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Everything posted by Prism

  1. Prism

    endclip is love. <3 "JUDGMENT" - Pandora
  2. Prism

    They're awesome, but I never got into Fragile. :/ "Kuroi Sabaku" - jealkb
  3. Prism

    ^ the only RED song I don't like much. :/ "killss" - jealkb
  4. Prism

    Is it that sound that's kinda like the start of an old film? XD If you get what I mean. If it's that, then yeah, it's part of the songs. (if I remember right, it's at the beginning of a couple of them.) Maybe that's why it's called The faded film...etc.
  5. Prism

    "Metronome" - jealkb
  6. Prism

    "JULIA" - jealkb
  7. Prism

    "metronome (album ver.)" - jealkb
  8. Prism

    "snatch" - jealkb
  9. Prism

    "Kuroi Sabaku" - jealkb
  10. Prism

    "limpid" - xTRiPx
  11. Prism

    *tries to think of something to say for the first bit* ...nope, I got nothing. Uh, last.fm's sometimes retarded like that. ACID have like 1,500 plays, and almost 1000 of those are mine, and only recently I've actually been on the listeners list for the first time, wtf? "[understood...I, II, III, IV] (remastered ver.)" - Garret And yeah, I need sleep too. I'm going to bed. G'night!
  12. Prism

    Bah, I prefer Sadie and Siva to Diru. But I'm cool. <3 Joking, of course. Because I'm not cool. ;__; And uh...Marvelous Maiden should have some listens. o_O "violence...sweet" - LAER Garret need to release more stuff NOW. LAER is an amazing vocalist. <3
  13. Prism

    They're really good, but they're probably one of the (I think) very very few who aren't as good as the other, more popular one. :/ "ALIVE (Screaming Birthday live)" -UnsraW
  14. Prism

    Haha, well don't pull a Lusia. They've disbanded already, and Rubbish is their only song. XD "under the skin (Screaming Birthday live)" - UnsraW
  15. Prism

    So what did you mean? XD "Outsider" - Duel Jewel
  16. Prism

    It's not better. XD And uh...what about a dizarray topic? "Fall to U" - xTRiPx
  17. Prism

    Yep, maybe my hearing's bad. XD And I love that song. <3 "IOLITE BLUE" - RED I love when it kicks in. <3
  18. Prism

    If you got it from silvery_night, then you should have the same one. :/ And I don't really wanna put them in the rare section... I don't feel like finding out about them and stuff to write up something. Which I feel obligated to do each time I upload something here. XD "endclip (berry ver.)" - RED
  19. Prism

    Yeah, the endclip mp3 on the endclip single sounds better quality than the Berry version. Which sucks, because his vocals are better in the Berry one. :/ Haha, AVERAGE THE NEW KILLER sounds like D'espa's BORN to me. <3 "endclip" - RED I'll hook you up with those, but it'll have to be in private. *wink* ...WAIT, no! Through PM... >_>
  20. Prism

    Kinda, yeah. :/ "IOLITE BLUE" - RED Forgot how awesome this is. <3
  21. Prism

    Eh, Endclip didn't sound all that bad to me... "Cold Ruby" - Viored
  22. Prism

    "Gallows bell" - Viored
  23. Prism

    "Cold Ruby" - Viored
  24. Prism

    RED are amazing. o_o endclip and IOLITE BLUE are incredible songs. <3 "imitation scars" - julius
  25. Prism

    "Mahiru no Tsuki" - CROWS <3
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