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Posts posted by MY BFF HEIDI

  1. they could either get an ex-rentrer en soi guitarist, for example, or disband.

    lol No.

    why not?

    they would be playing pretty much the same music as they did in Res since 2007,

    except Satsuki is more into lullabies and famewhoring atm.

    not to mention Takumi did some arrangement work for Seven, and it was a quarter decent album.

    I know you were just trolling, but if anything Satsuki's style isn't whats popular at the moment. People love the hard stuff nowadays. Lareine-ish tunes aren't in vogue, so I really doubt fame-whoring is his intension.

    I am RIDICULOUSLY drunk so if this doesn't make sense I'm sorry.

  2. also chariots are really undervalued. or is only me?

    It's not just you. I really liked them, too.

    They have a few bad songs (Like Ware/Ga) but plenty of good ones, too. I kinda wish they hadn't broke up, since I like them way more than Lin at the moment.

  3. also chariots are really undervalued. or is only me?

    It's not just you. I really liked them, too.

    They have a few bad songs (Like Ware/Ga) but plenty of good ones, too. I kinda wish they hadn't broke up, since I like them way more than Lin at the moment.

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