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Posts posted by Prism

  1. My favourite thing here is how "western" always means "American". Hell, even Black Metal fans are more open minded than some people here.

    Trufax: Japan's music scene is not that unique. Especially their harder rock/metal one. For a country that's incredibly imaginative when it comes to just about anything, music hardly ever seems to be one of them. A lot of the music from there strikes me more as influenced rather than influential. Sigh, Boris and Mono might be exceptions, but they're the only bands that come to mind. The world is huge, folks. And the Japanese aren't some kinda master race. Try exploring a bit. Just stay out of the charts.

    And as for VK? Hah. Laughable. After all those stolen riffs/songs in their entirety I had the misfortune of having to cringe through, there's no chance in hell I will ever call it unique. Styling your hair and wearing stupid clothes in this day and age is not unique. David Bowie did that shit in the 70's.

    Herp. I'm Bob Sapp.

  2. Skapegoat would be a good song if it wasn't for the really bad transition into the chorus. If they pulled that off better it would've been decent, but it sounds terrible as it is. Their best stuff was from Surveillance up to Jagannath. Then they started sucking. LORELEI was really good though.

    Oh and for the record, they look retarded either way. But I prefer that they're distancing themselves from VK now.

  3. Er, Last Remnant is not a Final Fantasy game.


    Final Fantasy 1-9

    Silent Hill 1 & 2

    Metal Gear Solid 1-4

    God Of War 1-3

    Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2

    Red Dead Redemption

    Resident Evil 1-3

    Lost Odyssey

    Skies Of Arcadia

    Most Zelda's

    A couple of these mostly for nostalgia reasons.

  4. the GazettE - DIM


    D'espairsRay - coll:set


    9GOATS BLACK OUT - devils in bedside


    BUCK-TICK - ??????


    Dir en grey - Uroboros


    MUCC - ???? & 6


    Rentrer En Soi - The Bottom Of Chaos


    sleepy.ab - Palette & Traveling Fair


    downy - ?? (3rd)


    heaven in her arms - ?????


    Dhal - cacophony


  5. Eh, I was about 3 tracks in, thinking it was gonna be brilliant, but it did slowly deteriorate into a fairly poppy mess*. Kakusei and II-?? <- that song saved the second half. The latter of which I agree, was quite like a Ring-a Ring-o sequel or something. The album, on the whole, isn't terrible, but I always feel like they make their harder songs a lot more interesting than other bands, and since there weren't really that many on this, it sort of fell flat and they didn't groove (ohhhh yeah) with the softer songs.

    Also, only like ONE song with proper harsh vocals? Lame, NoGoD. Lame.

    *No, I'm not saying poppiness is what's bad, you picky idiots.

  6. I'm lazy so I only feel like doing two.

    Gazette. Yeah, fuck you. All of you. I love them. 2dacore. One of the first Vee-Kay bands I got into and one of the few that remains with me today, stronger than ever. DIM was a masterpiece of VK. No other band with chuuuu~kyuuto hair has come close to being as atmospherically brilliant as that album. Which is funny, because none of them are particularly *fantastic* musicians, but I'd rather listen to something as powerful as this than another lame 2-week-long Hizaki solo that isn't even any good to begin with. Regardless, they completely outdid themselves, experimented with just about everything. Listening to it last night, for the first time I noticed how masterful the SE tracks are. And that they really aren't useless on the album, at all. If they did a full album of stuff like those, albeit longer in length, you'd have something incredible on your hands. Enough to give Akira Yamaoka a run for his money... which is unbelievable.

    (don't care if they're not kawaii uguu japavk)

    Pain Of Salvation: One of the best bands ever. With one of the best vocalists ever and possibly THE most emotional vocalist I've ever heard, Mr. Daniel Gildenlöw. "Used" and "Sisters" are masterpieces of vocal performances. Everything from the structures to dynamics to random almost-scatting noises throughout. He's unbelievable. And taking into account that he does/writes basically everything they've ever done, that being some of the most high quality music I've ever had the pleasure of hearing, I have nothing but love for the man and his band.

  7. The way I see it, if you're going to get a fair following of fans for a year or two making a certain type of music, then you turn around and go "no wait guyz, we're gonna play this now lawlz" it's a bit of a kick to the crotch.

    It should be understood though that while it's, in general, good for a band to play all sorts of types of music, it doesn't at all mean that they'll be good at all of the styles they decide to try to use. Deluhi are good at making heavier music, and they aren't good at making softer music. That's... all.

    Anyway, haven't listened to this yet. Though from the preview and how it seems to sound from the posts here, I doubt I'll like any of it.

  8. Not sure. Before I got into Japanese music I was mostly listening to your usual "big" "metal" bands. Slipknot, Trivium, System Of A Down, all that crap. Because when you're 14/15, those are metal... jeez.

    I think I could possibly say... possibly... that getting into Japanese stuff is partly to thank for what I listen to now. Since I got so fucking sick of being so deep into the J-Rock/VK fandom it made me want out and to explore everywhere else as quickly as possible. Right now I pretty much will just listen to anything, though I'm mostly quite firmly in the metal camp. I still have a soft spot for some Jayyyy Rawwwwk of course, but just not nearly as much as I used to. Getting out of that restriction was the best thing I could've done.

    But in any case, had the discovery of Japanese music not broadened my horizons like I think it did, I'd probably be a fairly mainstream fellow. Which rather frightens me to think about.

  9. I remember playing Final Fantasy IX years ago and listening to System Of A Down's Question! for like... hours, while doing the Chocobo Hot & Cold sidequest. I don't even like SOAD much, but that song is still a favourite of mine. And any time I play FFIX and do the Chocobo sidequest it's always in my head.

    Nowadays though I don't really listen to music when I play games. Mostly because most games these days generally have very fitting soundtracks and a lot of voice work. I guess I'd only really put music on if it was an old RPG with no voice work, or a fighting game or Dynasty Warriors/Samurai Warriors-type game. Having said that though, I have no idea what I'd use.

  10. I prefer Anette aswell. And I honestly can't stand Tarja. Musically I thought DPP was miles better than before too, with The Poet And The Pendulum being the best song they've ever done IMO. And as much as I like him, I hope they don't focus on Marco for vocals as much as they did on DPP. I find Anette excellent on record and I hope she gets pushed further in the next album. People are always gonna go "I miss Tarja!!11!1!1!" but I hope at least some aren't as quick to judge now that she's not the newbie anymore. Fat chance, I know. Though I noticed one or two did warm up to her a bit once Escapist came about.

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