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Posts posted by MY BFF HEIDI

  1. I enjoy bands with well-done costumes. I love looking at the details, watching them move, how well they fit with the music, etc. I like lots of non-VK, but it always feels like somethings missing. Like cakes. Most cakes taste good, but its always better when you have a very pretty one, rather than just some slab of angel food cake or whatever..

  2. The Rudie Satan Park: over hyped bad to mediocre VK. People only like them because they're heavy and full of screams and that doesn't make it good music. The vocalist, while OK at screaming, positively rapes my ears with his singing. Please, gtfo.

    Darty Drop: LOL. Next.

    Le'veil: Le'veil is to D'espairsRay what La:Sadie's is to Dir en grey - no one would care about them if it weren't for what they became. As they are, they aren't bad but they aren't special. They're decidedly average and deserve no spot on a top 10.

    I would really like to ask why you haven't considered GULLET, tosinn, or gossip for any of those positions.

    GULLET was generic as shit. I don't understand the love for them.

    gossip was pretty terrible, too. Outside of hiro's voice, there was nothing that made them stand out.

    Well I'm just assuming certain things about his taste in music based off of what he's posted in various threads and in this one. Maybe that isn't right but it's the only way for me to ask questions and get answers. I'm throwing out some of the more popular bands of the last few years that weren't included on that list and I'm asking him why those weren't considered when compared to some of the bands on his list that I personally find unlistenable. Sure, not everyone's going to like the same things but not seeing the staple GULLET, tosinn, gossip or Heartless answers really intrigued me.

    So I decided to ask :)

    Honestly though I'm no expert on this subject. I skipped over the whole "BE ENAMORED WITH RARE KVLT INDIE BANDS" phase and jumped right to the cynicism.

    Quit being nice. I wanted a slapfight > : (

  3. The Rudie Satan Park: over hyped bad to mediocre VK. People only like them because they're heavy and full of screams and that doesn't make it good music. The vocalist, while OK at screaming, positively rapes my ears with his singing. Please, gtfo.

    Darty Drop: LOL. Next.

    Le'veil: Le'veil is to D'espairsRay what La:Sadie's is to Dir en grey - no one would care about them if it weren't for what they became. As they are, they aren't bad but they aren't special. They're decidedly average and deserve no spot on a top 10.

    I would really like to ask why you haven't considered GULLET, tosinn, or gossip for any of those positions.

    GULLET was generic as shit. I don't understand the love for them.

    gossip was pretty terrible, too. Outside of hiro's voice, there was nothing that made them stand out.

  4. Don't worry, I'm watching this thread. This might just give me the opportunity to ban some failtrolls I've been wanting to ban for quite some time. Consider yourself warned.

    And, @ precious kitty: get off your high horse. After the awful things you already said to other people in the past on previous incarnation of this forum, you should be glad we let you back in here at all, after, like your 3rd or 4rth ban. If anyone profits from our general Laissez-Faire-policy, it's you.

    Now, back on topic, or be deleted.

    Ok. Sorry.

  5. I love the "vulgar" fashion sense comment. It's almost as if Drag Queens weren't born out of gay culture or anything. Nah. I guess expecting some dumbass Russian hillbilly to know anything about the world at large is a bit unrealistic.

  6. Another post, another homophobic slur.

    Why isn't this troll banned yet?

    Homophobic? Hello kitty, ur speaking from closet?

    Not even to mention that gay fashion police hq's would burn Jasmine You alive for the explicitly vulgar style and clothing.

    (that may explain the fact he was cremated though.)


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