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Posts posted by Prism

  1. Fallout: New Vegas.

    Funny, the massive uproar of the game being buggy to hell and actually unplayable don't seem to be affecting me at all. Sure, I had one crash maybe 2 or 3 hours in, but since then everything's been fine. Also, FNV > F3. Amazing how a better story and proper delving into the lore can turn what basically looks like a Fallout 3 clone into what Fallout 3 really should have been. Still scared I might just get a game breaking bug at some point, but I can't put the damn thing down.

  2. ^ I loooooooooooooooove Monkey Island. One of my favourite series of all time. And I wish I could afford Mass Effect 2's DLC spent money on Dragon Age DLC instead, Lair of the Shadowbroker hnnng

    Woo. <3 I hope the talks between Ron Gilbert and Tim Schafer about joining Dave Grossman for more Monkey Island go through. T'would be momentous. And the LOTSB DLC is epic as hell. Should go for it. Screw money.

    Playing: Fallout 3. Just fucking around. At this point I'm craving New Vegas. The UK sucks, I want mine on the 19th. Or now.

  3. Wah wah wah. DIM was the greatest thing they've ever done and probably will ever do, in every single possible way. Fans (idiots) who didn't like it wanted older-styled boring ass material, now they're doing it, and they whine anyway despite how similar it is to all the shit they used to do. I hate being part of this band's fanbase.

  4. People should just stop expecting vk bands to shit out new singles every 2 months (no western rock band does that!), while at the same time having several lives a month, AND keep up a certain quality standard. Give them a break.


  5. Previously: All the (buyable) Mass Effect 2 DLC's because I was too much of an idiot to buy them before.

    Currently: Tales Of Monkey Island (On Chapter 5: Rise Of The Pirate God, about to finish. This has been just as good as Monkey Island 1, 2 and 3. Thoroughly happy the series is still going, and as funny and inventive as ever. Anyone who's never played any MI games before, I urge you to go buy them from PSN/XBLA. Assuming it's still there, you can buy the first 2 in a special edition bundle for £6 (on PSN at least). Well worth it.)

    Later....ly: Fallout New Vegas on the 22nd. For 10 years in seclusion. Breaks for food optional. Bathroom breaks not allowed, bucket will be provided.

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