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Posts posted by TheBistroButcher666

  1. I definitely dislike vague metal genres like viking metal or pirate metal. It's no different than calling a band visual kei. It just doesn't describe the type of sound a band has, sure the lyrics might be about pirates but Alestorm and Running Wild sound nothing alike >:U Viking metal is just used stupidly all the time though, omg this band has a promo pic in armor MUST BE VIKINGS!!! Probably from some ignorant American or some non European fan uggghhhh....


    I know there's crazies with the Marvel and DC camps but I just don't have any interest in that stuff so fortunately I won't have to deal with those fans. It'll be the indie hipster douche bag fans that plague indie comics that will probably be what makes me want to spoon out my eyeballs.

  2. If fans influenced what I liked and didn't like, I wouldn't like anything!!

    I really don't get caught up in fan communities, I like what I like and that's that. If you're seriously that wrapped up in fan communities that fans make you dislike the thing you like, then step away from the computer and get some fresh air. Honestly I tend to dislike most fans that like the things I like because a lot of them are just so unrealistic. There's one thing about being passionate and loving what you love but when it reaches a point of obsession it's time to step away.


    I am gonna use this as an opportunity to write my opinion on fan communities but above is basically my overall thoughts on this subject.


    Visual Kei

    The fans are image centric twats that are lieing through their teeth if they say they're only into VK because of the music. It's not a big deal if you just want to fuck the pretty boys in booty shorts or you only like the fashion, that's totally fine. Yet the fans that are pretending they aren't and try to act holier than thou are the grosses kinda people imaginable (WORSE THAN HITLER). My favourite subset of VK is kotekei, I certainly don't want to bone any of the dudes but I definitely appreciate and like that style of dressing. Then the VK fans that become anti-anime are also pretty cringe worthy awful people. They're probably the fans that got into VK because they liked Ready Steady Go from Fullmetal Alchemist and now need to pretend that they're not disgusting weeaboos. This can apply to Kpop fans that start hating Japanese music, probably the same anti-anime retards that just evolved into a Kpop tard.


    Kotekei fans (VKKK)

    This is pretty much my go to favourite subset of VK but shit son, these crazy people view that whole era as some sort of serious underground gothic movement. Yet conveniently overlook the many not so heavy VK bands of that time like Fanatic Crisis or Sophia that were dominating Shoxx covers. I also like how many of them try to present themselves as experts of this era but probably didn't get into Japanese music or VK until they heard Ready Steady Go from FMA.


    Anime fans

    Not so much in relation to music but eh, it's still Japan. It's just the greasy fans that will venomously defend anime as an art form but anything else produced by a Western artist is garbage. 


    Metal fans

    They're mostly all a bunch of over compensating nerds that now think they're tough and a badass because they listen to heavy brutal angry music. Only a nerd would sit around on the Internet debating whether a band is blackened folk core or symphonic viking metal. Black metal fans are pretty laughable and can be easily compared to VKKK fans. OMG THIS BAND IS SO GOOD AND UNDERGROUND WITH THEIR ONE AWFUL DEMO TAPE!! There's a reason why this band is "underground" and only has one demo tape and it's because it fucking sucks balls.


    Comic fans

    I haven't had that many bad experiences with comic fans. I suppose since I create comics my interaction with the community is more with creators than with fans. Creators are definitely fans of comics but I think they appreciate it from a creator perspective, so you don't see as much retardness among these group of individuals. There's definitely retards but I also don't like mainstream comics like Marvel or DC, so my interaction with those communities are pretty non-existent. I know indie comics have a lot of hipster elitism that will make you want to kill yourself. Yet so far my interaction with those types have been limited. I wonder what my opinion of the comic community will be a year from now if I continue to work conventions and make books? HHRRM HHHHHRRRMMM? Also I don't read Homestuck so maybe that's why my opinion is relatively positive??? :D

  3. Apparently their bus broke down and tonight's Seattle show has been cancelled. They will be performing tomorrow night in Seattle.








    SHOW UPDATE: Due to transportation issues tonight’s Dir En Grey show at Showbox at the Market is postponing to tomorrow night, Fri. Nov. 22nd. All other show details remain the same. All tickets purchased for tonight’s show will be honored. More info & tickets HERE.

