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Posts posted by MY BFF HEIDI

  1. Hahaha Wow so much ViViD hate! I'm a little surprised, but not at all bothered by it. I personally love ViViD. I think that Reno is definitely one of the most skilled guitarists I've ever listened to. His solo's combine intense speed with emotional melodies. I truly enjoy his playing. Shin's voice too is one of the reasons I really enjoy listening to ViViD. One of the reasons I listen to Jrock/ Visual Kei despite the fact that I don't understand the language very well is the voice of the singers. I like Shin's voice because he can sing softly, high and low. He even raps...decent( for a VK singer :P ). He has a very powerful voice in my opinion. The other members make a great combination too. Ryouga's solo's although not a technical as Reno's are still a pleasure to listen to and provide evidence that he's a more than capable guitarist. Ko-Ki's drumming isn't mind-blowing but he is a good drummer none the less. He can keep time :P and that's pretty much the most basic role of a drummer. He doesn't suck. IV who apparently is the composer of songs like Take-Off and Dear is a great composer in my opinion. His bass playing is really good too. Although he did very little in Across the Border, in songs like Trail of Tears, 星ノ雨 his bass playing really shines. Another reason I'm quite fond of ViViD besides their music is the band itself. The members all seem like really great people! After watching their comment videos (particularly the Across the Border special comments) it's easy to really like this band as people. They all love having fun and you can tell they put effort in what they love to do. They're so humourous and fun to watch. Versus SCREW who (despite being my first and favourite visual kei band) seem to be so unenthusiastic and bored. The fact is I really enjoy the music ViViD makes and I can't wait for this new release :D Just my opinion... not trying to push it on anyone.

    You've got spirit. I'm rooting for you, ViViD stan.

  2. It's annoying when people get all huffy about what they listen to, but the terrible way the general population reacts to those who listen to foreign music is just gross. Ethnocentrism at its best. Especially if they're a different color than you are. People sure do live calling each other wiggers and coconuts and weeabos and shit.

    Not to say blatant cultural appropriation (like the girl in your story) is something to tolerate, but they're just kids. They will usually grow out of it.

  3. Lol, instead of just highlighting what you want to use to make a point, why don't you read the rest of the sentence? I said, they don't matter to me in a POSITIVE WAY, that is, I don't use ~pretty~ visuals or ~cool~visuals to like a band, or even to check one out. They're more likely to repulse me, if that's the mood I'm in at any given time.

    Also, the thread name is relevant. The visuals in VK aren't important to me at all. If they were, I wouldn't listen to it, because they'd all look too retarded to me. Which is the point I figured I made, but I forgot to take into account that you kids can't read these days, so whatever.

    Sounds like visuals still matter to you! Sorry!

  4. I really don't care about them at all, except possibly in the sense that I've occasionally been guilty of avoiding bands that look especially retarded. I listen to VK because there's a largely prevalent sound that I enjoy. I know people like to winge on about how VK isn't a genre and all bands are special and unique, but I find that hilariously retarded. Most of them DO sound similar in the same way most nu-metal bands sound similar.

    So no, visuals don't matter to me in any kind of positive way. I'd rather they just wore jeans and t-shirts so I don't have to cringe everytime I come upon a picture of a band I like.


    Sounds like they do.

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