will be even worst than everything he tried before but this time with some pretty good musicians who should be working on better stuff instead of a lame project like GOTCHAROCKA ? I wouldn't be surprised if that happens.
  20. jon_jonz

    I didn't like their new direction with their new vocalist so much, so I don't care, but I hope they come back in new bands. Btw, what about that person who was counting how many VK bands disbanded this year ? I lost track of it. How many bands disbanded this year ?
  21. Holy shit, Twitter suggested me to follow him and then I checked his OHP today, but I didn't recognize him at all. He looks so hot and different from what he looked like in Ap®il. That's awesome ! I'm super excited. I hope he posts some previews soon, because it looks totally different from back when he was in Ap®il. I'm curious about this.
  22. jon_jonz

    The text on the OUROBOROS cover is not a font. It's an artist that has drawn each letter and put it together. Oh, yes. I know that. Generally, when artists drawn letters using the same or similar design(s) and put it together they even give it a specific name. It's called font
  23. jon_jonz

    Fuckyeah, it sounds pretty badass. I was expecting something lighter, because their last album was br00tal. It's good to see they'll keep making tr00 music. I just don't like their logo. Anyone can see it's the same font used in DIR EN GREY's OUROBOROS CD cover, but well, who cares ? I'm looking forward to this.
  24. jon_jonz

    "Senasational japanese rock n' roll phenomenon" LOL.
  25. jon_jonz

    I couldn't care less about their revival and this DVD, but I hope the support guitarists aren't cut out of it, because it may be super fun to watch
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