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Everything posted by Mei

  1. Mei

    wooow, it's so bloody amazing! i love monster btw. hope u can someday release sth in physical cd's so maybe i can buy it
  2. Mei

    ^ maybe it's a 5 type maxi-single. including 3 pv's and 2 bonus discs (like ucp is now doing with most multi-type releases...
  3. Mei

    nice. gonna buy.
  4. Mei

    as usual (with all the bands i listen to), im willing to buy it from whoever is getting it!!!
  5. Mei

    uh, yeah, do i know you? likes nega
  6. Mei

    oops, didnt want to cause that reaction. sorry :X
  7. Mei

    少女-ロリヰタ-23区 - 球体幾何学遊戯
  8. ^ woow, thanks for that. song's cool, but then again, it resebles almost everything they've put out b4. however i can tell this is gonna be their best single so far. more lunatic temptation and 球体幾何学遊戯 please.
  9. Mei

    how GAY!!! i hate live distros. anyway, i think this news was already posted...
  10. Mei

    woow, i usually dont like this kind of bands, but this sounds amazing
  11. Mei

    hope u enjoy your stayin!
  12. Mei

    yeah, i love byou's outfit too. he looks too damn hot. as for the preview im getting used to it, what's more im starting to like it. oh and btw, there r more previews on their ohp. im waiting for surebe's preview
  13. being realistic, they'll never do sth like _MSW_ again. not now that they dont let the singer write the majority of the songs.
  14. Mei

    likes both m manson and ucp! <3
  15. woow, it sounds very cosmic. but the ending of the sample sounds like 98% of the songs they've done when soushi joined.
  16. Mei

    has a sh+tload of posts!
  17. Mei

    post... grindcore or porno grind?
  18. Mei

    @jordan: u look cute ;D @kles: u got an amazing style. u have exotic features and an amazing hair. where r u from? (or family origin) time for some shirtless pictures!!! im getting ready for x japan's live in argentina. live was amazing btw and the wonderful ticket:
  19. Mei

    @ gyakutai: oh, i see. @ ronlune: i missed him!/ontopic: doesnt know that crying smiley
  20. Mei

    ahh, i dont like and XD woow, is from milan! (im currently reading a book from someone who's from milan, he's called gabriele picco and the book "what falls from your eyes", do u know him? XD)
  21. Mei

    no do u like charades?
  22. Mei

    sh screw or vivid?
  23. Mei

    tea milk or soy milk? soy milk's so delicious...
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