  4. I'm just going to pick and choose between my top favourite artists.


    Arkona's - Yarilo which is a huge fan favourite.

    I really just don't like their typical generic folk metal songs. Another would be Stenka na Stenku. I'm looking forward to their next album, some updates they've said they're going to try avoid doing "easy" songs like Yarilo and Stenka na Stenku, so looking forward to it. Moar Slavic tribal stuff plz


    Missalina Rei -

    I don't really like TOKIMEKI. Maybe because I never really thought Arisu was adorable or anything like that, I mean there's like one scene with him trying to be all kawaii and the wind blows his hair back and motha fuckin long ass gnarly side burns. Otherwise ehhh, I like a lot of other songs from them that aren't all Arisu being kawaii and stuff.


    Versailles - Zombie and Masquerade

    I didn't really like Zombie THAT much. It's certainly a fun song but I just didn't get the hype for it. I definitively skip it for something better in their disco.

    Masquerade suffered from a bad weak Kamijo chorus. That song starts out so good but the chorus is just so weak and really kills the mood of the song. Plz remake as a Jupiter song and rewrite chorus for their new better singer.


    Dir en grey -

    I don't like Raison Detre and didn't care much for stuff like Ain't Afraid to Die, Embryo oh yeah and THE FINAL. 


    Raphael -

    I didn't care much for Lost Graduation and another that came right around that time.


    Madeth gray'll -

    I wanna say Missantroop but I'll probably change my mind as soon as I post this. 

  5. Oh boy! I'm on the Gazette bandwagon too!


    Basically FIlth and the Beauty. I even bought Stacked Rubbish I liked the song so much but man did that album suck fucking balls.


    That's why I give Mejibray so much shit because DIE KUSSE is basically Filth and the Beauty. It's so painfully the same song and it stands out so much to me because it's basically a carbon copy of the only Gazette song I like.

  6. Maybe if people weren't being retards and instead of just listing things and y'know maybe explain why the bands they list are the ones they miss the most, this topic wouldn't suck so hard.


    For me, it's a tough one because I love all my kawaii disbandments equally but I'd definitely have to choose Aliene Ma'riage though.


    A lot of my favourites I think broke up before they turned into something awful, like I want to say Madeth gray'll but I bet if they continued they'd of just turned into some poppy group playing music that is nothing like the stuff that we all love em for. So perhaps their break up and many others is simply for the best. Ending before things got worse. (See: DELUHI and Vesailles)


    As for Aliene, their album 21st Century was going cool fucking places. I wonder what they could have become if they stayed together. It was obvious they were moving away from their earlier concept and I bet if they stuck to their guns could have become a really cool and weird group.


    ....or it could have just ended up being Nega with Kyouka as vocalist instead of that shitty guy they had.

  7. Primordial:


    Primordial I got into because I was looking for something to hold me over while I waited for the new In Solitude album. They've pretty much dominated all my music time since then!




    Arckanum, I don't even know how I stumbled upon them but basically kick ass raw black metal with some tribal chantings and other cool shit like that. This is what folk metal should be. Not gimmicky bullshit like Eluveitie and Korpiklanni. 




    Absu I got into because I was looking for bands that cover a specific theme of Satanism I am interested in and I stumbled upon Absu. I was reading about this branch of Satanism and it basically read like one big black metal slash fic and Absu was a major character that knocks up Tiamat and so on and so forth. I lawl'd and decided to listen to Absu and they're so cool :>



    BREAKING THE RULES! Okay I actually saw these guys live last year or the year before? While they kicked ass live!! I didn't really start listening to them until this summer, I was mostly looking for MOAR Immortal but not Immortal because I've listened to so much Immortal wanted something that's pretty much almost Immortal but not Immortal. OKAY OKAY! These guys stand out on their own but yeah that's why I started listening to them. Vocals are kinda silly so that's why I didn't get THAT into them, vocals sound way better live.



    I'm a long time HIZAKI and Teru fangirl so I knew I was going to like their release and omfg so good.



    OMG La'Mule is back!! It's basically La'Mule :V

  8. 333112-asus-n550jv-db72t-angle.jpg


    OH BOY!


