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Everything posted by ambergris

  1. ambergris

    boring detail.
  2. poor voice and poor song. please change vocal.
  3. ambergris

    His voice sounds something like 京's voice. I love this song.
  4. ambergris

    oh my god.hope this album is not live limited. can't wait to hear their new album.
  5. ambergris

    maybe disband soon.
  6. ambergris

    awesome. hope they could release something soon.
  7. ambergris

    AWESOME. Missing memory is better then Land Escape.
  8. Oh no. I love their sample songs. Hope C.P.U. or the CODE.'s vocal could join them.
  9. ambergris

  10. good.love his voice. but I only love CELLT and 江戶川パラドクス.
  11. ambergris

    oh love it.hope he has another release.
  12. フライト sample spot: very awesome song.look forward their new single.
  13. ambergris

    not surprise.when I look their schedule,I just know they will disband. I'm happy that they will release last single. Hope Kaito has new band soon not retire.His voice is awesome.
  14. ambergris

    sounds awesome. voice like black line's vocal.
  15. ambergris

    hope their 8/22's big news is a good news not disband.
  16. ambergris

    love their sample songs. hope their single coming soon.
  17. ambergris

    I love this band too. but not surprising they disband.
  18. ambergris

    sad news. bye 茜.I'll miss you.
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