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Everything posted by D.L.S

  1. D.L.S

    I just died a little.
  2. D.L.S

    Yes?? Need a new avatar?
  3. D.L.S

    Me too, but I can't ever have nice things. They either get stolen or broken.
  4. D.L.S

    I still haven't played XIII, but I am excited for this now. BTW I love XII.
  5. D.L.S

    I just really love everything about the first two. I never wanted them to end, but they do have a high replay value for me. I've played them both at least 10 times I never did get to play the third one because my friend decided to be stingy at the last second. When I do play it, I will give my thoughts.
  6. Maybe I will actually listen to them this time around.
  7. D.L.S

    Crappy school pizza.
  8. D.L.S

    I want to make a new avatar and sig, but I'm too lazy.
  9. D.L.S

    Yes. Like to read funny engrish signs?
  10. D.L.S

    That's disappointing. That first gif was awesome, but it would be cooler if it was a real cat.
  11. D.L.S

    Your "net" gets better, bigger, and more useful... now you can catch as many jellyfish as you want. I wish that I get a new pmp soon.
  12. D.L.S

    No. Like the new smilies?
  13. D.L.S

    No longer has the abs.
  14. D.L.S

    Keep. Forums?
  15. D.L.S

    Is like a totally cool awesome person and I aspire to be just like him when I grow up.
  16. D.L.S

    My cousin is going to be so disappointed. She literally worships him. o my, i hope she'll be strong enough to face it. D: I told her and she died. Thanks a lot Chianti.
  17. D.L.S

    This talk of E'm is making me sad. I am looking forward to aka's first release now though.
  18. D.L.S

    An ipod touch. I was seriously against getting another one, but I absolutely need one now.
  19. D.L.S

    I'm going to die if I can't listen to my music for much longer!!!!!!!!!
  20. D.L.S

    I thought that they were oshare already.
  21. D.L.S

    Please do. Some of them are just plain crazy. I will very disappointed and happy at the same time(if they still make awesome music).
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