    I recently picked up the ASUS N500JV Ultrabook.


    Here's all the dumb specs for you NERDS out there https://www.asus.com/Notebooks_Ultrabooks/N550JV/


    It's fantastic but I'm actually on the fence about returning it LOL. It's a little overkill since this is not a desktop replacement but it's also just SO SO NICE! It's also a bit heavy (like 10 fucking pounds heavy) and ideally this is supposed to be my on the go laptop. Not break my back laptop.


    It was also running fan fucking tastic out of the box but like all prebuilt PCs was full of shit ton bloatware trying to get me to buy full versions of their shit tier software (fuck you McAfree). So I grabbed a copy of Win 8.1 from the MS company store and did an upgrade installation. Which caused a ton of driver compatibility issues. So I just did a wipe and using a Linux distro destroyed any traces of Windows and did a new fresh install of Win 8.1. So far it's running better, having a few problems with some drivers but hopefully should have those sorted out shortly.


    Despite all that, it's running even better than before but still giving it a trial run. Makes me apprehensive what kinda of nonsense I'll get into a year from now when my warranty expires.


    I do like Windows 8, no seriously I really do. I also didn't think I'd care for a touch screen monitor since it seems so gimmicky but it's kinda nice, like when I'm just sitting there with it in my lap and scroll a page using my finger. Though I am super duper OCD and anal about finger prints. I still prefer just to use my mouse but when I'm forced to use the touch mouse, it's a nice alternative since I've never been a fan of touch mice.


    Performance is great though, did some tweaky around in photoshop the other night and it ran quite well. Photoshop is my only real concern since that's probably the most intensive thing I'll be running on this but I did install Steam and currently installing Skyrim to see how it handles it.

  9. Just curious... new here... has anybody thought of setting up meeting spots for the shows? I'm hoping to go to Showbox, and somebody mentioned something before about 21+ being able to get in before? Does that mean I don't have to wait with kids (no offense, I've been following DEG for ten years now) and thier parents? I know I used to camp out for like a week in advance! But it would be nice to not have to do that again  lol.

    I'm going HANG OUT WITH ME! I swear I'm not a jerk in real life!! There's going to be a lot of MH'ers! It's going to be fun :)


    But yes, 21+ can get in as soon as the bar opens. You have to buy something and you cannot leave. They distribute numbers to you and it's first come first serve. When the doors are ready to open, they let you in as groups. So if you're a number 1 you go in group 1 and get in first and then group 2 will follow and so on and so forth from there. Once the bar attendees are in, they open up the doors to the kiddies outside and that's how you do Showbox.


    Also I wouldn't stress about getting a number 1 or 2 or 3, basically you'll get a good spot regardless. It might just suck if you're a 5 and you're friend is a 2 and having to regroup once inside.

  10. If you want more mainstream magazines like Shoxx, Arena and Fool's Mate. They're all usually available on mbok or Yahoo Auctions. Just try searching Shoxx 2000 or 1998 etc and you'll get results. I've grabbed a few pre 2000s magazines that way. 


    Some auctioneers are pretty rad and will open up to the table of contents so you can see if artists you're interested in are featured.

  11. All I'm sayin dawg is that some people will out grow certain styles that are no longer flattering on them. Of course some people will age better than others, I did say that right? However those that don't, if they start toning it down and dressing more modestly I just don't hold it against them. Do you want VK to be full of a bunch of Emo Dads


    I'm strictly speaking from toning down because of age, not because you got signed to Sony and want to make a bunch of bad pop songs.


    Otherwise going back to my first point, really honestly if you want to listen to bands that uphold the whole Gothic/Punk lifestyle and subculture then just don't listen to Visual Kei. 

  12. So from what I read over in places like Scape is that there is a pretty strong divide between Visual Kei and the Goth scene in Japan. More or less due to the fickle nature of VK, ask a Goth if they're VK and they'll stick their nose up at you because to them it's a lifestyle. Not a phase or a gimmick to get signed to a label to make poppy anime songs.

