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Posts posted by mopkins

  1. yeah, after a few listens I think it's a very good upper-middle-tier MUCC album, maybe Houyoku-tier


    overall it feels a little lackluster and some of the songs feel shorter than they should be but I legit enjoy every track and I haven't been able to say that about a MUCC album in a while~


    JAPANESE and Hallelujah are definitely the major standouts, real good songs

  2. okay, after a few more listens


    UNRAVELING: very good!  nothing about it stands out too much, but it's a really solid song with a cool atmosphere.  8/10


    KARMA: my least favorite thing on here, but the less chuggy growly parts are super nostalgic.  5/10


    KASUMI: not much different from the original, which I was already kind of lukewarm on, and I don't think kyo's new wails add anything to it.  SOMETIMES LESS IS MORE, KYO  6/10


    KARASU: a pretty neat reimagining of a song I never liked all that much!  it's still lacking punch, but it's cool enough  7/10


    BOTTOM OF THE DEATH VALLEY: not as memorable as the original, but a decent alternate take on it!  feels appropriately sludgy without falling into drone territory.  8/10


    UNKNOWN DESPAIR LOST: didn't stick with me at first, but the second time around I really started appreciating the way they ripped it apart and pieced it back together!  8/10


    THE FINAL: a pretty good version but it feels completely unnecessary??  they could've remade another song and gotten a lot more mileage out of it.  7/10


    MACABRE: I'd been hoping for a remake of this song for a REALLY LONG time, because I love the original but kyo's classic vocals are kinda hard for me to stomach anymore, and this version is better than anything I could've hoped for!  the *TRUE STAR* of the album (even though it's technically not even on the album but, you know, whatever)  10/10


    I was really hoping for a minialbum full of new stuff, but I think this release did more than enough to justify its existence  B')

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