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Posts posted by Prism

  1. Time is finished. Jari's already taking a couple of years building his interdimensional starship fleet. He's going to literally release the album, into space. In the hope that a developed alien race somewhere might be capable of withstanding the epic. This is of course because he had a vision that Time would end the world in 2012, the unfortunate release date Jari was too much of a personification of truth to change.

  2. Let's be honest, it's much more likely people are gonna look for info like that in here rather than there. Nothing wrong with posting that so long as it's not a new thread itself. Which it wasn't.

  3. It could do. If Jasmine You counts. Don't remember if that was 2010 or not, but it wasn't THAT long ago either.

    EDIT: Eh, August last year. Thought it was closer than that. Then again it didn't leave much of an impression on me in the first place.

  4. Shiver

    Even though I still hardly have anything positive to say about this, it has somewhat grown on me. I'm not looking forward to hearing this on their next album though.

    Hesitating Means Death

    First off, that lame ass "whoooa whooooa" thing in the chorus has been overdone by them so many times in the past it's not even funny. Ruins an otherwise very surprisingly good chorus. The heavy parts are disappointing on the grounds that they feel so empty. A bit of a stick-out riff here and there throughought those parts would've done wonders for it, but they didn't bother. Especially after the second chorus. That part could've been so much better but it falls flat. Somehow though I do still like it. As someone who generally hates that whole VK trend of having heavy verses (terribly) blend into poppy choruses, I think this pulls it off fairly well.


    Best song on the single. Could've fit pretty well into DIM. They really should do atmospheric stuff like this more often. Thing is though, as surprisingly good as Ruki sounds, I can't get Gackt out of my head. Which is annoying, frankly. I love the drum pattern in the intro though. Nothing complicated but it's a joy to listen to. Seriously hope their next single expands on this. Just with less Gackty-vocals please, Ruki. I don't want them losing any of that magic that made DIM so amazing. And this somewhat regained my hope for that.

    Don't care about numbers. I'll just say I generally liked it for the b-sides.

  5. @[D]eadStam (your name makes things go italic)

    Well, I think Silent Hill 1 and 2 are the best. With SH2 being one of the best games ever made IMO. 3 and 4 weren't quite as amazing but still great considering how 4 actually wasn't supposed to be a Silent Hill, it fit in fairly well. Homecoming isn't by Team Silent though. And there's just so much that's wrong and stuff that doesn't make sense (lol sense in Silent Hill, yeah, but it's true). A lot of it is very cliché Americanised horror aswell, as opposed to the unmatched psychological stuff the first 4 had. Shame really, because Akira Yamaoka's sounds and music are still amazing.

    Anyway, now playing Fallout 3 GOTY, now that I actually have the correct disc. Those HMV idiots. >_>

  6. eadStam_alv[e],Jul 19 2010, 10:39 AM]I m playing Silent hill: Homecoming these days (i m late i know - -)
    You're excused for being late. Since it's the worst Silent Hill ever made. :(

    I'm playing LocoRoco. :D Good god this gets quite difficult later on into it to collect everything. It replaces some parts of the general happiness and cuteness with uncontrollable fiery rage. But in a good way. Sort of.

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