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Everything posted by Mei

  1. Mei

    hi again, thanks for your opinions. we had sex during her relationship with his bf, that's why (when we had sex) i couldnt see her for a month because her parents didnt let her see me, knowing i didnt force her to do anything. and i got depressed, but as her mother loves me... now im back. when she invites me to her home we sleep together. we might have occassional sex. the other day she was jealous because i was talking to another female friend she knows and she said to me (today) that that day she cried, she put me on fb "i'll explain u later". so today she did, she said that whenever she has a really close friend she wants it for herself and only hers. i thought it was selfish, but then i remembered she's a borderline and they tend to be promiscuous, though she said it like if she really had good feelings towards me. i really dont know. we always do talk about anything but im not brave enough to face her and ask her what's going on... :/ and yeah, i envy her bf. btw, today i went to her home and her mom (who's a friend of mine on fb) said joking "so now u've got a new gf?! we've even cried with (... name of girl). it was about time, but not with that girl" like meaning, she wants me for her daughter. she also knows her daughter likes me, simply cos she told her.
  2. what can one excpect from a donkey else than a kick? lol welcome digitalneverlandx, i love your style. and yeah, im a piass fan too <3
  3. i have a friend which i really like and love. tbh, i like her a lot. we've had sex a couple of times. thing is that she has a bf. BUT, she's always jealous when i hang out with other female friends (i say female cos she knows im bisexual and nvms if im with boys). does this mean she's in love with me? or she's just jealous like any other friend could be?
  4. Mei

    oops, sorry, i thought it was released the 17th of this month my bad champs!
  5. damn time! some new shit to waste money on!!! and yeah, he was lol23q spinal cord. i want electro and sticky beats.
  6. Mei

    Today's pics. for twatties and their husbands http://postimage.org/gallery/13do0650/0e615359/ layed on my own house's floor, you can see some drawings of mine on the back. also the unmissable weights.
  7. Mei

    ivan de pineda. google him
  8. Mei

    hmmm, interesting... looking forward and will buy.
  9. it's funny cos the only ppl who get in trouble r teenagers or young adults who dont have much money, except for just buying their cd's LOL FAIL
  10. Mei

    i suggest u a program called "any video converter" it's really easy to use. btw, u obvsly have to set it to mp4 (although i think it says sth abt ipod, so that might help u)
  11. Mei

    necrophilia, wow. that song is gonna be liked.
  12. Mei

    ^ cos they honestly suck :/
  13. Mei

    i hope he has a terminal disease or sth cos i dont want him managing bands anymore, just please T_T. anyway, i liked realies, vior gloire and suzaku :/
  14. Mei

    it's obvious deg r musically better and the gazette r always a hit or miss
  15. Mei

    i've smoked so much today that my lungs hurt
  16. couldnt they bring any antique guitarist or bassist now that administrator has disbanded?...
  17. Mei

    the singer is SUPER hot!!! i'll be looking forward and the music, i like.
  18. Mei

    ^idky but i like u ^^ XP
  19. Mei

    wooow, i think u do awesome art. i really liked that asian kind of clothe with no one wearing it ^^
  20. Mei

    yay! i liked kelli a lot!
  21. Mei

    has recommended me derlanger long time ago
  22. Mei

    For a supposedly easy, global dominant language, japanese singers butcher the english language quite a lot. Maybe it's not so easy after all? So yeah, I really don't get why it's ok for japanese bands to litter their songs with meaningless, badly pronounced english phrases, but if a non-japanese band does so much as get japanese-sounding stage names, they're a bunch of detestable weeabos. yeah. i enjoy japanese visual kei the way it is, even with the meaningles and bad pronounced english (which doesnt mean it actually has a meaning). but foreigner bands like seremdy or such just eew, i dislike them, they dont sound the same imho
  23. Mei

    ruka was sou's brother? D:
  24. Mei

    woow, dr. is ex skull. that band was cool
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