    I just feel like, if you listen to VK don't be too upset if your bat shitting band suddenly decides to toss the black lipstick for host boy lip gloss. It sucks because I like the gawffy frilly over the top VK but I ain't gonna be too sad about it if they decide to go major and make awful music. Good example, DespairsRay.

    Also like in the case of Deg and other bands getting old. Sometimes you just don't age as well and a style you rocked in your 20s is going to be an awful train wreck on your now saggy wrinkled 40 year old body.

    Like this guy -> https://twitter.com/xArithmetica/status/396052296372457472

    Do you really think he can pull off his old kote kei look now?

  13. I agree that there is a difference between copying and influence.

    I just just think the problem in VK is that bands (and fans) are fickle and will change styles and direction at the drop of a hat to jump on whatever is trending.

    There's definitely big names that set the trends and style of the VK scene and it's fine when artists take influence. That's normal across any artistic medium, whether it's music, painting, movie making etc. I just think that the relatively small size of the VK scene and talentless novice musicians that don't have an identity of their own and just playing music so they can go major and make animus theme songs.

    There seems that at any given time, there's a handful of mildly talented guys that know what kind of music they want to do and they do it well and stand out and shine. But for every talented musician there's 10 or 20 fucking baddies.

    To continue my crazy ranting, an example outside of VK and Japan is Folk Metal. The genre is fairly young, as in there wasn't a defined Folk Metal genre until around the 2000s. Sure there were bands in the 90s and earlier taking on folk influences but usually they weren't called folk metal and usually identified with another genre (NWOBHM, Black Metal, Power Metal etc). Ever since it's rise in popularity thanks to groups like Finntroll, Einsferium, Turisas and so forth. There's been a shit ton of awful bands that have sprung up trying to jump on the folk metal trend.

    It's not unique to VK, there's plenty of retarded mouth breathing Folk Metal fans that are either just too dumb or in denial to acknowledge their unique unknown folk band is pretty awful and just recycling everything Finntroll has done already. Just way more mediocre.

    And so basically I feel that's what we are seeing with VK. A genre with a few decently talented groups doing what they do well and a ton of awful groups just trying to jump on whatever cool new thing the big names are doing.


    *edit for grammar* I am so bad at writing :D

  14. My UNPOPULAR opinion: Miyavi is one of the worst musicacts ever heard.

    He may be a talented guitarplayer but the guys music is awful. Whenever I've said this I've got hoards of fangirls going crazy but I just think he's one of those musicians who's gotten famous over nothing. Last year when I was at the Closet Child store in Ikebukuro and they played some live cd with Miyavi and he kept repeating "funky monkey", well, at that point I sort of realised nothing will change my mind about him being an awful songwriter ._.

    I agree, Miyavi's music has always been terrible but stupid terrible. I can listen to terrible music (see every Visual Kei band in my library) but not stupid terrible like Miyavi's music. It's also why I don't like Ensoku or Golden Bomber, except they're trying to be funny. Miyavi is actually trying to  be a taken for serious musician and I don't even...

  15. This basically. I see so many MEJIBRAY fans on tumblr go like "eww I hate the GazettE Tsuzuku is so much better than Ruki" while they're basically just listening to a band whose main vocalist is a huge GazettE fan and therefore also incorporates ideas from said band into his music (I wouldn't call MEJIBRAY plain copy-pasta on ALL their songs but I get where you're coming from) and then act like this.


    Also people who say they don't like the GazettE because of the fandom. Disliking a fandom is no reason to dislike a band.

    I mostly just like to knock MEJIBRAY to get at their hysterical fans but I agree not every song is a Gazette cover but there's plenty that are or just heavily influenced by Gazette.


    But also agree that the argument that you dislike a band because of the fans is pretty poor excuse to not like something because you want to be a unique snow flake. If I disliked a band because of the fans I wouldn't be a fan of Visual Kei then since I dislike most VK fans.

  16. My unpopular opinion:

    I don't like the GazettE.

    (or has this become a popular opinion? -haha-)

    I don't like them either but I think some people *hate* them to just try and overcompensate how true indie VK they are and just simply because they're popular.

    I mostly mean the fans that rant about how awful they are but then go listen to MEJIBRAY or some other copy pasta band and rave about how amazing and original they are.

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