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Everything posted by Prism

  1. Prism

  2. Prism

    Yeah, that sounds better. XD "Velvet" - alice nine.
  3. Prism

    I would say I'm not obsessed, but I'd know I'd be lying. XD "Q." - alice nine.
  4. Prism

    Haha, music, PV's, Lives, DVD's, pics, Making Of's, comments, interviews. XD All in one big folder, haha. "Blue Planet" - alice nine. ...I had to.
  5. Prism

    Of course, they're my favourite band. XD If you can fit 14GB of Gazette stuff anywhere, then take it, haha. And yes, it's The Jakeatron... EDIT: And The Jakeatron must die for the above post. "GENTLE LIE" - the GazettE
  6. Prism

    Yeah, admittedly I wanna see what they pull out next. :/ And I call him The Jakeatron... at least, I'm gonna anyway... XD "BURIAL APPLICANT" - the GazettE
  7. Prism

    Gah, we're so anti-Diru, it's awesome. <3 "ART DRAWN BY VOMIT" - the GazettE
  8. Prism

    ^ got taken over by something better? "SPEED LIFE" - Viored
  9. Prism

    Haha, indies > Major. Except Gazette and Ayabie. *hugs them* And some others that don't come straight to mind. XD Actually, I just think BUCK-TICK altogether sucks. I haven't heard one song from them I enjoyed, they were all so boring. :/ "AGONY" - the GazettE
  10. Prism

    Yeah I don't blame you, the quality's pretty bad. XD And yeah, I actually only heard the BUCK-TICK one last night, and was like "...WTF is this?!" I'll be honest, it sucked. :/ If abs did it the same way, I don't think I would like it, haha. And are you like...going through loads of hardly-known indies bands right now? XD "Dress" - abingdon boys school
  11. Prism

    They've got a new single called THE MASS (I think) coming out soon. I think foshokku has the date up in his list thingy. They also have like 2 (they're either live songs or demo's). I'll upload those if you want. "Dress" - abingdon boys school Sorry to those big BUCK-TICK fans, but abs's version just kicks the original's ass.
  12. Prism

    Haha, yeah I hate when you can't find awesome looking indies bands. XD Oh, and there's a sample of Vanity on the OHP if you wanna check that out. XD
  13. Prism

    I talked to a guy on Jpopmusic a long time ago. Same guy who gave me that Suicide Lilith from BERLIN actually. And he said he has a friend who had a single of theirs or something in Japan, and because I requested it already, he PM'ed me saying he'd try to get it from his friend. But yeah, I never heard anything back, haha. On a positive note, here's the OHP: http://www.geocities.jp/velvet_nightmare_official/
  14. Prism

    Ew. Nah, I just like to back my favourite band, so ignore me. XD
  15. Prism

    Ah, I prefer Ayabie easily. Aoi's voice is just incredible. And yeah, Megamasso are really good aswell. But Ayabie dominate them, IMO.
  16. Prism

    "Cold Ruby" - Viored
  17. Prism

    "SPEED LIFE" - Viored
  18. Prism

    "Cold Ruby" - Viored
  19. Prism

    "COLD RUBY" - Viored
  20. Prism

    "Gallows bell" - Viored
  21. Prism

    Aaaaaaaah, I don't wanna. XD I'll do it later... "COLD RUBY" - Viored
  22. Prism

    It does? Haven't noticed. "Gallows bell" - Viored
  23. Prism

    "Gallows Bell" - Viored
  24. Prism

    Right now for me, meth. are owning HATED. So yeah, Lusia people better come back. XD Desperate Gain was my favourite song of HATED's though. I never noticed that similarity... "COLD RUBY" - Viored
  25. Prism

    COLD RUBY IS BEST. ENDZOR. Dude, that Lusia song is fucking awesome. They could've been kickass. :/ "SPEED LIFE" - Viored
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