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Everything posted by Prism

  1. Prism

    I <3 it with a fiery passion. COLD RUBY is still the best song from it, but ya know, the others are rather fantastic too. "COLD RUBY" - Viored
  2. Prism

    "SPEED LIFE" - Viored I've had this single on since like this morning. XD
  3. Prism

    "SPEED LIFE" - Viored
  4. Prism

    Just checked. It's out on the 18th. 20th for Europe.
  5. Prism

    "Gallows Bell" - Viored
  6. Prism

    They're awesome, but I don't like their member change... Anyway isn't MOSAIQ out soon?
  7. Prism

    Well I'm glad you like them then, they're one of my favorite bands. <3 "Gallows Bell" - Viored
  8. Prism

    I thought you didn't like screaming stuff. o_O UnsraW would be the last band I'd think you'd like. XD "Gallows Bell" - Viored
  9. Prism

    "COLD RUBY" - Viored
  10. Prism

    "SPEED LIFE" - Viored
  11. Prism

    "Gallows Bell" - Viored
  12. Prism

    "Topaz" - Ayabie
  13. Prism

    No no, they are THE best band from PSC. <3
  14. Prism

    "SE" - Ayabie
  15. Prism

    "COLD RUBY" - Viored
  16. Prism

    "AGONY" - the GazettE
  17. Prism

    "Vault ~Last Will~ (Voiceless)" - babylon
  18. Prism

    "Vault ~Last Will~" - Babylon
  19. Prism

    "Gush" - Babylon
  20. Prism

    "Teddy" - Babylon
  21. Prism

    "T-I-A-R-A" - Babylon
  22. Prism

    "Rhapsody" - Babylon
  23. Prism

    "Loveless Involve" - Babylon
  24. Prism

    "Vault ~Last Will~" - Babylon
  25. Prism

    "Rhapsody" - Babylon
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